Walking Dead: Game ruining bug (Choices not carrying over, Episode 4 -> Episode 5)



  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited June 2014

    Please rename the following prefs.prop files in these locations to prefs.prop.bak to disable them, and then restart the game, and your save files should be restored:

    /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/The Walking Dead/TheWalkingDead.app/Contents/Resources/Pack/default/



    RoseHammer posted: »

    https://www.sendspace.com/file/1giml6 Thank you for your quick help!

  • I have an issue with TWD Season 1. When I complete the first episode and try to start episode 2, the game just freezes and i hear a motor sound and the symbol for the axe in my inventory. This is my 2:nd playthrough, so I can´t imagine why it started to misbehave now and not before. I´ve also validated the Steam-files, but I haven´t reinstalled the game yet, quite frankly since I don´t think that is necessary.

    Please help me with this matter, I really can´t figure out the cause!

    Here is the link to my "TWD_support_data_pc" - file:


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Please rename the prefs.prop file in

    F:\Spel\Steam Games\steamapps\common\The Walking Dead\Pack\default

    to prefs.prop.bak to disable it, then restart the game, and your saves should be restored.

    I have an issue with TWD Season 1. When I complete the first episode and try to start episode 2, the game just freezes and i hear a motor so

  • Hi, same bug as most people. End of episode 4 I left only with Kenny and chose to hide my bite, start of episode 5 it's all different. I'm on a mac. Any help? Thank you!

    Here's the link of my files:


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Please rename the prefs.prop file in

    /Users/kevinsmithers/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/The Walking Dead/TheWalkingDead.app/Contents/Resources/Pack/WalkingDead104/

    to prefs.prop.bak to disable it, and your save files should be restored. (Your Library folder is sometimes hidden, to make it visible, please open a Finder window, and at the top of the screen, click Go and hold down the Option key. The Library will now become available in the drop down menu. Click that and follow the above file path, and make sure you have renamed the prefs.prop file to prefs.prop.bak)

  • Thank you so much for the quick response, however I still have an issue. I did as suggested but when I start Episode 5 I run into the same thing. I tried continuing from Episode 4 but instead of continuing from where you get bit, it threw me all the way back before we went to Crawford!

    Please rename the prefs.prop file in /Users/kevinsmithers/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/The Walking Dead/TheWalkingD

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Please try swapping the prefs.prop files, and rename the prefs.prop.bak file to prefs.prop, then take the one already in your save file directory in

    /Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/The Walking Dead/

    to prefs.prop.bak to disable it, then see if swapping the preferences files allows you to see your proper decisions in Episode 5.

    niveks89 posted: »

    Thank you so much for the quick response, however I still have an issue. I did as suggested but when I start Episode 5 I run into the same t

  • Worked, thanks!

    Please try swapping the prefs.prop files, and rename the prefs.prop.bak file to prefs.prop, then take the one already in your save file dire

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    You're welcome, enjoy the game!

    niveks89 posted: »

    Worked, thanks!

  • Hello !

    I have the same problem, after a crash the game won't find back my saves.

    i did try to rename my prefs.prop file (you'll see in the zip), but it didn't work.

    I let you the zip hoping you may be able to help :

    Thx !

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    please take the prefs.prop.bak file, and move it to a folder on your desktop, and see if you are then able to see your saves. If you are not, please try swapping the prefs.prop files, and switch their name's to prefs.prop and prefs.prop.bak respectively, and see if your saves are then restored.

    Rorkal56 posted: »

    Hello ! I have the same problem, after a crash the game won't find back my saves. i did try to rename my prefs.prop file (you'll see i

  • Thanks for the answer.

    I just tried and it doesn't work, i still can't see my saves. Il also tried it offline to block steam sync and not working as well.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Please also make sure that you have disabled Steam Cloud saving from inside Steam. (You can check this by right clicking on the game in your Steam library, clicking properties, and click the Updates tab. Near the bottom of the page, you can see if the Steam cloud is enabled for The Walking Dead) If it is enabled, does disabling it, and restarting Steam allow you to access your saves?

    Rorkal56 posted: »

    Thanks for the answer. I just tried and it doesn't work, i still can't see my saves. Il also tried it offline to block steam sync and not working as well.

  • I tried again disabling steam your way and it doesn't work either.

  • Ok i found a solution to my problem with this:

    I just started a new game on the Episode 5 and switched the new save data with the old one and synced the timestamp, i could start again with my choice!

    Thanks a lot for the help!
    This game is great!

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, unfortunately if neither of your prefs.prop files were able to work for the game, your save files may have become corrupted. This can happen if the game was ever exited/closed/crashed during an autosave or loading sequence. Unfortunately the only way to resolve the issue would be to delete your save files and start a new game.

    Rorkal56 posted: »

    I tried again disabling steam your way and it doesn't work either.

  • edited October 2014

    Just experienced the same problem. Ran the tool log files can be found here.

    I Had everyone going with me to find Clem, revealed the bite on good terms with Kenny


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Please rename the prefs.prop file in

    /Users/Chris/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/The Walking Dead/TheWalkingDead.app/Contents/Resources/Pack/WalkingDead104/

    to prefs.prop.bak to disable it, then restart the game, and your save files should be restored.

  • Thank you, while attempting your fix I ran into another problem. A fuzzy white screen when I boot up the game. I recently upgraded to OSX Yosemite and its unclear if this or the file rename has caused this issue
    Screen shot link below:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qoydtvmzu0i73r/Screen Shot 2014-10-17 at 9.47.14 PM.png?dl=0

    Please rename the prefs.prop file in /Users/Chris/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/The Walking Dead/TheWalkingDead.app/

  • hello!
    I have a similar problem,after finishing ep 1 my choises are not saved in ep 2.
    I let you the zip: https://www.sendspace.com/file/9wt891

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Please try starting the game again, and when you see the blank/black screen, please try switching the game to Windowed Mode using the shortcut (Command+F for Mac) and see if you are then able to see the game correctly. If so, please then try changing the game's resolution and/or graphics settings to a lower setting, and click Apply. Then try switching back to Full Screen Mode by using the same shortcut, and your issue should then be resolved.

    chmacias posted: »

    Thank you, while attempting your fix I ran into another problem. A fuzzy white screen when I boot up the game. I recently upgraded to OSX Yo

  • [removed]

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    @carlog91 Please rename the prefs.prop file in

    /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/The Walking Dead/TheWalkingDead.app/Contents/Resources/Pack/default/

    to prefs.prop.bak to disable it, then restart the game, and your save files should be restored.

    carlog91 posted: »

    please can you help me too? https://www.sendspace.com/file/9wt891

  • Had an issue with importing my decisions from ep 4 to ep 5 in season 1 (the bite, who came with me, etc.) rewound back to ep 3 & made the same general decision with the same screwy results coming into ep 5. Hope you can help https://www.sendspace.com/file/8a627w Thanks!

  • Having the same problem on my mac, the wrong people join me in episode 5. Here´s the zip-file:

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited December 2014

    @qwexly I've answered your thread Here.

    @Emjas Please rename the prefs.prop file in


    to prefs.prop.bak to disable it, then restart the game, and your save files should be restored.

  • Please help. I have been playing through and last night finished episode 4, with all my companions choosing to come with me to find Clem. When I launched Episode 5, it only had Christa, Omid and Kenny coming along, with Ben left behind.

    Having read the threads here, I tried renaming my pref.prop but nothing worked and now the game has lost all my progress and save files are wiped.

    Finally, while it was running, Windows update popped up with a prompt to reboot, and not my game will not run fullscreen, no matter what I do to try to fix it.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience, please read this Sticky on how to run our Support Tool, and follow the steps to run the tool, and reply here with the download link copied and pasted into a reply. You can find the Sticky here:


    After receiving the information from your support tool, I will be able to assist you further.

    Ender666666 posted: »

    Please help. I have been playing through and last night finished episode 4, with all my companions choosing to come with me to find Clem. Wh

  • Ok, here's the file. Thank you for the help.


    I apologize for the inconvenience, please read this Sticky on how to run our Support Tool, and follow the steps to run the tool, and reply h

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited December 2014

    After looking over your support tool information, it appears that you only have the two prefs.prop files. I recommend try disabling the other prefs.prop file by moving it to the desktop, and renaming it prefs.prop.bak. Then rename the prefs.prop.bak file already in your file directory, back to prefs.prop. Then restart the game, and see if your save files/game preferences are restored.

    Ender666666 posted: »

    Ok, here's the file. Thank you for the help. https://www.sendspace.com/file/6lq8x9

  • edited December 2014

    Hi guys. As specified, there are SPOILERS FROM SECOND CHAPTER OF SECOND SEASON. I post here cause the problem is similar and i don't want to create new topic because of netiquette. Anyway if you haven't completed "A house divided" yet, don't read on.

    At the beginning of the third chapter there is the usual summary. Within it were 2 facts that didn't happened in my game:

    1)Walter says "f*ck you" to Carver before he gets shot
    2)Clementine try to physically stop Carver from killing Alvin running to him

    just like in this video from 00:29 to 00:35:

    In my walkthrough, Walter didn't say a word and my Clementine just screamed to Luke and Kenny to shoot not.

    I've tried to replay the episode from the last save, but the problem shows up again.

    Is this a bug? Am i the only one having it? Is there a way to fix it? Will it influence the game?

    Thanks for your attention and here is my support-zip-files: https://www.sendspace.com/file/o0497d

    ...and by the way: thank you for these beautiful videogames.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    After looking over your Support Tool information, there doesn't seem to be any issues with your game files. The dialogue in-game may change depending on the choices you made previously in the episode. If you are unhappy with any of your decisions, you can try rewinding to the previous chapter/checkpoint, or to the beginning of the episode, and play from there, to try making a different choice.

  • edited December 2014

    Thank you really much for your support. :)

    I've already tried to replay from the last checkpoint but same issue came out. Just for curiosity i will re-try making different choices (i think that the "running action" should be the first one when my "screaming action" was the second). Anyway, if you didn't find any bug i guess i'll just go ahead and try to see if the following chapters are congruent to what i have done (or at least if they don't mention it). I'll come and say otherwise.

    Again, thank you!

    After looking over your Support Tool information, there doesn't seem to be any issues with your game files. The dialogue in-game may change

  • Every body is talking about Mac and pc but my mobile is samsung .... does anyone know how to fix that issue pls I'm in season 2 last 4-5 episodes .... so plsss anyone respond

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, this particular issue of choices changing between episodes is related to only the PC/Mac versions of the game. Can you please clarify the issue you are experiencing? Are your choices not carrying over successfully? I recommend rewinding to the previous chapter/checkpoint, then playing through the end of the episode again, and see if your choices are then carried over successfully.

    kareem-hoss posted: »

    Every body is talking about Mac and pc but my mobile is samsung .... does anyone know how to fix that issue pls I'm in season 2 last 4-5 episodes .... so plsss anyone respond

  • I did it and the game doesn't make what I want ....... I'm in season 2 last 4-5 episodes .... every 4-5 episodes make that .. but I just don't know .... I guess that everyone is using pc and mac but see what u can do ..... if u found an answer give it to me ..... it's just so annoying......

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Are you unable to play Episodes 4 and 5? Are you unable to download and install them on your device?

    kareem-hoss posted: »

    I did it and the game doesn't make what I want ....... I'm in season 2 last 4-5 episodes .... every 4-5 episodes make that .. but I just don

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