WTF? Barred the gate, kept the soldiers out and...

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

20 of Whitehill's soldiers marched into my hall!! I closed the gate! I kept them outside! WTF are they doing in my hall?

This game has been really linear so far. It's scripted, and any choices which may look like they deviate from that script don't, you still get marched down the same path. Same responses.

First Telltale game. Really disappointed. I was recommended Telltale series because choices meant something. BS. Same generic scripted answers and branching story as any RPG out there. Except with worse graphics.


  • I think there's a traitor. It's Game of Thrones, after all, not Seven Heaven...

  • edited December 2014

    Good point.

    That has allayed my anger somewhat.

    Still pissed about the fact so far the choices you make do jack ****.

    Edit: I mean, I just went through one scene again making different choices and Duncan and Royland have exactly the same script. That's just lazy. They're completely different characters yet they both insult Ethan exactly the same way....

  • To be fair, that's pretty true to the books where events are impossible to successfully navigate.

    However, in the case of the soldiers, you were told they didn't have enough people to man them.

    Also, Ramsay and Whitehill outnumber you by a ridiculous amount since all of your army was massacred.

    They could simply lift up the gates or go over the sides given there's nothing the troopers could do to stop them.

  • Plotholes happen sometimes.

  • I was recommended Telltale series because choices meant something

    Then you were misinformed, seriously who told you that, I mean little things change sure but nothing major so far

  • I strongly believe the Maestor is behind this. I feel constant ulterior motives whenever I have conversations with him. Ultimately, this is reinforced if you sent the Thief to the wall, because that narrows down the suspect list to one.

  • yeah, me too. Haven't trusted that guy from the start.

  • I suspect Duncan is going to turn out to be a traitor. Telltale's been making him a little too "nice" so far, which always sets off an alarm in my head.

  • Maestor in my opinion. Duncan and Gregor go way back in my opinion. The maestor seemed to want to give the boltons everything

    I suspect Duncan is going to turn out to be a traitor. Telltale's been making him a little too "nice" so far, which always sets off an alarm in my head.

  • Never trust the Maesters, we have only met 2 decent ones in the main story so far.

    Maestor in my opinion. Duncan and Gregor go way back in my opinion. The maestor seemed to want to give the boltons everything

  • Okay...I guess you didn't listen...Tailored to how you play...Telltale tells a story like it or not, not everything changes.

  • What's the problem with soldiers entering? Do you even listen to conversations? In the game that tells its story through conversation its pretty big thing to miss.

    Ramsey Snow said that he planted those soldiers among the loyal men. They were spies.

  • When does the next episode come out? All I can find is 4-6 weeks....

  • edited December 2014

    A lot of big name reviewers (such as IGN, Gamespot etc.) market this game with the pitch that choices matter. For instance, from Gamespot:

    "Every decision you make matters." - that is just a lie

    And indeed, couple such a pitch with a phrase which can be interpreted in a multitude of ways, such as Tailored to how you play, a new player may actually be mistaken in thinking choices do matter.

    So yes, in fact, I did listen. That is why I am disappointed.

    At no point did I read in reviews that I was simply clicking through a story book.

    Okay...I guess you didn't listen...Tailored to how you play...Telltale tells a story like it or not, not everything changes.

  • Forresters aren't very smart it seems

  • It's an exaggeration, you got to deal with it. Things change in the story and things you complain about are explained as people have stated above. Telltale gives you a good story and a good game, do research before playing...Like actual research, not looking at reviews, look at their past games.

    Anarki posted: »

    A lot of big name reviewers (such as IGN, Gamespot etc.) market this game with the pitch that choices matter. For instance, from Gamespot:

  • edited December 2014

    Really? Must have missed it. Was it when he was flaying that man?

    Unknnnnn posted: »

    What's the problem with soldiers entering? Do you even listen to conversations? In the game that tells its story through conversation its pr

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah, and guess what Wolf Within is marketed as?

    "Now not only your choices make a difference, but when you make them!"

    Consistently Telltales games are marketed that choices matter. Other people who play them also seem to believe that too (hence the real life recommendation). On another message board there are some players saying they spent 5-10 minutes on some of the choices.

    I just started playing this game staying silent for everything. Nothing changes.

    So yes, I did do the research. And no, it's not an "exaggeration". It's a lie.

    It's an exaggeration, you got to deal with it. Things change in the story and things you complain about are explained as people have stated

  • That sentence doesn't even make sense...

    Choices do matter on a small scale, if you want the entire story to change then you can leave. People can spend however much time they want, will it make a huge difference? No. What it does do is give you a great illusion you do, which...If you did your research... You would know every Telltale game is like that.

    Silence is always an option...Maybe you should have used it... People know what Telltale is about, if you did your research then you would understand all of this and also realize this thread doesn't matter. It's an exaggeration, there was never any lies, choices do matter...Just not at the scale you want it as.

    Anarki posted: »

    Yeah, and guess what Wolf Within is marketed as? "Now not only your choices make a difference, but when you make them!" Consistently T

  • No.

    They are just outnumbered.

    Forresters aren't very smart it seems

  • [removed]

    That sentence doesn't even make sense... Choices do matter on a small scale, if you want the entire story to change then you can leave. P

  • Cool your jets there Rambo. We don't know what happened. There may be traitor in Ironrath who let them in or Forrester army spirit is weak. Wait till next episode and then judge.

  • I'm not sure our choices in this episode were intended to matter. It was more an introduction to the setting and a way to set things up for ways to come. Some people will buy the game because it came from Telltale, but they may not be familiar with ASOIAF, whether through book or HBO show. They might not understand the sort of world it is. Sometimes it doesn't matter what choice you make there. You're screwed whatever you do.

    I had Gareth not show mercy. (I admit that I hoped he could finish off both soldiers so word wouldn't get out.) Ethan chopped off fingers. I didn't want some guy at the wall who might cause problems for Gareth. I wanted to show mercy, but was afraid Ethan would appear weak. (Did anyone make that choice? What happened?)

    And I plan to choose Duncan because he's the only one who knows about the north grove.

    I wasn't sure about the maester, but he did turn down the offer when Ethan made it. However, he also advised they give a ton of their ironwood to the Boltons. Not happening. The Forresters would be better off giving it direct to the crown so they'd have their protection. Kind of wish I'd let Mira take up Tyrion's offer.

    I thought the mother was weird when she questioned Gareth. I wish I knew what house she belonged to prior to becoming a Forester.

    The ending stunned me. Then I blinked and laughed. Definitely Game of Thrones style! Hopefully what we do will matter more in later episodes.

  • I posted the exact same thread yesterday, Yup the Maester did it.

  • I have to agree with OP. Choices don't really matter. It's just something to cover your eyes, but in fact it doesn't impact the game's storyline at all.

  • You know, the Maester, in reading his background, hasn't even been with the house very long. Only since after the death of Jon Arryn. He had wanted to go be Maester in the Veil, working for the Arryns, but by the time he finished his studies in the Citadel, Jon Arryn was already dead. There is no reason to think he has any specific loyalty to the household.

    I am a bit concerned, though, that a lot of the things I don't trust about the Maester are things echoed by Lady Forrester.

    Maestor in my opinion. Duncan and Gregor go way back in my opinion. The maestor seemed to want to give the boltons everything

  • It does change it, you can't change the story though.

    Deventh posted: »

    I have to agree with OP. Choices don't really matter. It's just something to cover your eyes, but in fact it doesn't impact the game's storyline at all.

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