If your package has shipped, you should be able to find your Tracking Number in your Receipts Section of your profile. You can access this by clicking your profile picture at the top right, and click Receipts from the drop down menu.
If your package has shipped, you should be able to find your Tracking Number in your Receipts Section of your profile. You can access this by clicking your profile picture at the top right, and click Receipts from the drop down menu.
well i live in australia and i got no tracking no i ask why did i not get any they said It was sent via First Class Mail which does not provide tracking no it usps arnt they always use tracking numbers
When i ordered mine i didn't get a tracking number, all it said was "USPS First Class International".
I don't know if it's different for international orders or if that needs to be look into but my discs did arrive after about 10 days.
Can somebody help me has anyone had this problem come up status shipment burned???
Shipping Info
Shipment #1 – USPS First Class International
Status: Burned
that what i saw when i looked at my receipt
i paid them then this what i see???
"Burned" means that they are burning or have burnt the data onto a disc ready for shipping, one that is complete it should change to "Shipped".
It has changed thanks but they did not give me a tracking no
If your package has shipped, you should be able to find your Tracking Number in your Receipts Section of your profile. You can access this by clicking your profile picture at the top right, and click Receipts from the drop down menu.
When i ordered mine i didn't get a tracking number, all it said was "USPS First Class International".
I don't know if it's different for international orders or if that needs to be look into but my discs did arrive after about 10 days.
well i live in australia and i got no tracking no i ask why did i not get any they said It was sent via First Class Mail which does not provide tracking no it usps arnt they always use tracking numbers