November,the month of dissapointment
Wow.Both COD AW and AC Unity are dissapointing.I never thought that AW was going to be good,but i had high hopes for Unity.I hope Pokemon ORAS changes my mind tonight.
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Wow.Both COD AW and AC Unity are dissapointing.I never thought that AW was going to be good,but i had high hopes for Unity.I hope Pokemon ORAS changes my mind tonight.
November, the month of good games people won't stop hating for stupid reasons. Seriously, people are just complaining to complain.
November: The month of disappointing and broken games.
I lost interest in ORAS after I got the demo for it. But Smash Wii U came out so I'd consider this month a win (keep in mind I haven't actually played it, I just know it's that good.)
What good games do you speak of?
These games...Advanced Warfare, Assassin's Creed Unity, Farcry 4, Dragon Age Inquisition.
All of those games I have heard mostly hate from people. We are so spoiled we won't take a damn good game without complaining for one thing or another, related or not.
I mean Advanced Warfare and Assassin's creed I completely understand. Same thing every year blah blah.
Farcry 4 looks just like (and feels?) Farcry 3, and I can't complain about Dragon Age because I've never played it.
Smash 4 was pretty much the only good game that came out this November, everything else was "meh".
Stupid reasons? Assassin's Creed is technical trash, TMMC multiplayer has been broken since launch (not to mention the horrid framerate), players on GTA were unable to transfer their characters to the new versions of the game and still are having problems with Online. Now to think of it, this whole year has been nothing but utter trash and unfinished games that devs should feel ashamed of themselves by. But I guess people always like to bend over for these companies whether even when they give you absolute garbage, guess people like settling for less I suppose.
Advanced Warfare is another COD game. The thing is they tried something new...Something of which everyone was complaining they should do. Once they do it guess what they get? Hate. People calling it like every other game and like TitanFall.
Assassin's Creed Unity is an awesome game. It has a few glitches and I have a few personal dislikes myself but it's a great game. People are jumping on Ubisoft's ass after things like Watch Dogs. Now people will point out the smallest flaws and abuse them for it...Childish is what that is.
Farcry 4 is an entirely different game than 3. People are jumping on it for reused mechanics and no graphics change. It's again stupid to do so, it worked well and the game works fine.
I still can't get DAI till Christmas so I can't have any definite opinion on since I've stayed away from spoilers for the most part.
I don't even like Smash but I can agree it's a good game and franchise that i'm glad others enjoy.
ACU is great but...Look at my messages to Creeping since I don't want to repeat myself.
I guess people like complaining about good games because it wasn't exactly like they expected. It's bullshit, people will hate on these companies and then hate on the games because they are hating on the companies. The only game I agree with should be getting a little hate is GTA V.
COD tried something new but that doesn't make it good. AC U looks like a recycled AC game as always. I can enjoy FC4 but the reused mechanics can get boring sometimes
Other than that Smash 4 with friends is probably the most fun I've had in a game.
COD tried something new, it turned out better than the last and most of the earlier games. AW is a good game...People just like to hate it because it's COD.
Unity is great...There are new mechanics, story, CO-OP, a new world to explore and learn history from. People hate it because of Watch Dogs...Someone on these Forums has already told me this is a reason for them. It isn't recycled, it's always new and refreshing.
FC4....Pay attention to the story then, if mechanics and graphics is all that matters to you then a shooter with only multiplayer based gameplay is better for you. (Not you specifically, more addressing whoever it is towards.)
I don't like Smash but again, glad you do...
Gameplay is my top priority, FC4 is fine AW is disappointing but not bad.
All I see out of developers now is recycled games, Ubisoft and COD devs are a one trick pony, its one thing to make a few sequels but around ten per franchise is enough there is little to improve on.
This is actually one of the few reasons why I'm scared of next gen gaming.
I'm so hyped for it.
At least we know there will be one great game most people can agree on.
and then telltale will come in and save the day with borderlands
Story and enjoyment is mine.
I don't care about recycled mechanics as long as it's got a good story and it's enjoyable. All four of the originals have that and Smash has enjoyment. In my opinion, all these games this month has been a success.
Maybe the online play, everything else is okay.
Yeah, the online is bad...A lot of broken promises.
I enjoyed GTA V single player...After a while I didn't and most likely won't be getting it for next gen.
The only time I played online is when it was hacked, everybody got tons of money and me and my friends would goof around in a real sandbox. Without that, the game is repetitive grind.
I remember when I got hacked money, it was fun...Anything other than that is boring.
AC Unity was amazing, what are you talking about?!
Also, lets hope Telltale can release Borderlands this month to add to the list of great games everyone can agree on.
Finally someone who agrees!
It had the best story of any AC if you ask me...
AC 2 still beat it since there was no modern day missions, ACU is my second favorite though.
So far this whole year's been a fiasco. There was Sims 4, because fucking EA. Watch Dogs, which I won't bother with any time soon. My friends are telling me that Advanced Warfare is good, so I'll give it ago when the price drops. I'll do the same for Unity, preferably on the Xbox One. Might pick up Rogue today. Alien Isolation seems good though. Oh, and WWE 2K15. You dun fucked it AGAIN, 2K.
Overall, I'm a bit skeptical with games lately.
Fry Cry is pretty awesome!
I'm cool with Far Cry 4 looking like Far Cry 3. It's freaking gorgeous. I haven't played it yet, but I can guarantee you that it doesn't feel like Far Cry 3 though. It's a whole new experience.
Okay maybe I'm glorifying it but I can't help fanboying over how awesome the Far Cry series is.
Nah you're not. The game looks better than before but the style is still close to FC3's style. I'm playing on 7th gen, so they look similarly close for me.
You think all the other games that suck and are the same thing over and over are good, but you think GTA isn't?
I don't know if this counts, but this game is pretty solid and I'm having fun this November.
What you can't handle opinions?
Read my comment and then decide what I mean.
Yes, two great games I can't wait forward to.
People will somehow complain about those two too, sadly.
Lego games are pretty fun.
I've never been into Assassins Creed or Call of Duty. I'm waiting for next year, when the likes of Uncharted 4 and The Order 1886 are out.
Yep. Gamers would have to be some of the biggest bunch of complainers. They demand this and that. Not me. I just play the games that interest me, and forget the rest.
If you read anything from when I try and defend these games, people say "I'm sucking the companies dicks."
Good that you are a good gamer like me.
I don't know I thought this month was great actually. Both Assassins creed unity and dragon age is awesome and I'm hearing nothing but good things about Advanced warfare which is a shocker considering the last few COD's kinda stunk IMO
November isn't all bad...
I would never complain about Uncharted,im a fanboy of it
The other day i was trying to like it,but then i got stuck behind a tree -_-
Uncharted is a really awesome game series.