Frend differences
Do you prefer female or male friends? I am not being stereotypical i am just asking who do you have better comunaction with. Yes people are different but YOUR friends exactly, do you have better experience with female or male friends?
In my opinion, in generle male friends are better. I have only one good female friend.
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I don't specifically prefer female or male friends for the same reason I don't specifically prefer black or white friends.
But my of my absolute closest friends (excluding husband of course) I have 3 female and 1 male.
I have friends of both genders, but i typically get along with females i think better, i find them easier to open up to about things that may bother me. You won't see me having that heart to heart with my best friend who is the "personality identity" of Kenny in this game. He would make fun of me endlessly.
I think it depends on the gender of the person answering this question but I'm a male, and I have friends of both genders but I would say I have more that are also males.
I have more guy friends, but I don't have preference.
Friends? What are these friends you speaks of?
In all honesty, I have more guy friends, mainly because I can relate to them more. I'm a bit socially awkward around girls but I can usually talk to them and get along fine with them.
It doesn't depend on the gender.
It might make one outcome more likely than the other, but in terms of one outcome 'depending' on gender? The first two posters in the thread show that to be false.
That's basically what I was trying to say
Oh right okay. Well, society's moving away from that too. Let's hope that continues: biological sex shouldn't define friendship groups.
dude ..... thats sexist
It sort of is, but we can't really help what society has indoctrinated us to believe, and that society encourages boys to hang out with boys and girls to hang out with girls.
What we need to change is those facts, not the current friendship preferences of people.
I don't care, I prefer people who are good friends.
Whoever's nice to me.
I move quite a lot, and I've had a few friends, it's been a pretty even mix of male and female, and they were all pretty nice.
I guess male friends, we have more in common to talk about.
...both. It doesn't matter what gender they are, it matters if they're a good person and if I get along with them.
No it isn't. It's preference.
Is saying 'I prefer white friends' racism or a preference?
Preference. If it was "I prefer white friends because black people are annoying/horrible/thieves, is racism. Saying you prefer white people or male friends is ignorance and perhaps short sighted. But if there is no hatred behind it, it's not discrimination or racism.
Both. Gender doesn't matter to me. If you're a good friend to me, I will be a good friend to you.
....So people are allowed to prefer white friends as long as they have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for doing so?
Then..why would they do it?
They do it, because it's preference. If they say "no I don't want to be your friend because you're black" it's discrimination. But just saying you PREFER white friends isn't racism.
But I don't see why automatically preferring to be friends with white people isn't racist.
You're literally prejudging because of their race. You're saying 'I'm probably not going to be friends with this person because they're black'.
That's shit.
But that's not what you stated in the first place, it was "I prefer White friends" it didn't say. I'm more likely going to pick a white person over a black guy, it's just a preference. You can't blame people for preference, if they're not going to be friends with someone because their black. That isn't racism. If they actively discriminate them away and insult them based on race. That's racism, and racism is a powerful thing. Don't just use it lightly.
I am not a racist or a sexist. I was just wondering about statistics in general. Do people get closer to male or female friends. Although i think it depends on the personality of a person that you are friends with and on your personality i was just curious what, in general people make of it. Both female and male friends can be great, they can be the same just in different bodies. My question wasn't meant to be racistic or sexist, i just wanted to see other peoples opinions on the matter. More like solving the riddle, since from what i see in my surroundings is that female go with female friends and male go with male friends and i wanted to know what is it like in other cultures,countries etc.
Maybe "prefer" wasn't the right word, i don't know. But this question was meant to be like "Do you find girls/guys more attractive* phisically* if they are black or white?" That is not racisim that is just a preference based on appereance and what when you take a first look is more attractive to you. That does not mean you are a racist as i was not trying to be sexist. Some guys prefer slim woman, some don't as goes for the woman too.
I know most people care about personality (at least i do as same as with friends) but you can when you just look at someone be a little attracted by their appearnce. I don't care if my friends are black or white or guys or girls IF i get along with them but like i said i just wanted to know weather it's true that guys are closer to male friends and females to female.
I honestly don't think i was being offensive by asking this but i am sorry if i offended anyone.
Wait, so you believe in racial equality but don't believe in sex equality?
Or did you mean 'I am not a racist or a sexist'?
Sexist fits way better..
Me too. I have a lot of male friends, but when it comes to talking to a girl I totally block. It doesn't help that I'm not handsome either.
I don´t have a preference.
If we get along we´re friends. Gender doesn´t matter.
I'm sure you fine bro, We are own worst enemy.
no its not true, Personally the closest person i ever was friends with was my wife. My Best friend was a close second, but there are some things i could never tell him but i could tell her.
I don't have a preference I'm not good at making friends either and the only person that decided they were going to be my friend and kept pestering me and coming to my house until I gave up is a girl, but to be honest I'm very much the loner type.
Yes sorry I wrote it the wrong way. English isn't my language so sometimes I mess up with terms.
I totally understand that. My boyfriend is also my best friend but somehow everyone around me find it weird.
Don't worry about it
That is pretty much me too. The only real close friends are my boyfriend and my sister. But in general I just get along with guys more, even though I am really really the shy and quite type.
I relate more to white males, being one. But I don't have a problem with blacks, Asians, Hispanics, nothing like that. But I just can't associate with people who act extremely dumb. It hurts me on the inside.
As for women, I usually find myself more friends with those of other races, as I usually do not find them as attractive as white females (not sure why), and therefore I won't concentrate their looks and try to be friends more. Women I find attractive are hard to be friends with to me. I have far less close female friends compared to males, so I guess I 'prefer' male friends. Maybe is because my male friends won't get pissed at my jokes and usually like video games (in my experience).
Its not weird, once you got naked in front of another person, every other secret comes second.