Fables 149



  • That's it! If the series ends with Bigby and Snow separated or even hating each other then I will hunt Willingham down myself and force him to write another ending!!!! This cover doesn't necessarily mean that Bigby is willingly kissing Rose, she might be controlling him somehow; but Snow will be devastated to say the least...

  • You know...I am really worried on how Fables is going to end. If it ends like the chaotic and rushed battle scene like Jack of Fables, I am going to be very disappointed in Willingham.

  • It's what Willingham wants though, he wants us to assume everything will turn out bad in order to keep us immersed... I'm sure there will be a happliy ever after for BigbyxSnow and the others but the journey to that point will be harsh and filled with sadness!

    You know...I am really worried on how Fables is going to end. If it ends like the chaotic and rushed battle scene like Jack of Fables, I am going to be very disappointed in Willingham.

  • 0_0 WLLINGHAM!!!

  • At least Bigby looks fully recovered from his "death".

  • That's not the point! Now Snow will hate him and they'll both be alone...

    werewolf7 posted: »

    At least Bigby looks fully recovered from his "death".

  • Snow turned cold when she learned that Charming is cheating on her with Rose Red.

    Now imagine what she will do if she finds Bigby and Rose Red together....

    werewolf7 posted: »

    At least Bigby looks fully recovered from his "death".

  • This scene - if it's true - is so OOC for Bigby, but I'm hoping that this is supposed to confuse us and it won't happen in reality (maybe some sort of dream sequence). However, I'm really afraid that the story will end up with Bigby cheating on Snow, Snow and Rose kill each other and Bigby ends up on a self-imposed exile.

    I swear, if Willingham will go with the 'Bigby-recovers-but-suffers-from-amnesia' bullshit and ends up cheating on Snow (again, that's too OOC, given his backstory)... It's too late for me to say 'I'm dumping this series', but I can go back to Fables #75 and pretend that it was the end.

  • I also sometimes like to pretend that everything after War and Pieces is uncanon. I mean, everything up to the end of the war was awesome.

    AlgieBlack posted: »

    This scene - if it's true - is so OOC for Bigby, but I'm hoping that this is supposed to confuse us and it won't happen in reality (maybe so

  • Based on what Rose Red says when she puts on Bigbys ring I think she is controlling him

  • Remember in Werewolves of the Heartlands; Oda tries very hard to seduce Bigby and while he does admit that he would want to sleep with her, his marriage to Snow makes him off-limits. Now Rose can only seduce Bigby by using magic, cuz I seriously doubt that he would willingly sleep with her...

    AlgieBlack posted: »

    This scene - if it's true - is so OOC for Bigby, but I'm hoping that this is supposed to confuse us and it won't happen in reality (maybe so

  • She will kill Rose to be sure and hurt Bigby as well.

    Snow turned cold when she learned that Charming is cheating on her with Rose Red. Now imagine what she will do if she finds Bigby and Rose Red together....

  • What the fucking hell?!

  • Yeah... Hopefully in the issue it's a dream or a vision; or maybe it won't happen at all!

    What the fucking hell?!

  • fucking wot willingham....

  • I don't see no ring on either hand... This might all be a farce to get us riled up, but if it does happen in the issue. Well let's just say that Willingham had better find SOME way to get Bigby and Snow back together!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Based on what Rose Red says when she puts on Bigbys ring I think she is controlling him

  • Alt text

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    fucking wot willingham....

  • R.I.P Snow's romance, again...

  • Dude, don't give up hope yet...

    lin3756 posted: »

    R.I.P Snow's romance, again...




  • Basically my reaction. My theory is that it's another cover that misleads us horribly. Like, we think we are going to dive in and see them having sex, but really it's a sort of metaphor of what is really going on. It could be representing Rose's newfound control over Bigby. Or, she could be doing it the same as she did with Charming. I'm hoping this isn't something Bigby exactly wants to do, though you never know, he seems to have changed in some way. Very interesting.

  • :O Maybe Rose does it on purpose, because she realized that she was the one who had to die, so in order to get Snow to actually kill her she sleeps with Bigby?

    Have I figured something astronomical out? I hope so >.>

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    She will kill Rose to be sure and hurt Bigby as well.

  • edited November 2014

    I think she has other reasons, Rose always felt she had to have all that her sister has, she took Charming from her and now she'll try to take Bigby.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    :O Maybe Rose does it on purpose, because she realized that she was the one who had to die, so in order to get Snow to actually kill her she sleeps with Bigby? Have I figured something astronomical out? I hope so >.>

  • I hope this is a joke!

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah, on one hand, it feels like as if (Mr.) Willingham is messing with our heads with that cover, but on the other hand, I cannot completely dismiss it because of that cover of Brandish and Snow kissing (they did kiss in fact in the comic, although it wasn't consensual).

    Maybe Rose tries to have sex with Bigby while he's unconscious / under her control (geez, even that thought seems horrifying), but Bigby breaks free before any act is done? (characters in this arc seem to be at continuously at tug-of-war for control of Bigby, and while this is unpleasant, with the description of the issue I wouldn't put it past Rose to do something like this)

    But if it is consensual sex, I will be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Basically my reaction. My theory is that it's another cover that misleads us horribly. Like, we think we are going to dive in and see them h

  • edited November 2014

    The part of messing with our heads i totally agree because we have just read the 146 issue and now we see this cover... The fact is that we don't know a lot (or at least i didn't find it) about the issues - and covers - in between. A lot can or not happen.... Let's hope that this is NOT one that happens in the story.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Yeah, on one hand, it feels like as if (Mr.) Willingham is messing with our heads with that cover, but on the other hand, I cannot completel

  • edited November 2014

    Zis is unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • This. This is my reaction. I actually yelled, "Nooooooooo".

    I really need to stop looking at the previews for the next volumes. I don't think I can make it till March...

  • Rose is always stealing Snow lovers, so expected that this would happen i tought it wouldn't but it did and i expected.

  • You expected this to happen? But Bigby would never willingly be intimate with Rose so... how did you expect this?

    papai46 posted: »

    Rose is always stealing Snow lovers, so expected that this would happen i tought it wouldn't but it did and i expected.

  • I know, but i always tought something would happen to Bigby when he returned to normal.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You expected this to happen? But Bigby would never willingly be intimate with Rose so... how did you expect this?

  • Oooooh sorry! I thought u meant that something like this would happen way back after issue 50!

    papai46 posted: »

    I know, but i always tought something would happen to Bigby when he returned to normal.

  • Funny how people forget that Brandish is still unpunished out there.

  • edited November 2014

    Didn't he turn himself in for trial, kind of like droopy face from TWAU?

    werewolf7 posted: »

    Funny how people forget that Brandish is still unpunished out there.

  • Well I don't think they have forgotten. Neither have I. It's just that with #146 still so fresh in people's minds (since Brandish wasn't in #146), and new cover of #149 just being revealed (along with description), it's bound to generate some sort of emotional response. (anyway, Isn't the original topic basically about discussing the cover of #149?)

    Few weeks ago I made posts stating Bigby should face Brandish next....Though with Rose now in the picture, I guess how the events unfold can change now. Maybe Rose finds out about Weyland's death and orders Bigby to beat/kill Brandish?

    I don't think Brandish will lose his Trial by Combat against Lancelot (I can only imagine Charming, Snow, and possibly Cinderella being able to be his match in sword duels, and noone else), and since Rose took the ring from Spratt, we can now assume she no longer has intentions to kill Bigby (but rather use/manipulate him for her own purposes).

    werewolf7 posted: »

    Funny how people forget that Brandish is still unpunished out there.

  • And i thought that Weyland's first death was a shock.... Man, I mean we all saw that coming knowing that Brandish is a scum. But the thing that bothers me is that, Rose doesn't know about his death and she cleared stated that she wants to use Bigby to kill someone. Now, the thing is.... Who?
    Do we all think that Rose is capable to use Bigby against Snow? I mean, Snow and Roses' relationship wasn't always - specially now - the best, but this would be a new low. And the reveal of this cover now only proves that - even if the "make-out session" doesn't happen - maybe Rose is thinking about doing something messed up.


    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well I don't think they have forgotten. Neither have I. It's just that with #146 still so fresh in people's minds (since Brandish wasn't i

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