Also, I recently discovered I won't be driving anytime soon, when I reached the wheel this morning my hands were practically shaking. Ugh, i… moret's annoying.
I know the feeling. It didn't help that I replaced my totaled car with the exact same model, with nearly an identical interior.
Yeah mine was killed in a robbery attempt, i remember that day like it was yesterday. One of the most guilt ridden moments of my life, because i remember the knock at the door, and the cop told me. Drives away, my mom comes down the stairs and asks me what that was all about... It destroyed them both emotionally and both died shortly afterwards of different medical complications, about a year apart.
I never got over the guilt and i don't think i ever will.
Sorry for such a late reply! Aww, thanks George you're a good person too, I for one always look forward to the insight you give to the forums and it's members.
I guess after I got over the initial guilt of not focusing my life 100% on my family and started focusing more on myself and my wants and needs, I was able to start living a happier life. I have always felt weighed down by the duty I feel I have to keep my family together, and not falling apart. But in the end, it's not my responsibility to hold it all together for them.
But I get what you mean, I used to be on Facebook a lot but now I avoid it like the plague. People only really seem to like posting depressing end of the world statuses on there anyways. Attention whores. :P lol
But pretty much I feel extreme guilt when talking about my problems to others, and feel like I'm being an attention whore so no matter how u… morencomfortable I might be or how bad I'm feeling
Your a great person, you can always talk to me if you need to, I check my feed at least once a day.
And when I try to help, I can't actually do anything.
You can't change how people feel about themselves, I've tried. You can only change yourself. Try to set a example for people in your life, and hope that they take notice of it. I been trying to live a happier life, trying to get over this depression mountain i been stuck on for years, things that help me, is trying to be more positive, be your best friend, not your worst enemy.
Another thing i stopped is, i avoid negativity in my life. I don't read Daily mail anymore, i don't watch fox news, any trigger that would upset me, i just avoid now.
I guess after I got over the initial guilt of not focusing my life 100% on my family and started focusing more on myself and my wants and needs, I was able to start living a happier life. I
Sorry for such a late reply! Aww, thanks George you're a good person too, I for one always look forward to the insight you give to the foru… morems and it's members.
I guess after I got over the initial guilt of not focusing my life 100% on my family and started focusing more on myself and my wants and needs, I was able to start living a happier life. I have always felt weighed down by the duty I feel I have to keep my family together, and not falling apart. But in the end, it's not my responsibility to hold it all together for them.
But I get what you mean, I used to be on Facebook a lot but now I avoid it like the plague. People only really seem to like posting depressing end of the world statuses on there anyways. Attention whores. :P lol
I am afraid of a lot of stuff. Like being stabbed, or shot, kidnapped and made into a slave or kidnapped and just killed, or framed for stuff I didn't do and having to go to jail for it, or getting randomly stabbed with a needle that has heroin or something in it because someone wants to force me to be an addict, or talked about, that people are planning to murder me in various ways, I can't stay home alone without being super vigilant about the windows in case people try to break in. I'm also afraid of some stuff that I know probably can't happen, like being possessed or put under mind control and forced to do things I don't want to do and when I try to tell people that it wasn't me, they'll not believe me and I'll go to jail. I also get scared that my family one day is going to have like some little war and try to kill one another, whenever my family members get into arguments I'm afraid they'll try to choke each other or stab each other even though they are never physically violent. I'm also afraid they may try to hurt me even though I don't think they ever have before.
Also my uncle has been nagging me about schoolwork and grades for literally as long as I remember and I'm so messed up by it it's been years of this and I just want to tell him that I can't do it anymore, that I don't care about physics or math and that the only thing that makes me happy is writing and psychology and I think I'm going to tell him tomorrow but I'm so scared about it in case he tries to throw me out of the car or murder me even though he has never done that before. I'm just so sick of his constant droning on about the same thing it is wearing me thin and I am so stressed I cannot take it anymore I just can't.
Also I get scared that some of my ideas for stories have been thought up by someone else who is a quicker writer than I am, and they'll put their stuff out before I do and I won't know about it and I'll put my stories out into the world and I'll be accused of cheating or copying when I never ever intended to.
Also I have hypochondria I think, I cannot go a day without worrying myself about diseases especially some specific ones I don't want to say because just speaking about them freaks me out it's like saying it will make me get the disease. I can hardly think straight sometimes when I get so scared of getting illnesses.
I've always been like this, so for the most part it's never really bothered me. Sometimes I think it can get a bit out of hand and that I'm being irrational but there's not a lot I can do about it. The good thing is that I can make fun of myself, regardless of how much my paranoia actually dictates the way I live my life.
As long as you're happy, this could be a good thing. Well... minus the feelings of paranoia, but I guess that's sort of a taking the good wi… moreth the bad type of situation. It's good that you're protective of yourself. I mean, "severe" paranoia sounds a little burdening, but if not, then you're probably all good.
ikr? I have a friend who has met people at a party and then gone to their house only an hour after meeting them! And I'm just like "?!? Do you want to have something bad happen to you??"
(Darn, she's on to us!)
Just kidding. A little extra paranoia helps keep you safe, but with too much, you'll miss out on a lot of life experiences. Sometimes a little (informed) risk is worth taking.
Well, I'm not the best socially. I like to talk to people on the Internet and all, but, when it comes to face to face, I'm not so good. I'm not, like, anti-social, just, I can be a little awkward around especially new people, so, I don't make friends very easily. I've been hurt a lot in the past and its hard for me to trust people sometimes. Its something I am working on and I have got better in the last year or so. Its not like a really major issue, but its something that can be a real hindrance.
It would drive me crazy.
Yeah mine was killed in a robbery attempt, i remember that day like it was yesterday. One of the most guilt ridden moments of my life, because i remember the knock at the door, and the cop told me. Drives away, my mom comes down the stairs and asks me what that was all about... It destroyed them both emotionally and both died shortly afterwards of different medical complications, about a year apart.
I never got over the guilt and i don't think i ever will.
Sorry for such a late reply! Aww,
thanks George you're a good person too, I for one always look forward to the insight you give to the forums and it's members. 
I guess after I got over the initial guilt of not focusing my life 100% on my family and started focusing more on myself and my wants and needs, I was able to start living a happier life. I have always felt weighed down by the duty I feel I have to keep my family together, and not falling apart. But in the end, it's not my responsibility to hold it all together for them.
But I get what you mean, I used to be on Facebook a lot but now I avoid it like the plague. People only really seem to like posting depressing end of the world statuses on there anyways. Attention whores. :P lol
Don't worry about it.
Depends on who you ask.
Great. Good to hear.
I am afraid of a lot of stuff. Like being stabbed, or shot, kidnapped and made into a slave or kidnapped and just killed, or framed for stuff I didn't do and having to go to jail for it, or getting randomly stabbed with a needle that has heroin or something in it because someone wants to force me to be an addict, or talked about, that people are planning to murder me in various ways, I can't stay home alone without being super vigilant about the windows in case people try to break in. I'm also afraid of some stuff that I know probably can't happen, like being possessed or put under mind control and forced to do things I don't want to do and when I try to tell people that it wasn't me, they'll not believe me and I'll go to jail. I also get scared that my family one day is going to have like some little war and try to kill one another, whenever my family members get into arguments I'm afraid they'll try to choke each other or stab each other even though they are never physically violent. I'm also afraid they may try to hurt me even though I don't think they ever have before.
Also my uncle has been nagging me about schoolwork and grades for literally as long as I remember and I'm so messed up by it it's been years of this and I just want to tell him that I can't do it anymore, that I don't care about physics or math and that the only thing that makes me happy is writing and psychology and I think I'm going to tell him tomorrow but I'm so scared about it in case he tries to throw me out of the car or murder me even though he has never done that before. I'm just so sick of his constant droning on about the same thing it is wearing me thin and I am so stressed I cannot take it anymore I just can't.
Also I get scared that some of my ideas for stories have been thought up by someone else who is a quicker writer than I am, and they'll put their stuff out before I do and I won't know about it and I'll put my stories out into the world and I'll be accused of cheating or copying when I never ever intended to.
Also I have hypochondria I think, I cannot go a day without worrying myself about diseases especially some specific ones I don't want to say because just speaking about them freaks me out it's like saying it will make me get the disease. I can hardly think straight sometimes when I get so scared of getting illnesses.
Well no, but the area I live in isn't exactly the most affluent if you know what I mean.
I've always been like this, so for the most part it's never really bothered me. Sometimes I think it can get a bit out of hand and that I'm being irrational but there's not a lot I can do about it. The good thing is that I can make fun of myself, regardless of how much my paranoia actually dictates the way I live my life.
ikr? I have a friend who has met people at a party and then gone to their house only an hour after meeting them! And I'm just like "?!? Do you want to have something bad happen to you??"
You're most likely right. I have been working on it.:P
Well, I'm not the best socially. I like to talk to people on the Internet and all, but, when it comes to face to face, I'm not so good. I'm not, like, anti-social, just, I can be a little awkward around especially new people, so, I don't make friends very easily. I've been hurt a lot in the past and its hard for me to trust people sometimes. Its something I am working on and I have got better in the last year or so. Its not like a really major issue, but its something that can be a real hindrance.
Get a 357 man destroyer, you'll be fine. I walk around armed, no one says anything. Get that CCW.