So, if Georgie...
If Georgie din't get stabbed and was dragged to the Crooked Man's trial along with CM, how would of that turned out?
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If Georgie din't get stabbed and was dragged to the Crooked Man's trial along with CM, how would of that turned out?
I'm pretty sure he always gets stabbed and ends up dying :P
Well, to be honest, I wasn't too happy when Georgie was the murderer; to be honest, I was wanting it to be someone else and not the typical 'pimp killed the hooker' plot again. BUT....that would have been MORE interesting than just stabbing him and leaving it at that.
The Bloody Mary scene should have been for last; take the CM and Georgie to trial and you as the player decided BOTH their fates: Throw them down the well, tear off BOTH their heads or turn them into Crows. I would've like to have seen Hans there or any of the other dancers, too.
But having Georgie there with the CM....Now that would have been awesome to see.
I knew I'd find you here.
You and your Georgie! XD
Anyways, I DO agree with what you said:
I didn't think the 5th ep. was BAD but I felt like it was 'expected.' The pimp kills the hookers? Again? Having Georgie going with the CM to trial would have been interesting; Vivan could have been the only evidence, until she can't take the other Fable's accusations and CM's lies and she still ends it. Right there. And I agree-the hell was Hans and the other girls at?! Have them, led by Nerissa, enter the trial! DRAMA! SUSPENSE! WOLF!
But Bigby just stabbing him and that's it? Meh.
oo wow. I think that would be really cool. Also having a Bloody Marry ambush would be nice. Maybe Bloody Marry round 2? ;3
I think that would've made the 5th episode more memorable and the player left thinking of all the possibilities; having the Bloody Mary fight last would have us all thinking about the possibility of a season 2.
And not just speaking from a fan's point but as a gamer: Did I really need to stab Georgie? Again, would have been more interested in dragging them BOTH in for trial. Now that would have been memorable.
So many options and choices would have gone down.
Yeah, there could have been a [Stab Georgie]
If you didnt you can maybe lock him in the pudding n pie when you get the crooked man and if you did he dies, and then bring him to the trail. Then, we go to the foundry and fight bloody marry and think that we killed her and then have her return after the trial or maybe even during it
That would have been a wonderful idea. Everything you said would have made things more interesting!