Update on Ferguson Verdict:
Darren Wilson will not be indicted for the murder of Mike Brown. Now that's telling the world and Americans that white cops can go around killing colored people freely!
CNN just said it today.
I just hope they remain calm and go back to their homes, and just remember the good times they shared with Mike Brown.
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"It's a shame people have to resort to violence." Are you talking about the protestors, or these guys?
Try telling that to the police force which spent $25,000 on teargas grenades, smoke canisters, and sting grenades, $18,000 on beanbag rounds and pepper bullets, and $77,500 on riot gear, plus 2000 plastic handcuffs; all while the high school had to share cap and gowns for graduation because there wasn't enough money.
Try telling that to the police officer who pointed his rifle at peaceful protestors yelling "I'll fucking kill you get back."
Unless things have changed since I saw the news yesterday, there has been little violence on the part of the protestors.
America is turning into a police state, just look at how Occupy Wall Street was treated (agree with them or not), not to mention local police departments around the country are being sold surplus military equipment by the Department of Defense all in the guise of the 'War on Terror.'
If anyone should be held accountable its garbage trash like Al Sharpton. He is a divider, he doesn't help the situation he just makes it worse. It was mishandled by the politicians, no one knows what to do.
Again thank you people who voted for Obama,. eight years of this.
Personally i think everyone at Ferguson should just remember the love that Rocky had for
no easy way OUT
Just about everyone who actually lives in or near Ferguson would like it to stop already. The businesses certainly would, as they've had to board up in advance just in case, which isn't great for holiday sales. When you see protest groups for the upcoming decision, just know that they will consist almost entirely of people who do not live in the area and have come looking for trouble.
Its a shame. We as human possess the endless ability to be human. But sometimes we over look what being human is. We just want what pleases us. We don't want what's best for other or what's best in general. We are now afraid of progress, because progress means letting go of what we used to know. We need to reject our thoughts that we are better. Our thoughts that our deeds and actions out weigh others. We can't live like this, in fear of our neighbors. Hating someone because of their skin color. We need to learn compassion, respect, cooperation. We need to learn to live. We need to work, its not going to be easy and its not going to happen over night. Its going to be a long hard battle. But, many people are ready for change. One person can affect the outcome of the many. One person can change the world, one random act of kindness at a time.
That is still going on?
People need to get over it, even the whole Zimmerman case didn't call this much attention.
People call it racist when a white cop shoots a black kid, but not racist at a black cop shooting a white kid. These riots are pointless because they're gonna have no effect on the actual ruling, and no matter what choice happens, Ferguson gets screwed over.
People are stuck in the past and you want to know the reason?
Because of shit like this, it isn't racist...People just want shit to complain about or an excuse to do whatever they want. We don't know what happened and we never will but the thing is that these riots are just ruining their economy and fucking all of Ferguson. I watched a video on this woman Jane Elliot, she was racist against white people and said all white people are racist. She herself is white and no one said a thing, when I pointed it out in class everyone told me to shut up. If it was a black woman saying all black people are racist then people would have freaked the fuck out.
We got to learn from the past and these people keep wanting to bring it back...This is a great example of "If you don't understand the past then you're doomed to repeat it but 10x."
And what if there was no cops? What if it was total anarchy? No laws, no courts, no government, nothing. I'd prefer a civil police state over anarchy anyday.
And I ask this: why are the cops there in the first place, because violence and they only way to fight violence is violence. Stores looted, people hurt, the news only tells us what we want to hear, not actually what is happening. I'm sure some of Mike Brown's family is appalled at the rioters.
His mother wanted this and had a call for action for it on TV.
I said some. I'm certain a bunch of them are pissed.
They could be or they could be supporting it, not like we will ever know.
You do realize there are other options? You don't have to choose between police sending in tanks and no police at all? I'm not saying no cops, I'm saying cops don't need to go straight to SWAT for somebody selling weed. That's not much of an exaggeration, watch the video below.
And I'm not even necessarily saying if things get really bad there can't be major intervention - during the Rodney King riots they called in the National Guard. But that's the point - it was the National Guard, called in during a particularly disorderly and violent event, not the local police. And this is nowhere near the Rodney King riots.
Tell me how you know what Mike Brown wants? That he would be disappointed in his community and doesn't want war? If I was murdered, I would love for people to fight and go to war in my name and for me, that would be fucking awesome. Better than dying and then being forgotten.
Fuck a police state. I think I would thrive in anarchy.
You do?
Your comment made my day. Thank you.
There has been a lot of scenarios where young black men are killed by cops. If you not pass for black or latina, you really don't worry about it. But so many incidents of this occurring is going to make people scared and feel like its acceptable for police to kill young black men. So no, its not something to just forget.
Darren Wilson got away with murder! Watch CNN
No one is rioting... Jesus. Get off the narrative.
nobody's rioting right?
Take a look at this...
Ferguson riots
You call this rioting?? From this video clip I don't see it. The property seems to be intact. I see an argument, people screaming but no rioting. We may have different views on what a riot looks like.
Okay... just turned on CNN and see a burning car. But there is no full out riot.
Damn.....fuck......this is not the way.
If Michel Brown is innocent, which the verdict says he wasn't, then why would you want to do this? What kind of people do they think they are? Do you think Mike would want this? You think ANYBODY would want to be remembered like that? If Michael Brown (or however you spell his first name, there's a million ways) was innocent, shame on anybody looting and lighting fires. It's a slap in the face.
If Michael Brown was guilty, then they have become the person they defend.
Remembered like what?
There was a Grand Jury. There was a ballistic report. More evidence will be open to the public soon, which I assume the Jury had access to before they made a verdict.
There was no evidence of racism. It was played up the moment the whole incident appeared on our screens. I honestly knew Daren was innocent; the evidence that was there pointed to his innocence, and the Jury saw that evidence and came to the conclusion. It couldn't be any fairer. Now we have people rioting, looting, burning, all because it didn't turn out the way they wanted it. If it weren't so violent, I'd call that childish.
IDK maybe Mike was guilty and the people don't want to believe it, so they take justice in their own hands.
Wall greens in Ferguson now put on fire and people looting it. They also burnt police car and wal-mart
Click here
I'm angry at the people. They can believe what they want... but this is not the way to get respect. It's a way to get people to hate you.
Remembered as the person they set fires, looted stores, and caused destruction for.
Destroying people's work places. Wouldn't be surprised if businesses moved out. Poverty rate will rise. They are hurting themselves.
Now I'm starting to agree with the courts decision because, the rioters are doing nothing, but proving their decision. Decent American is getting tired of uncivilized America destroying and hurting innocent bystanders.
Looks like Black Friday started early for Ferguson, and I'm pretty sure there will be no Christmas. They better control themselves or decent America won't be willing to help them.
Shots fired in Ferguson. At least, one reporter was freaking out over it.
I would love if people did that if I was killed.
the white privileged cis male prevails once more, as well as the American justice system proves it's stupidity for the millionth time.
yes, you're right. white privilege did play a role in the verdict.
glad to see the burning shops,,,the police are out of control,, police have killed more citizens than 10 years of war with iraq in the same time frame,,, it's from our worthless president obama,no justice for any of our country with this anti constitution bastard obama
I don't see where the jury went wrong. The law authorizes the use of deadly force in certain instances. Why is everyone rioting? What are they, children? Can they not get over themselves?
it's not just this case,, it's the out of control police across the country it's the over 5,000 that were killed in ten years, womens faces turned into silly puddy,it's someone killed while in a wheel chair, the beatings are horrific nation wide,, yhe you tube videos show police are out of control