Thanksgiving or Thanks for nothing?

in General Chat
Thoughts feelings on 2014 Thanksgiving? .
I'm sure that everyone has their own opinion on this, and i was curious how people felt about this Thanksgiving coming up. How do you feel about thanksgiving as a holiday, is it something that you look forward to, why or why not. I don't mean to be too personal so keep that in mind. I'm just trying to get a general feel of peoples moods this Thanksgiving.
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Yes it's going to be great, can't wait to see my family =]
I like Thanksgiving for a break from school and good food. I have a lot to be thankful and at the same time I have a lot to not be thankful for. Thats as far as this holiday goes for me.
I like the break but hate Thanksgiving...I'm always forced into eating the shit food my family makes.
Family, Food, Football. Doesn't get much better than that.
I don't think Thanksgiving should be a holiday anymore, and I have a feeling it won't be in the next 50-80 years. You just get together with the people you love (or hate) and eat a bunch of food. You can do that literally any day of the week.
And why do we need one specific day to be thankful? Look at how happy and grateful this kid is:
People should be more like this kid.
Thanks for Jurassic World trailer giving
I enjoy Thanksgiving. It's a nice time to hang out with your friends and family. This is kind of unrelated, but my aunt used to host Thanksgivings that would be for her friends that didn't have or weren't wanted by their family. She was so awesome and nice.
I'm unfortunate enough to work on Thanksgiving this year.
At least I will probably have access to some pie later on..
I never really knew what was Thanksgiving all about. I don't have it in my country.
It's kind of a bullshit holiday like Columbus Day.
Nothing like celebrating us stealing the land from the Native Americans.
(Seriously though I have some Native ancestry)
Personally, I love it! It's literally one of the best holidays apart from Christmas. Though, I can see why it's an inconvenient holiday for others who don't enjoy spending time with their families (for whatever reason) or the ones who don't have time to spend with their families in general.
Same here not alot but I do have some.
I have very little and from a small tribe near Indiana state.
I never liked Thanksgiving. Still don't. Every year we have to go visit relatives and eat with them, and of course the entire extended family comes too, so I end up sitting with a bunch of people I've never met before who want to know all about me when all I want to do is just sit in my own corner or go home.
I hate thanksgiving, but I love the break though.
Thanksgiving. No matter what happens there is always something you should be thankful.
I don't mind, it comes with a school break, that's always a plus for me.
You know i am Italian right? Why is Columbus day bullshit, without Christopher Columbus, America wouldn't exist.
I live in the UK so have never celebrated any thanksgiving day. It seems a bit silly to me, especially what the holiday apparently originates from.
I personally despise it myself for personal reasons. I'm old now, and i just don't feel like pretending anymore. They don't want me there, i don't want to be somewhere i am not wanted there, so why go. They only invite because of a obligation.
Does anyone actually celebrate Columbus day? I'm not saying whether someone should or shouldn't, just seems like no one does.
I feel like Thanksgiving is totally separate anyway. I don't view it as some sort of historical tribute.
You know Columbus Day is Thanksgiving in Canada, right?
Interesting. I did not know that.
Its hard to celebrate someone who "discovered" a place where people were already inhabiting.
Thanksgiving is always a reminder how fragile and disfunctional my family was/is. I use to spend it with a friend and his family. They were not like TV families but at least they were cordial with each other and when I'd eat there. I just like the slate of football played during the day but I don't have much sentiment for it.
I barely know anything about Thanksgiving since we don't celebrate it here.
Yeah man, i celebrate Columbus day every Year. Us Italians make a big deal out of Columbus Day. We make tons of food, have parades, its like the Italian fourth of July.
Our Thanksgivings used to be a big family affair, and it was fun because the whole family would come to town to eat at our house for Thanksgiving, and they'd talk to each other at the table. That changed after my dad and grandparents passed away. My sister still tries to keep the tradition going now that she has a son, so my mom and I and her boyfriend's parents (and sometimes his brother and his girlfriend and her kids) come over to her house, but they're all about watching the NFL game rather than talking with the family. So, I don't really like Thanksgiving as much anymore. It's just not the same feeling when everyone just eats quickly and then rushes to huddle around the TV.
Native Americans probably killed each other more than we killed by accidentally bring diseases here. It was pretty much only a select number of aristocrats and wealthy landowners who persecuted natives. Otherwise, they (meaning Europeans) remained peaceful.
Some Native tribes killed Europeans for accidentally bringing diseases there, even though we had no way of knowing that it would spread.
Are you kidding me?
WOW its not me that said the offensive comment this time.
I'm impressed.
You don't ALWAYS say the offensive things.
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