Fables: The Wolf Among Us #2 new info!
The murder mystery deepens as Bigby and Snow get dressed down by acting Mayor Ichabod Crane, a fairytale princess gets dressed up in furs, and the Magic Mirror gets addressed in rhyme. Bigby has the beginnings of a theory, as well as a suspect…but both could turn out to be full of holes by the end of this thrilling issue!
Honestly, I can't wait!
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... Wait. What is that?! I missed something, there.
It's a comic made from TWAU's story, it's the same thing except on paper. This is issue 2
What happened to issue one? It hasnt come out yet has it?
It was supposed to be released in December, but it was pushed back to January.
Judging from the descriptions, Issue 1 will cover the plot up to the point where Bigby and Snow find Faith's head, and Issue 2 will end with the discovery of Lawrence's body. Looks like Vertigo will split each episode into 4-5 issues each.
So when they said at the end of TWAU that the story would continue in the comics, did they mean like Fables or this comic? (Also, thank you for your answer.)
They meant FABLES. This comic is just a spinoff from the main comic series that is telling the story seen in the game.
But this has FABLES in its name. Maybe they'll actually continue TWAU's story.
It's just a spinoff from the main series telling the story in the game. I highly doubt it will continue TWAU's story
Sheesh, I thought there's new season 2 info.
Or is there?
Official series cover
Does this mean there will be "canon" decisions regarding TWAU Season 1? For example, I wonder if Tweedle Dee survive the comic or not.
Well I plan on reading the entire comic and then replaying TWAU with the choices shown in the comic, so yeah the comic is the REAL canon to the main Fables series.
Well, that's the problem - because the game (and every possible choice in it) IS canon (Willingham said so himself, the writers of this comic too), but... this comic is also canon (also according to its writers). It's really hard to tell what they mean by that.
In one interview, they were asked if they would use Willingham's choices (as he DID play the entire game) as the basis for the comic. They said that they thought about this, but they didn't go with it because Willingham was always choosing the most violent option possible (that's funny BTW
I didn't say I was looking at a toad in a sweater, but Comics!Bigby said it. Therefore, paradox. Please excuse me while the world is crumbling.
The writers of the comic will use Bigby's logic.
Toad is breaking the law by being an unglamoured toad in a sweater. And if you had several playthroughs the "I'm looking at a 3 foot toad" choice makes the most sense with how Bigby ends it. Bigby's most logical line from the choices given at the start is: "I'm looking at a three foot toad, in a sweater. That's a problem...If you can't afford to look human you're going to The Farm, it's as simple as that". I italicized the part that repeats no matter what you choose, as you already know.
they are using the lines that would suit comic bigby the most
so what is happening with this? since this is a part of the comic series now are the decisions made in the comic the real canon decisions to the original series?
Apparently ALL of the decisions that you can make in the game are ALL classed as canon, the comic will use choices that suit Bigby's personality from the main Fables series... I personally will take all the decisions from this comic as canon and then replay TWAU game with those choices...
Well, i am PSYCHED about the new comic in the series. Meaning, por favor, new episode of The Wolf Among Us!
Issue #1 will premiere in print on 14th January 2014, but it is split into chapters which will be published digitaly once a week. Chapter 1 is already availabe, chapter 2 will be released next week.
Issue #1 variant cover: