Do you think what Nintendo is doing is right?
FYI Nintendo is yanking money from people employed by Youtube and Machinima when their games are played. I know people who depend on that money and add revenue pays their salary. I think it shows a great deal of desperation and greed on their part. The WII U didn't sell as well as they thought so they need to get money any way they see fit. Yes it is their product but I think it makes them look very desperate and even insecure.
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IMO, Everything Nintendo Puts out is the same, they're soul less, But every now and then they make a remake of an awesome game, and it works on everyone and we forgot why we were complaining, sadly, it does NOT work on me. I am sick of nintendo's bullshit, Skyward sword and Pokemon Black/White were the last straws for me.
Honestly I think Nintendo is alright do it. Why should other people be allowed to make money off their work?
If Nintendo is soulless - what are PS4 and XBoxOne with their identical lineups...?
Nintendo is the only console company to make something different than others. So they make endless sequels to their own franchises, but who the hay doesn't? And who is complaining? I love the fact that it's 2014 and there are still new Mario/Zelda games being developed.
Also 3DS is owning the handheld segment.
Stop the hate! A LOT of companies do dirty stuff, they are big companies and greed comes naturally with that status. We have to live with that as long as we want blockbuster games. No "fair-acting" indie company could pull off a console launch. Kinda sad, but that's the price.
It's their intellectual property. From a legal standpoint, they have every right to do so.
It seems kind of petty though, when you consider the amount of money those people are probably taking in.
I think it's Nintendos choice and they should be allowed to do it if they want, but it's not exactly the "right" thing to do. Also, I seriously doubt they're doing this to make up for the Wii U since the Wii U is doing extremely well as of right now.
No offense Nintendo fans, but Nintendo today sucks horribly. I remember when it was Nintendo vs Sega. I was a Sega boy, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA DIE NINTENDO DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Hey, listen, I didn't say Microsoft and Sony don't do the same shit as them, I simply said that i am sick of nintendos bullshit! i love the endless sequels, i really do! But some of those sequels SUCK, I mean, Pokemon B/W had A FUCKING ICE CREAM CONE!!! as a pokemon!! And then Skyward sword ruined zelda! the plot!!! All they did, was add new features! and mix WIND WAKER and OOT together! It was FUCKING RETARDED!!! and Twilight princess actually did something DIFFERENT! I know microsoft and Sony are soul less, But they aren't THAT soul less, at least SOME of the PS3/PS4 and Xbox360/One Exclusive games (That WEREN'T avalible for Nintendo) were REALLY good! Like, Alien Isolation, Dying Light, Halo Franchise, The Last of Us, All TTG's games! so yes, they're all soul less, (i dare you to read my post last and tell where i said those two aren't... I DARE YOU... sorry, but you put words in my mouth that i didn't say) but at least Microsoft and Sony have the decency to put out something new and different.
Also, they don't put out JACK SHIT for new stuff, We haven't Metroid, Star fox, or Conker and Earthbound for so many fucking years! and just because they put them in smash bros makes it okay? NO! it doesn't... all they do is sequels! I dare you to name ONE new title from nintendo, which isn't just a shitty rehashed sequel and has no other franchises behind it... ONE.
Ooohhh, 3 D S... SO COOL... no, just... no. just because it's owning handheld, which pretty soon it wont be with all these games and Emulators on phones, does not make nintendo "Good"
HAVE YOU SEEN THE MONEY PEOPLE MADE OFF OF INDIE GAMES? more than nintendo made on Skyward sword! Fnaf, Braid, EVEN FUCKING SLENDER! these people would fucking RUN the gaming industry! fair! they wouldn't cheat like that! they could make GOOD unrehased games! and they would be more succsessful than Microcock, Phony, and Nintenbitch would EVER be!
I just expected more from them being a big name company and all. I just find it cheap that they have to screw youtubers out of money to make a profit
Yeah. Nintendo is and always will be the best company of all time.
settle down i think one reply is enough.......
Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicals: X, Devils Third, Star fox Wii U, Yarn Yoshi. Should I name a few more?
If you actually think it's the same, then you're wrong.
Yeah, sorry
First of all, I'm 15, Second, "A worthless ten year old on the internet" Oh hi there Pot, My names kettle, nice to meet you. Third, My parents are well alive, I just get a little too into it with nintendo about the shit they pulled on my favorite games, Fourth, No one cares what you think either, Fifth, My opinion, don't like it? Write a calm and rational arguement, Or shut the fuck up, and Sixth, I know my temper is a little all over, but my insurance stopped paying for my autism and bypolar meds, i've had no sleep, had work all week, and i've been moody, i wanna apoligize to you guys for the past, and in advance for my behavior, but sometimes i get moody, thats just who i am, without those meds, i indeed act like a 10 year old, and i'm sorry, just please don't be a like that, I'm sorry, as ben always says, "Just chill"
Hey man, it's my opinion, If you think it's different, then go ahead and calmly write a post, i have already apoligized to everyone, just write a post, and i will look at your POV
THERES GONNA BE A NEW STAIR FAX?! Okay, if they don't fuck this up, and it's not Starfox adventures, i will gladly take what i said back, also, yarn yoshi is pretty bad ass.
I think the creators etc are fine there games are good. Its there lawyer company base that seems to go over the top with this
SEGA DOES, WHAT NINTEN-DON'T!!! those are words to live by.