Does the Game of Thrones game contain spoilers for the book?

I really want to play the game but I'm still reading the second book. Should I play it or just wait till I'm more caught up.


  • The game covers events from book 3 and very important event from that book, I recommend waiting till you've read book 3 or watched season 3

  • have you read the books? if you did then do the show cover all the events from the books? or HBO change stuff? and is there important stuff that the show didnt show us that the books have?

    sorry for tossing all that at once, but i know you get my point.. :)

    xwolfionx posted: »

    The game covers events from book 3 and very important event from that book, I recommend waiting till you've read book 3 or watched season 3

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Our game has spoilers for book 3, A Storm of Swords. In terms of the show, the game starts at the end of Season 3 and will span the events of Season 4.

  • edited December 2014

    When it comes to events in the North the show has kept fairly close to the books. There were a number of petty changes, particularly involving the Ironborn. And a few important events were left out in the show, but they likely intend to take those things in a different direction. We'll see come April. How they handle Asha/Yara Greyjoy's ark will have a big impact on the direction the game takes, I imagine.

    Mercyva posted: »

    have you read the books? if you did then do the show cover all the events from the books? or HBO change stuff? and is there important stuff

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