Scruffy boy in King's Landing?

In King's Landing when playing as Mira, on few occasions there is a dirty young boy trying to befriend and give information to Mira. What's your opinion on this guy? He clearly seems polite and wants to be friend but I've seen too many episodes of GoT and read too many books so my paranoia is kicking in. Do you trust him? I never gave him definitive answer for anything and politely asked him to leave me be because I think it's one of Cersei's spies.


  • He belongs to someone most likely and being a kid probably varys.

    However he could be our own little scout if we play it right

  • I'm sure child-version Yuri Lowenthal won't back stab you in King's Landing...probably.

  • Maybe he is spying on us and Tyrion tells us to kill him with the dagger.

  • he's trustworthy

  • I'm not sure yet... I want to trust him but I feel I can't yet, as this is GoT, he wont have a "clean record", that's for sure.

  • My initial reaction was "he's clearly a spy", so I played it nice but kept my distance. However, as the episode progressed I became more lenient to believing he could be a potential ally. If nothing else, if he indeed is a spy, then one could perhaps lure some false sense of security into his master/mistress...

  • That's the thing I'm not sure about. There is so many variables that may happen in the game that I'm not sure if I should trust him and expect I will be able to use him to my advantage even if he's someone else's spy now.

    The same I was wondering about is swearing allegiance to the king rather than Margaery but I've still done it because in this case it seems more likely we will be able to go behind Cersei's back.

    He belongs to someone most likely and being a kid probably varys. However he could be our own little scout if we play it right

  • That's it. For now I'll just have to wait until next episode to see what happens

    Arsun97 posted: »

    I'm not sure yet... I want to trust him but I feel I can't yet, as this is GoT, he wont have a "clean record", that's for sure.

  • edited December 2014

    he works for varys he is one of his little birds he is not trustworthy yet until we know what varys' deal is

  • Definitly one of vary's little birds, what other small child would
    Have the audacity to ask questions regarding high born family

  • I think he is one of Varys birds. Nonetheless i still like him and trust him to some level.

  • That makes sense. I will try and trust him in my next playthrough and see what happens.

    I like the idea of having 2 save files with completely opposite choices in each of those and see how it affects next episodes.

    JessicaKerr posted: »

    Definitly one of vary's little birds, what other small child would Have the audacity to ask questions regarding high born family Matters?

  • same here. he looks like an interesting guy to trust

    Orogenes posted: »

    My initial reaction was "he's clearly a spy", so I played it nice but kept my distance. However, as the episode progressed I became more len

  • I'm not sure what to think. Most likely, he is one of Varys' birds. I haven't been rude to him yet, but I'm gonna be on my guard since most likely we won't be able to trust him.

  • He seems trustworthy, but why is he trying to help in the first place? Either he wants something or has been told to report to her by someone (or he's just nice, but I doubt that). I reckon he'll die sometime soon.

  • Well Varys probably sees some kind of reason to help Mira and this coal kid is just his bird carrying the message. I don't know why Varys wants to "help" Mira but Varys is a walking mystery so who could know.

    He seems trustworthy, but why is he trying to help in the first place? Either he wants something or has been told to report to her by someone (or he's just nice, but I doubt that). I reckon he'll die sometime soon.

  • Fair point. If I'm honest, I only just watched the first episode and still can't remember half the characters names XD

    Well Varys probably sees some kind of reason to help Mira and this coal kid is just his bird carrying the message. I don't know why Varys wants to "help" Mira but Varys is a walking mystery so who could know.

  • Note that I wasn't the one who found it, I just saw it on another thread:

    In the game files, his name is 'littlebird'. So, he's one of Varys' spies.

  • Hah nice :-) thanks for sharing that info.

  • In fact I think that he is a Baelish spy, after all Mira is Sansa on this game.

  • Yeaaaah, I don't really think that their story will be identical even if they kinda have same role in their own families :D

    AleVincit posted: »

    In fact I think that he is a Baelish spy, after all Mira is Sansa on this game.

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