Does GOT & Other Telltale games not support USB Game Controllers for PC?

I tried playing Game of Thrones on PC Using a us Gamepad Controller but somehow I couldn't get it to work? I tried installing drivers and even x360ce emulator on it but still, they don't work.

Am I missing something or do Telltale games (Specifically Game of Thrones) not support USB Controllers for PC?

I've seen earlier games like Tomb Raider 2013 and Batman Arkham and Legend of Korra that fully support USB controllers.


  • I use a gamepad and it works flawlessly, you may just have the wrong drivers

  • I just tested my Razer Sabertooth – Gaming Controller for Xbox 360® and it worked wonderfully.

  • I use a PS3 controller and an Xbox 360 controller and it works fine.

  • May I please ask, is there an option in GOT in the settings where it let's you choose a gamepad or a keyboard?

    lilypad360 posted: »

    I use a gamepad and it works flawlessly, you may just have the wrong drivers

  • Nope.

    It's default to keyboard, however, it will automatically switch to gamepad if it identifies it.

    Anonymer posted: »

    May I please ask, is there an option in GOT in the settings where it let's you choose a gamepad or a keyboard?

  • I use an Xbox controller too, and it works just fine. Sometimes the choices first appear as if they were for Mouse/Keyboard but i just spin the stick and it goes in Xbox form.

    What you could do is use a hotkey program, so that you can use your Controller as a mouse, like JoyToKey (which I personally use to read VNs and other things when I'm too lazy to use Mouse/Keyboard).

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