King's Landing: Who do you trust?



  • Same here, and I'm almost certain I'll come to regret both things.

    Batomys2731 posted: »

    The only one I really trust without hesitation is Tyrion, and even then I turned down his offer to give aid to House Forrester because I felt the risk was too great. I trust Margery as well, and I hope that I don't come to regret that choice later.

  • Let's not forget you, yourself and thyself. They sound pretty trustworthy.


    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Me, Myself and I

  • Ah, forget about them. I love those guys!

    Byakuren posted: »

    Let's not forget you, yourself and thyself. They sound pretty trustworthy.

  • I have a feeling that she's Cersei's spy.

    Green613 posted: »

    Sera, definitely. There's something off about her to me

  • Don't trust ANYONE in kings landing. Lord Baelish made that very clear.

  • edited December 2014

    I trust Margery and Tyrion (although you can never be certain that you as Mira can trust them)

    Not too sure about Sera or the coal boy.

    The rest don't deserve Mira's trust...yet...except for Cersei and Joffrey

  • Alt text

    EarthRocker posted: »

    Exactly! It's the first rule.

  • Tyrion and The Coal Boy, everyone else Is going to stab me in the back.

  • edited December 2014

    You shouldn't trust anyone in King's Landing. Instead, you should determine who you can exploit. Here is how I have pegged all of the characters.

    The coal boy is surely working for someone else. I will accept his help and use his information to my betterment or demise on a case by case basis.

    The other handmaiden would probably kill her own family if it meant more power. She has no influence so she is an irrelevant person to me at this point. Further, she is not privy to any additional information since she is handmaiden to Margery, the same as Mira.

    Margery could be useful. I turned down asking for help for the specific purpose of building goodwill in case I needed something later, which I surely will.

    Tyrion could be useful in exerting what influence he has in the immediate future to our mutual benefit. He wants ironwood and I want a guarantee of safety from the crown.

    Cersei is not someone I believe will ever truly want to help the Forrester's so I will continue to appease her and try to keep her at bay. Placate her with lies.

  • edited December 2014

    I disagree about Sara not being privy to information... That's not really the issue at hand with her, the issue is that she could be telling someone about you and your allegiance, she could cause a lot of problems for Mira if she tells Mira's secrets. Many handmaidens in king's landing are employees of Littlefinger, Varys or more importantly Cersei.

    It would make a lot of sense to the story to have Sara be a spy of Cerseis. Cersei doesn't trust or like Margaery, so bribing a low born girl to feed her the information of what Margaery says and does behind closed doors would be very within character.

    Psyentifik posted: »

    You shouldn't trust anyone in King's Landing. Instead, you should determine who you can exploit. Here is how I have pegged all of the charac

  • I agree with you to a degree. What I meant to her not being privy to information is that she is privy to the same information as Mira so i see no use for her right now.

    CassiPops posted: »

    I disagree about Sara not being privy to information... That's not really the issue at hand with her, the issue is that she could be telling

  • The coal boy just acting in the interests of people who "would be willing to help" but at what price? If Tyrion makes the offer for real in the next episode, I may just take it. He and Margaery the only people whose words I trust at the moment. Sera and I are apparently close friends, and right now I think she's a red herring, but that may change later on.

  • I trust absolutely no one, including Margaery.
    It's Kings Landing - as Littlefinger tells Sansa "We're all liars here."

  • I trust nobody. Kings Landing is not the right place to trust people.

  • The coal boy has a clear parallel in the books. Just saying.

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