TFBD vs TWD Characters
Bill Carver vs Hugo Vasquez
Kenny vs Autumn
Molly vs Fiona
Larry vs Greaseface
Clem (Gets hatchet and nail file) vs Rhyss (I'm pretty sure he's a robot so thats his advantage)
Ben vs Vaughn
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What is the consensus, like who would win in a fight, who is the better character, who do you like/hate more?
All of the above if you want. Its primarily who would win in a fight though.
In that case:
Bill Carver
Greaseface (Rudiger)
Rhys (if he used the stun batton, if not, Clem since he can't fight for shit)
I believe you meant August, not Autumn.
Bill Carver
Neither Ben nor Vaughn, both are pretty tame.
I named him Autumn. Nick names for characters helps me get attached to them. In this case he needed one.
But...We know him as August.
Not afraid of being in the minority, Gold
...If you are going to have this then use his real name so people know who you're talking about.
Vasquez is voiced by the legendary Patrick Warburton, of course, I'll choose him.
Carver's voiced by Michael Madsen.