Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



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  • I honestly don't know, he looks nothing like Vanilla Ice. The line's funny because, to me, it literally makes no sense. Kenny might as well have called him "Carrot Top" and garnered the same confused laughter.

    But wearing the baseball cap backwards would have made Nick look more like one of those white rappers, which Vanilla Ice was.

    Or maybe Nick just looks like Vanilla ice. I might be missing something, but I don't find relevance in a baseball cap and Vanilla ice. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • I like Jane, but I just can't stand how she's all over the place, especially when she was originally intended to be a much colder like we saw in Episode 3. I liked her being tough.

    Yes, exactly.

  • Writers happened.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I like Jane, but I just can't stand how she's all over the place, especially when she was originally intended to be a much colder like we saw in Episode 3. I liked her being tough.

  • Wait, she was originally meant to be 'colder'?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I like Jane, but I just can't stand how she's all over the place, especially when she was originally intended to be a much colder like we saw in Episode 3. I liked her being tough.

  • Yes, from what her voice actor in the Playing Dead episode mentioned some of Jane's later lines were originally colder.

    Bokor posted: »

    Wait, she was originally meant to be 'colder'?

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah. I found these by accident too. It seems like with every replay, there's new, little things to be discovered.

    I also noticed something else in S2 EP1. Right before Luke and Pete save Clementine, Clem walks by some trees that have some kind of symbols engraved on them. In the next episode, at the Ski Lodge, other trees can be seen having symbols too. I don't know what they mean, but it might have something to do with marking territories.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Holy cow! O.O I had no idea that could happen.

  • Now when I'm replaying season 2 again, I'm finding so many interesting things that I didn't know before or pay attention to.

    For example the scene at the kitchen in episode 2 when you talk to Carver

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    you can get 3 different types of dialogues

    If you choose "I'm just passing through." Clementine can try to convince him that it is safer in the north because cold slows walkers or she can ask him if he has been there and did he met someone named Christa.

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    If you choose "Where do YOU live?" you'll get these dialogues

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    These dialogues are kinda interesting because Clem thinks his camp is the camp she saw when she met Sam in episode 1. Why would she question him about Sam or what kind of tents he has then? :D

    And the last one "Been here for a year."

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    You all probably know this but it's just something I saw and I think it's very cool. :)

  • edited November 2014
    • Although she caused some characters' deaths Clementine can actually go both seasons without directly killing any humans.

    Lee has to chock the Stranger out causing Clementine not to shoot him

    Lee can tell her leave him, causing him to reanimate.

    Clementine to has look away from the fight between Kenny and Jane, causing Kenny to kill Jane.

    Clementine not choosing the [Shoot Kenny] option after the fight.

    • Interestingly Lee and Clementine have both been shoot during the season finales

    In "No Going Back" during the fight between Lee and the stranger, if the player fails one QTE while the stranger is running across the room to get his gun, he will shoot Lee near the hip area. but this does not cause a game over.

    In "No Time Left" Clementine while trying to stop Mike, Bonnie (Determinant), and Arvo from stealing from her group, will get shoot by Arvo with his rifle.

    • Humorously, during "Starved for Help" If the the player chooses to steal from the car, you will get a "Look at" option for the car's trunk. If chosen this option, Lee was say "Its locked". This causing Kenny to yell out " No shit its locked!" then telling Lee he remembers him saying he had the keys to the car.
  • When starting up "All That Remains" during the previously section, when the scene of Clem and Lee in the jewelry shop plays you can see that Lee is always handcuffed even if you didn't put the cuffs on him or didn't pick them up.

  • And after Clem shoots him and the screen goes black you can hear Lees last breathing ;__;

    When starting up "All That Remains" during the previously section, when the scene of Clem and Lee in the jewelry shop plays you can see that Lee is always handcuffed even if you didn't put the cuffs on him or didn't pick them up.

  • Not really a breath, his body is forcing air out. Happens when you die.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    And after Clem shoots him and the screen goes black you can hear Lees last breathing ;__;

  • I've replayed this scene over and over again just to use them different options. :> Shame this choice doesn't change anything at all.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Now when I'm replaying season 2 again, I'm finding so many interesting things that I didn't know before or pay attention to. For example

  • Something I've never noticed this before: (Tell me if you're supposed to see this)

    When invited into the lodge when everybody puts down their weapons, the knife Clem found is sticking out of her backpack.

  • Yup, it's probably how Walter found it.

    Something I've never noticed this before: (Tell me if you're supposed to see this) When invited into the lodge when everybody puts down their weapons, the knife Clem found is sticking out of her backpack.

  • So you noticed it?

    fallandir posted: »

    Yup, it's probably how Walter found it.

  • We should also mention Walter stole ALL the contents of Clementine's bag as her backpack is completely empty when she looks inside it later.

    Something I've never noticed this before: (Tell me if you're supposed to see this) When invited into the lodge when everybody puts down their weapons, the knife Clem found is sticking out of her backpack.

  • I did, although I was thinking she put the knife in her infinite pockets. I guess you can't fight with the plot.

    So you noticed it?

  • When you're changing Kenny's bandage in No Going Back, you have a different dialogue option depending on how you talked to Kenny in Amid the Ruins. If you looked at Kenny's eye in the tent, you get the option to say, "It looks a lot better than it did." If you didn't look at it, you get the option to say, "Are you going to be okay?"

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  • Well, to me, I think he looks like Vanilla Ice.

    Bokor posted: »

    I honestly don't know, he looks nothing like Vanilla Ice. The line's funny because, to me, it literally makes no sense. Kenny might as wel

  • Nice find. :>

    When you're changing Kenny's bandage in No Going Back, you have a different dialogue option depending on how you talked to Kenny in Amid the

  • Haha i love that video.

    I know, I saw that too, it's by Gamecarenetwork, basically the Cinemasins of videogames. But I knew that before I saw the video. Click here

  • Also, in this scene when you are applying the bandages if you press X then let go, Kenny will say: "It's okay Clem, I trust you". And then you can apply the bandages properly again. Thought it was a nice touch.

    When you're changing Kenny's bandage in No Going Back, you have a different dialogue option depending on how you talked to Kenny in Amid the

  • There is a poster in S2E1 where it was about a lost cat named "Pixel"

    Lol that was also in TWAU. I hope its an easter egg that shows up in all of Telltale's modern day set games :P

    * There is a poster in S2E1 where it was about a lost cat named "Pixel" * Here's a bonus screenshot.

  • Yeah I got that in my playthrough by accident. My iPad didn't read my finger going up like the directions said so it caused him to say that.

    Joonlar posted: »

    Also, in this scene when you are applying the bandages if you press X then let go, Kenny will say: "It's okay Clem, I trust you". And then you can apply the bandages properly again. Thought it was a nice touch.

  • Thank you.

    fallandir posted: »

    Nice find. :>

  • I have this theory that in S3 her determinant death will be she'll push herself down some stairs to abort the baby, hurt one or both of her legs and get killed by walkers when she can't escapee.

    Bokor posted: »

    Either Jane planned to do an abortion further down the line (is that even healthy? Birth control isn't safe to do on your own, and it's not

  • harrisonpinkharrisonpink Telltale Alumni

    I was wondering if anyone would ever find that :)

    Joonlar posted: »

    Also, in this scene when you are applying the bandages if you press X then let go, Kenny will say: "It's okay Clem, I trust you". And then you can apply the bandages properly again. Thought it was a nice touch.

  • I did. My mouse went glitchy and at first I thought that Kenny's words are cute, but when I failed to clean his eye for the fifth time and started to talk again, I was like "JESUS JUST SHUT UP!"

    I was wondering if anyone would ever find that

  • I have a question, how come in the beginning of No Going Back it says, "Written by Nick Breckon, Pierre Shorette, and Harrison Pink," but at the end credits, you aren't credited with writing the episode, only Breckon and Shorette are.

    I was wondering if anyone would ever find that

  • harrisonpinkharrisonpink Telltale Alumni

    "Interactive Story By" and "Written By" are two different credits.

    I have a question, how come in the beginning of No Going Back it says, "Written by Nick Breckon, Pierre Shorette, and Harrison Pink," but at the end credits, you aren't credited with writing the episode, only Breckon and Shorette are.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Pixel is Dennis Lenart's (one of the directors from TWAU) cat and she likes to chew electrical cords. She even has her own tumblr account :P

    There is a poster in S2E1 where it was about a lost cat named "Pixel" Lol that was also in TWAU. I hope its an easter egg that shows up in all of Telltale's modern day set games :P

  • Another thing I found - Clem already did the things Jane "taught" her in episode 4.

    In episode 1, she searched the pockets of the tied on the tree walker

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    and in episode 2, at the bridge, she attacked first the knee of the zombie then his head. :D

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  • Apparently, someone forgot the fact that Clem already knew these things when writing episode 4.............

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Another thing I found - Clem already did the things Jane "taught" her in episode 4. In episode 1, she searched the pockets of the tied on

  • I just realised that all of this makes Jane's role in Episode 4 unnecessary and forced. Why is she teaching Clementine everything she already knows and why did the writers forget this?

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Another thing I found - Clem already did the things Jane "taught" her in episode 4. In episode 1, she searched the pockets of the tied on

  • Yeah she kills her and when bonnie kills dee , dee acts like.... why... and then JUNKIE(the reason she will bash bonnies head in, and off course that she was SCREWING HER HUSBAND... lol)

    Dee Carvers sister?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah that was the first Hold and drag ever so I was super confused and died the first time ;'(

  • Pretty much. The only new thing Jane did teach Clementine was that she needed a better jacket to protect her from walker bites, that's it. Everything else Clem had already done before.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I just realised that all of this makes Jane's role in Episode 4 unnecessary and forced. Why is she teaching Clementine everything she already knows and why did the writers forget this?

  • So "Interactive Story By" is for who writes the plot and "Written By" is for who writes the dialogue?

    "Interactive Story By" and "Written By" are two different credits.

  • If you try to appeal with Rebecca in All that remains, she will be extremely harsh and say ''If it was up to her you would be dead already.''

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