Christmas Cheer or Christmas Beer

As its getting closer and closer to Christmas, i am starting to feel more and more uneasy, i woke up today and got that feeling over me. I went to the fridge and got myself a bottle of water, drank it. I stared at a bottle Jack Daniels intently, trying to make a decision. Is it too early to drink, people are expected to be arriving at house estate any minute, so i must prepare. Interlopers, unfortunately they're family. I love being judged by my in laws.
Anyone else feeling the same way. Its giving me that desire to drink at noon. I can't be the only person in the world who despises Christmas.
Please don't buy me anything, I don't want anything people, don't act like its a big deal or that your feelings are hurt if i forget to send you a thank you letter. I remember being a kid, and having desire for toys, video games cars, whatever. Now nothing. NO fucks are given.
That's a natural thing, As you get older you start to care less, Don't worry you're not messed up or anything.
I second what Saltlick123 said. And for me, it would be Christmas Beer.
Yeah, I would say it's good to have something just don't go too over board. :P
Nah. I get drunk rarely. Mostly on special occasions.