What do you think of this?

What if Telltale was to make a S2 of The Wolf Among Us that had no references to S1. I heard Sam and Max is a similar thing (no need to play a previous season to pick up on S2 or S3). Plus, what if on top of this, they made it non-canon. It would let them do a BUNCH of stuff like a Bigby-Snow love interest early on, including the Mundies, maybe a lot of other stuff. It could let them make a mind-blowing story that could gain them a lot of popularity.

I know a non-canon idea is reaching, but I heard Bill Willingham did make a non-canon comic book spinoff to FABLES so I don't see why he might not agree to this. Thoughts?


  • edited December 2014

    So this is the 'other thread' you were on about :P

    I really, really like the concept! But I have to point out that NONE of the Fables spin-offs are non-canon to the main story... Jack of Fables is kinda non-canon to the main story, but Volumes 1-6 lead up to Fables Volume 13 The Great Fables Crossover, 7-9 aren't related to the main story.

    Also Peter and Max wasn't related to what was happening in Fables at the time, but it is related to the main story; that's the beauty of the Fables spin-offs: They are all connected in one way or another to the main canon!

  • I have to point out that NONE of the Fables spin-offs are non-canon to the main story..

    Oh, I thought I heard @CoolGuyJ talking about a non-canon spinoff a while back. Shame, it could give them a lot more to do.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So this is the 'other thread' you were on about :P I really, really like the concept! But I have to point out that NONE of the Fables spi

  • I just edited the comment...

    I have to point out that NONE of the Fables spin-offs are non-canon to the main story.. Oh, I thought I heard @CoolGuyJ talking about a non-canon spinoff a while back. Shame, it could give them a lot more to do.

  • I had this idea once but Im really mixed about it.

    Id like them to be able to start a Snow and Bigby thing but I also dont because of the comics. Id also like them to have room for a new story without breaking anything. But, again Im really mixed about it. Also depends on how much freedom Willingham gave them.

    What if TellTale made their own story which was non cannon but in the end, you do this and this to reverse everything and stop bad guy and it goes back to the normal cannon. Iunno. The story of Bigby saving everyone and then no one knows what he did. ;3

  • The story of Bigby saving everyone and then no one knows what he did

    That would piss me off especially, making someone like Bigby an unsung hero is a big no-no in my book and possibly other's as well...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I had this idea once but Im really mixed about it. Id like them to be able to start a Snow and Bigby thing but I also dont because of the

  • Yeah I know. I was thinking it would be sort of like in Edge of Tommorow. Spoiler: How he saves everyone but no one knows. Obviously he wouldnt be resetting a day when he dies, but by !Powerful magic! Gasp He goes back to before any of the events started and goes to stop it before it happens ! Yeah, I know some people would find it very annoying but maybe it could work.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The story of Bigby saving everyone and then no one knows what he did That would piss me off especially, making someone like Bigby an unsung hero is a big no-no in my book and possibly other's as well...

  • If it was a plot for someone like Gren or Flycatcher or even Jack Horner then I feel it would be appropriate; but for someone like Bigby or Woody then it feels like a bad outcome...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah I know. I was thinking it would be sort of like in Edge of Tommorow. Spoiler: How he saves everyone but no one knows. Obviously he woul

  • edited December 2014

    You're talking about "Unwritten Fables" The book which is cross-over between Mike Carey's The Unwritten, and of course, Bill Willingham's Fables.

    And yes, that book is non-canon to the Fables universe - it assumes that the Fables were unable to stop Mr. Dark and Mr. Dark wrecks havok throughout their universe (while the surviving Fables are on the run). It's sort of like Age of Apocalypse (is to X-men) but applying it to Fables.

    It's kinda not surprising it's not canon - Billingham & Buckingham only had little input to that Crossover - It's mostly Mike Carey's work, but borrowing the Fables characters.

    I thought the cross-over was just okay, but I did like the cool action of Bigby in his Big Bad Wolf form at the end :)

    I have to point out that NONE of the Fables spin-offs are non-canon to the main story.. Oh, I thought I heard @CoolGuyJ talking about a non-canon spinoff a while back. Shame, it could give them a lot more to do.

  • I haven't read the crossover (I'll have to start The Unwritten to do that) But answer me just 2 things CoolGuy:

    1. Is Snow's 'marriage' to Mister Dark more intimate than her marriage to Bigby?

    2. What is Bigby's role/purpose/appearance thorughout the novel? Do he and Snow reconcile in the end or what??

  • Spoiler

    Oh, I wouldn't worry about reading the previous volumes of The Unwritten.

    You don't really need to read the previous volumes of The Unwritten to understand the plot of the Crossover volume (there's a nice summary in the forward of what happened in previous Unwritten Volumes, like they have on Fables TPBs).
    In fact, it would be more confusing for any original Unwritten readers who aren't well-versed in Fables when they read this cross-over (I only read first few issues of Unwritten years ago, and dropped it because I didn't find the plot to my liking. With only that, I read the cross-over and I'm confidant to say I pretty much understood at least 80% of what they were talking about. The book seems to be more Fables readers friendly, much more than to Unwritten readers).

    1. Well you know very well that I am very biased (i.e. favour) towards SnowXBigby (and the Wolf family) than anyone else in Fables!!! Haha, but in all seriousness, in my opinion, no. Snow talks to Bigby in such a way that "Dark is more of a man than you ever were....." such and such, and makes it seem as if she is more intimate to Dark - but it looked like (to me as if) she was under his spell or something (though in the volume they neither confirm nor deny this, so who knows).
      One of the major factors they state in the book is that Snow was driven to Dark when North killed Ghost (yes, unlike the main series, Ghost is already killed by North in this), so I guess she blames Bigby for that.
      As for intimate in physical terms, there is no Sex like in Super Team main series Volume (if that's what you were asking). But there is a really disgusting scene at the end where Dark eats Snow's face (yes, he literally eats her face), and that is the closest physical contact that the two share in the volume (in Dark's twisted POV it is him being intimate, but that scene was just downright gross).

    2. Bigby has been imprisoned in Castle Dark for 2 years (I think I remember it as two years, could be wrong though. Need to check the volume again). During that time he has been tormented and tortured by Snow and the Cubs (minus Ghost who is already dead), with them trying to starve him and making him eat human/mundy flesh. And no, he and Snow do not reconcile (though he still professes his love to her and shows that he cares at the end)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I haven't read the crossover (I'll have to start The Unwritten to do that) But answer me just 2 things CoolGuy: * Is Snow's 'marriage'

  • Damn, Bigby suffers from the hands of his own kin and the woman of his affections... So what happens to the cubs afterwards? I'm also assuming that Snow dies in the end...

    Would it be too much to ask for a shot of Snow from the Volume so I can get an idea of what she looks like?

  • edited December 2014

    The cubs get killed by Bigby, by his huff and puff powers. I know, it's really sad.......but that huff and puff scene of Bigby, is one action scene that I really like in this volume (although it makes me sad) - Mark Buckingham's art. After killing the cubs Snow tries to kill Bigby with her sword, but Bigby overpowers her and breaks her neck. Then Dark finds Snow, and eats her face......

    As for Snow's appearence:

    [https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=unwritten+fables+crossover+Snow+white&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=947&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=SMWVVOb0H8WzmAWehIIg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#facrc=](Unwritten Crossover Snow Looks "Title")

    It's the first image - the deathly white looking Snow.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Damn, Bigby suffers from the hands of his own kin and the woman of his affections... So what happens to the cubs afterwards? I'm also assumi

  • edited December 2014

    Oh.My.God... I might have to stay away from this Volume, I saw some panels of Snow and the Cubs torturing Bigby with human flesh; the things that Snow says to him sounds like the old Snow combined with Rose Red, it really struck deep with me.

    So Bigby kills her... At least he was the one to do it.

  • As long as Bloody Mary is in it, I'm fine with whatever possible plot they may construct.

  • Hey dude, 2 things quickly: 1. How do you PM on this site? (can you even PM on this site?)

    1. When you gonna review my story? (I know you're busy but opinions matter to me)
    TheZorkij posted: »

    As long as Bloody Mary is in it, I'm fine with whatever possible plot they may construct.

  • edited December 2014

    Well considering how much you've let me spoil you on this volume, I wouldn't be surprised if you were no longer interested in the Cross-over (though I am wondering why you've asked me all those spoiler questions......personally, I would have read the book first and judged it for myself, and have the discussion with others).

    I didn't mind seeing those horrible gruesome things done because I did have one mindset in place before starting to read the volume (and also duration of my reading) - it is NOT CANON, and it is ALTERNATE REALITY / PARALLEL UNIVERSE (luckily I googled the crossover before getting the volume and found out from others that it is not canon, otherwise, it would have dampened my mood considerably).

    As I've said, this is the Age of Apocalypse of Fables universe and to me, it was interesting to find out the worst of the possible Bad situations.

    On sidenote - no offense to The Unwritten Fans, but all the Unwritten characters in this cross-over volume (even the main character) were soooooooooooooo uninteresting, compared to Fables characters.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh.My.God... I might have to stay away from this Volume, I saw some panels of Snow and the Cubs torturing Bigby with human flesh; the things

  • edited December 2014
    1. Just go to profile page of the user you want to PM, there's a button saying "Private Discussion" in the info box (where likes and other data are displayed).
    2. I get off on holidays very soon, so toward the end of the month, I think. Sry for making you wait, man, I'm just barely keeping up with shit these days. Ugh.
    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey dude, 2 things quickly: 1. How do you PM on this site? (can you even PM on this site?) * When you gonna review my story? (I know you're busy but opinions matter to me)

  • In case you haven't noticed; I've never really been bothered with spoilers... I can have something spiled for me and still enjoy it nonetheless (usually I forget what happens for some reason)

    I already knew that this crossover was non-canon, but it still affects me that way cuz it's Bigby killing his family for God's sake.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well considering how much you've let me spoil you on this volume, I wouldn't be surprised if you were no longer interested in the Cross-over

  • Yeah, when I click on your profile the only thing that comes up is 'profile' and when I click it, it says BIO on the screen but nothing else.

    I can't access my profile, feed, my games or receipts on my account for some reason.... the only thing I can use properly is settings.

    TheZorkij posted: »

    * Just go to profile page of the user you want to PM, there's a button saying "Private Discussion" in the info box (where likes and other da

  • edited December 2014

    Erm... That's strange. Are you sure the button is not there?


    As for your profile glitch, you can try your luck with Support section. I have no idea what the problem is, honestly.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah, when I click on your profile the only thing that comes up is 'profile' and when I click it, it says BIO on the screen but nothing else

  • ... That never comes up when I click the profile button!

    TheZorkij posted: »

    Erm... That's strange. Are you sure the button is not there? https://38.media.tumblr.com/18841957c26c0f2b159e98ba5770cb42/tumblr_ngxiymo0

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