If you spared the Crooked Man.......

I'm just curious do you think the Crooked Man would return in season 2 at all?

i think not but i remember one of the big YOU Should kill him arguments was that like all imprisoned supervillains ( yes he fits the credentials for the tittle) he would comeback.

So im just wondering is there anyone out there how thinks he will even show up and if so how?


  • Doubt it because a lot of people killed him, The most we could see for the people who left him alive would be a cameo or someone mentioning him rotting in that Bird Cage....

  • I doubt he would make a major appearance. Maybe a small cameo if you spared him but that's it.

  • yeah probs i hope you're right about the mention

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Doubt it because a lot of people killed him, The most we could see for the people who left him alive would be a cameo or someone mentioning him rotting in that Bird Cage....

  • Yeah i hope so

    i just had a horrible though........... what if they just randomly mention he died making sparing him pointless....... man i hope telltale dosent do that

    I doubt he would make a major appearance. Maybe a small cameo if you spared him but that's it.

  • I wouldn't put it past Telltale but at the same idea it would be really stupid for them to do that. If he makes a cameo, it should be if we have to get some help from Greenleaf or something and we just see a crow in the corner and Bigby stops and says "hello, Crooked Man" or something like that.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yeah i hope so i just had a horrible though........... what if they just randomly mention he died making sparing him pointless....... man i hope telltale dosent do that

  • Let's hope there's going to be a Season 2

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    yeah probs i hope you're right about the mention

  • he is at the farm now and hes a bird so probably not

  • It would b incredible for Telltale to somehow factor him in for those who spared him, but yeah it's HIGHLY unlikely. I think that choice was just for player benefit, and not for the next season or whatever

  • No, but the crowd does think of you differently if you throw him down the witching well, rip of his head or spare him so he will probably be mentioned in some conversation IF season 2 ever comes out

  • I'd like to think he'll be mentioned; just like Georgie, IF you spared him, he'll return in some way.

  • How could you spare him he beggs for mercy to kill him, his insides are out and the options are leave him to die in pain or kill him.

    JJwolf posted: »

    I'd like to think he'll be mentioned; just like Georgie, IF you spared him, he'll return in some way.

  • If people spared Crooky in season 1, I bet Aunty Greenleaf will let him out of his cage and turn him back. (for secret reasons unknown) Because honestly, Aunty Greenleaf is still on the shady side if you ask me.

  • edited December 2014

    In one save, I spared him & got Greenleaf to turn him into the bird, and in another save, I spared him, decided to turn him into the bird, but threw him down the witching well when he tried to strangle Bigby with it.

    But I think I'll probably use "throw down the witching well" as the save I'll most likely use for Season 2.

  • A living Crooked Man will probably result in nothing more than a cameo. With killing him seeming to be the common choice, it wouldn't really work to have him escape and be important to the plot.

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