I'll admit that while I think the concept is ridiculous as I actually like MineCraft, I will play the series because TellTale have had a good track record recently. That still doesn't mean I wanted the game or that I have to like it right now
Again, The Walking Dead would never have happened if that was Telltale's mindset.
Once you buy a game from Telltale, the contract is over… more. They're under no obligation to listen to their customers after they've provided them with a full season. My suspicion is that most people crying foul will end up buying Minecraft if it turns out to be good (which is likely, given Telltale's recent track record). If they don't, no big deal. Telltale will get even more new fans to replace the old ones.
Telltale is releasing max two games in the same time. I want to play something new from them but with another sequel my chances are 50 percent or less. Get it or is it too complicated?
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum but gain tons and tons of people. I figure it works a little better that way.
ALSO....Just because a DLC isn't being made of TWAU doesn't mean there won't be a second season. Telltale doesn't HAVE to do the same thing's it has done for The Walking Dead, they can really do whatever they want because everyone spends their money on the games either way. Like I've said before, I don't care what they decide to do, as long as it's a good game and I enjoy it. I don't judge on what it's about (TWD, TWAU, Mincraft, Game of Thrones, Borderlands, etc.) I judge on the ability to achieve a memorable and enjoyable game. Which, in certain situations, have yet to be released so you guys should stop judging coughminecraftcough until you know it will suck. Because we haven't got ANYTHING to tell us either way. And if you don't like it, don't buy it. It CANNOT get any simpler than that. Seriously.
EDIT: This is NOT meant to offend readers in ANY way, I'm simply stating my opinion on the matter (And slightly veering off course, if you will.) and you guys shouldn't reply to me in any nasty way if you HAVE been offended. Keep bad opinions to yourself, anything that could hurt someone if you said it out loud to them in person. Thank you for your consideration AND taking the time to read all of this; I know not everyone enjoys long posts but this is what I had to say on the matter Have WONDERFUL holidays, whoever celebrates around this time of year!
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game… more, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum bu… [view original content]
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game… more, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum bu… [view original content]
I think people should still show interest if they want a new season. It's the best way to ensure it happens. I still read the comics but I absolutely want a season two because I think it would be a waste to give up on the franchise now.
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game… more, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum bu… [view original content]
Anyway, what do you guys think, is there still the possibility of a Season 2 or have our dreams been cast down the Witching Well?
But on a serious not, a DLC or the news of a second season would be nice but I'm not going to be too upset if we never get that. I've began reading the comic books and its helped with my addiction to the Wolf, not to mention the many pictures drawn and countless fan fics written.
I'm a bit split over a WAU season 2: it'd be good to see what actually happened with that whole Nerissa thing and, although it's not my favourite Telltales game, it was quite interesting. On the other hand though, were would it go next? What, they'd just create another Crooked Man styled villain and Bigby would have to do that same stuff all over again? Still, I would have objected to a second season, though it would be NO WERE NEAR as good as the first.
The fact that they would replace it isn't that bad in my eyes, but the fact that they'd replace it with MINECRAFT is really upsetting!
Agreed for the most part. The comics are amazing, and I loved every issue. Am really sad its ending soon. But, Telltale's noir take on Fabletown is what seperates the game/comics that I love the most and I would love to see again, which we can't in the comics.
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game… more, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum bu… [view original content]
I just wanted to address one thing. TWD Season 3 shouldn't be too hard to pull off really (or well, not as hard as you think it might be).
Two ways they'll likely handle it:
1) Have a time-skip to get Clem or whoever we play to where they need to be, regardless of choices, while using dialog to reference past choices.
2) This one I think is more likely. Have a unique scene or two, then have them tie the different threads together. At most, you'll get one unique episode, but one - two scenes is the safe bet and it's quite possible they'll go with a mix of both points.
It's really the only feasible way, having choices not alter the broad story, to do it given their schedule given that it's hard work writing multiple stories and a lot of trouble. I'd love to be proven wrong though.
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game… more, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum bu… [view original content]
I've read that while eating chocolate pudding (without a pie tho). I don't know about the DLC, I think TTG has too much to deal with right now, but Season Two is not out of the question for sure. I don't think that Telltale is going to abandon this game, otherwise why would they keep tweeting those quotes every couple of days? I mean, both TWAU and TWD S2 are being nominated constantly (or at least certain actors/characters), but only TWAU is getting those quote tweets. As Beast said in EP1 "Something's going on..."
Anyway, what do you guys think, is there still the possibility of a Season 2 or have our dreams been cast down the Witching Well?
… more But on a serious not, a DLC or the news of a second season would be nice but I'm not going to be too upset if we never get that. I've began reading the comic books and its helped with my addiction to the Wolf, not to mention the many pictures drawn and countless fan fics written.
I don't think that Telltale is going to abandon this game, otherwise why would they keep tweeting those quotes every couple of days?
I'd like to think those were little glimpses of hope for all us TWAU fans. There is a lot on TTG's plate right now, especially since they released news on a Minecraft game. I'd love AT LEAST a DLC, if no 2nd seaon is confirmed. I have the comics to hold me over until that sweet day.
I've read that while eating chocolate pudding (without a pie tho). I don't know about the DLC, I think TTG has too much to deal with right n… moreow, but Season Two is not out of the question for sure. I don't think that Telltale is going to abandon this game, otherwise why would they keep tweeting those quotes every couple of days? I mean, both TWAU and TWD S2 are being nominated constantly (or at least certain actors/characters), but only TWAU is getting those quote tweets. As Beast said in EP1 "Something's going on..."
I hate to admit it as a fan but you're right. It's natural for people to oppose changes, but I have to trust Telltale to do whats best (even though I think the Minecraft game is a terrible idea).
If Telltale listened to their fans, The Walking Dead wouldn't have happened, and we would have got a fourth Sam & Max season instead. Frankly, the fans don't know what's best.
Look on the bright side- if nothing else, the Minecraft game will bring in more money to Telltale and that can be used to make their current crop of games better.
Well, I do know for certain that I need at least one more season of TWAU and I have my own reasons for it. A Minecraft game, no matter how g… moreood it would possibly be (and it likely won't be), will not reason me out of wanting a TWAU S2. It's a fundamental truth and can't be even argued.
That decision by Telltale is a bit questionable though- they're making a game that appeals to an audience of around 8-12 year olds. Is it really appropriate that Telltale are making a kids game when you look at the violence and adult themes in TWD and TWAU? MC will attract a younger audience, who will then most likely look at TT's other games, which are completely different and much darker. It's not very moral to expose a young audience to all the violence and swearing of their usual games- worse still, TT might have to tone down the violence in those games if they start attracting a younger audience, which is a terrible thought! I know they used to make kids games but those days are gone.
You could argue that kids nowadays wouldn't be too shocked by all the stuff in TWAU and TWD but it still doesn't seem right to me.
I think its a way to bring in new players. If you think about it, its really smart! Bring in new players who will fall in love with the styl… moree and play previous games TTG released, once they've drawn in the new players and given them a chance to see what they (TTG) can do, maybe then they'll release the MUCH anticipated WAU season 2? I may be wrong but i hope I'm right!
I think it's bs that they announced minecraft, but not TWAU S2. I would rather they make a season 2 instead Of minecraft or TWD s3 (I love TWD, but damn it it's had it's time in the spotlight)
Really??? Clem's story is far from finished, and if the new season focuses on anyone BUT Clementine then I'll be very disappointed. How can you not want to know what happens to her and the baby next???
Also, I'd be very unhappy if they focused on Christa- they've already brought Kenny back from the dead, doing the same with Christa would just ruin the realism. Plus she's no were near as interesting a character as Clem.
I agree that TWD doesn't need a Season 3. BUT I will love Season 3 more if it focuses on Christa or a new character, if it focuses on Clemen… moretine then I will be disappointed. Clem's story is finished imo, Season 2 had about 7 different endings (2 for Clem/Jane, 2 for Clem/Kenny and 3 for Clem alone, in that Jane and Kenny can both be dead or 1 will be alive but left alone)
The Wolf Among us had a TON of unused plots that sounded really interesting including a real serial killer who would kill Fables and Mundies, Bigby was going to be framed, Bragging was going to find out Bigby was a wolf and so on.
I'm a bit split over a WAU season 2: it'd be good to see what actually happened with that whole Nerissa thing and, although it's not my favo… moreurite Telltales game, it was quite interesting. On the other hand though, were would it go next? What, they'd just create another Crooked Man styled villain and Bigby would have to do that same stuff all over again? Still, I would have objected to a second season, though it would be NO WERE NEAR as good as the first.
The fact that they would replace it isn't that bad in my eyes, but the fact that they'd replace it with MINECRAFT is really upsetting!
I personally hope she's dead. Not because I didn't like her, but because it'd ruin the games realism to have another character come back from the dead.
It's fact, people just don't want to see. She died off-screen, so people be like: '' Oh my God, she is dead or alive? ''... but you can hear… more the shot and everything... just face it.
That's the laziest excuse for 'She's dead, end of story' I've ever heard.
My main worry isn't that MC will suck (though it will, mark my words). It's that the younger audience attracted by Telltale may mean they have to tone down their games to suit a younger audience.
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game… more, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum bu… [view original content]
Christa will probably never come back and she will stay unknown forever. TellTale said it themselves, they like players not knowing what happened to her
Really??? Clem's story is far from finished, and if the new season focuses on anyone BUT Clementine then I'll be very disappointed. How can … moreyou not want to know what happens to her and the baby next???
Also, I'd be very unhappy if they focused on Christa- they've already brought Kenny back from the dead, doing the same with Christa would just ruin the realism. Plus she's no were near as interesting a character as Clem.
Christa will probably never come back and she will stay unknown forever. TellTale said it themselves, they like players not knowing what happened to her
I completely agree. They already brought back Kenny, it's time to retire all the characters that are unknown and leave them in the past. No more bringing back characters, no more Molly, no more Nate, no more Eddie, no more Christa, no more anyone else. Bring in new people and that's it.
It's up to the parents to keep their kids from playing mature games. I don't thnk that Telltale should be forced to only stick to Mature games in fear that younger kids will discover them anymore than they should have stuck to only making kid-friendly games. It only makes sense to try to build as big an audience as possible.
That decision by Telltale is a bit questionable though- they're making a game that appeals to an audience of around 8-12 year olds. Is it re… moreally appropriate that Telltale are making a kids game when you look at the violence and adult themes in TWD and TWAU? MC will attract a younger audience, who will then most likely look at TT's other games, which are completely different and much darker. It's not very moral to expose a young audience to all the violence and swearing of their usual games- worse still, TT might have to tone down the violence in those games if they start attracting a younger audience, which is a terrible thought! I know they used to make kids games but those days are gone.
You could argue that kids nowadays wouldn't be too shocked by all the stuff in TWAU and TWD but it still doesn't seem right to me.
I'll admit that while I think the concept is ridiculous as I actually like MineCraft, I will play the series because TellTale have had a good track record recently. That still doesn't mean I wanted the game or that I have to like it right now
Oh Georgie is definitely dead! But Mary i'm obliged to say no becuase nothing felt climactic with her 'death'
Something wasn't right...
É sempre bom encontrar outros brasileiros aqui. Haha
Can u translate to English plz? I don't speak Portuguese...
I told Vector that I feel happy about finding brazilian people around here. :P
Fair enough!
^ Hasnt Read Fables Comics
Epa! É o terceiro brasileiro que eu vejo no fórum! XD
Realmente é bom ver que os brasileiros tem espaço por aqui também :v
then you should be happy that telltale making multiple seasons is the exception not the rule....i still want another monkey island tho.
To be honest, I wouldn't care if there was a season 2 or not. Everyone seems too obsessed with another one, and I admit, it was a great game, really, but if you want more, just read the comic books. Seriously. Buy them. Pirate them. Borrow them. I don't care how you do it. I'm not saying the game or the comics are better, that's your own opinion, but if you want more Fable action, turn there. If you've already done so, like I have, you should just relax. Telltale can only do so much, and although they haven't said anything about TWAU Season 2, it's still a possibility. It can't be THAT hard, I mean they're making a season 3 of TWD and THAT game has FIVE endings to have to work with. Now THAT'S going to be tough. I think they want to expand themselves before building more games on the list up. I'm just saying, there are way too many posts on this forum about the subject, and I figure if you really want a season two, keep it all on one forum but gain tons and tons of people. I figure it works a little better that way.
ALSO....Just because a DLC isn't being made of TWAU doesn't mean there won't be a second season. Telltale doesn't HAVE to do the same thing's it has done for The Walking Dead, they can really do whatever they want because everyone spends their money on the games either way. Like I've said before, I don't care what they decide to do, as long as it's a good game and I enjoy it. I don't judge on what it's about (TWD, TWAU, Mincraft, Game of Thrones, Borderlands, etc.) I judge on the ability to achieve a memorable and enjoyable game. Which, in certain situations, have yet to be released so you guys should stop judging coughminecraftcough until you know it will suck. Because we haven't got ANYTHING to tell us either way. And if you don't like it, don't buy it. It CANNOT get any simpler than that. Seriously.
EDIT: This is NOT meant to offend readers in ANY way, I'm simply stating my opinion on the matter (And slightly veering off course, if you will.) and you guys shouldn't reply to me in any nasty way if you HAVE been offended. Keep bad opinions to yourself, anything that could hurt someone if you said it out loud to them in person. Thank you for your consideration AND taking the time to read all of this; I know not everyone enjoys long posts but this is what I had to say on the matter
Have WONDERFUL holidays, whoever celebrates around this time of year!
5 endings.
Sorry. I forgot about the other two. Thank you, though
EDIT: I fixed it, to avoid confusion now. Thanks, again!
EMMYPESS; your post was indeed long but everyone should read it...
I think people should still show interest if they want a new season. It's the best way to ensure it happens. I still read the comics but I absolutely want a season two because I think it would be a waste to give up on the franchise now.
But on a serious not, a DLC or the news of a second season would be nice but I'm not going to be too upset if we never get that. I've began reading the comic books and its helped with my addiction to the Wolf, not to mention the many pictures drawn and countless fan fics written.
I'm a bit split over a WAU season 2: it'd be good to see what actually happened with that whole Nerissa thing and, although it's not my favourite Telltales game, it was quite interesting. On the other hand though, were would it go next? What, they'd just create another Crooked Man styled villain and Bigby would have to do that same stuff all over again? Still, I would have objected to a second season, though it would be NO WERE NEAR as good as the first.
The fact that they would replace it isn't that bad in my eyes, but the fact that they'd replace it with MINECRAFT is really upsetting!
Agreed for the most part. The comics are amazing, and I loved every issue. Am really sad its ending soon. But, Telltale's noir take on Fabletown is what seperates the game/comics that I love the most and I would love to see again, which we can't in the comics.
A nice post.
I just wanted to address one thing. TWD Season 3 shouldn't be too hard to pull off really (or well, not as hard as you think it might be).
Two ways they'll likely handle it:
1) Have a time-skip to get Clem or whoever we play to where they need to be, regardless of choices, while using dialog to reference past choices.
2) This one I think is more likely. Have a unique scene or two, then have them tie the different threads together. At most, you'll get one unique episode, but one - two scenes is the safe bet and it's quite possible they'll go with a mix of both points.
It's really the only feasible way, having choices not alter the broad story, to do it given their schedule given that it's hard work writing multiple stories and a lot of trouble. I'd love to be proven wrong though.
Anyhow, have a good one yourself, too.
lol got banned, wonder why?
I've read that while eating chocolate pudding (without a pie tho). I don't know about the DLC, I think TTG has too much to deal with right now, but Season Two is not out of the question for sure. I don't think that Telltale is going to abandon this game, otherwise why would they keep tweeting those quotes every couple of days? I mean, both TWAU and TWD S2 are being nominated constantly (or at least certain actors/characters), but only TWAU is getting those quote tweets. As Beast said in EP1 "Something's going on..."
I'd like to think those were little glimpses of hope for all us TWAU fans. There is a lot on TTG's plate right now, especially since they released news on a Minecraft game. I'd love AT LEAST a DLC, if no 2nd seaon is confirmed. I have the comics to hold me over until that sweet day.
I hate to admit it as a fan but you're right. It's natural for people to oppose changes, but I have to trust Telltale to do whats best (even though I think the Minecraft game is a terrible idea).
Look on the bright side- if nothing else, the Minecraft game will bring in more money to Telltale and that can be used to make their current crop of games better.
That decision by Telltale is a bit questionable though- they're making a game that appeals to an audience of around 8-12 year olds. Is it really appropriate that Telltale are making a kids game when you look at the violence and adult themes in TWD and TWAU? MC will attract a younger audience, who will then most likely look at TT's other games, which are completely different and much darker. It's not very moral to expose a young audience to all the violence and swearing of their usual games- worse still, TT might have to tone down the violence in those games if they start attracting a younger audience, which is a terrible thought! I know they used to make kids games but those days are gone.
You could argue that kids nowadays wouldn't be too shocked by all the stuff in TWAU and TWD but it still doesn't seem right to me.
Do you mean that you don't want another TWD series or that you'd just like them to make S2 of TWAU before they bring out S3 of TWD?
Really??? Clem's story is far from finished, and if the new season focuses on anyone BUT Clementine then I'll be very disappointed. How can you not want to know what happens to her and the baby next???
Also, I'd be very unhappy if they focused on Christa- they've already brought Kenny back from the dead, doing the same with Christa would just ruin the realism. Plus she's no were near as interesting a character as Clem.
The Wolf Among us had a TON of unused plots that sounded really interesting including a real serial killer who would kill Fables and Mundies, Bigby was going to be framed, Bragging was going to find out Bigby was a wolf and so on.
I personally hope she's dead. Not because I didn't like her, but because it'd ruin the games realism to have another character come back from the dead.
Why the heck did Vector get banned???
Why would anyone be offended by your comment?
My main worry isn't that MC will suck (though it will, mark my words). It's that the younger audience attracted by Telltale may mean they have to tone down their games to suit a younger audience.
Christa will probably never come back and she will stay unknown forever. TellTale said it themselves, they like players not knowing what happened to her
I would just rather have TWAU S2 because I like the wolf among us more. Not saying I don't want TWD S3, I'm just saying I'd rather TWAU S2.
Ok, I get what you mean. BTW, you accidently put TWD season 2 instead of 3
Good. Not that I hate her, it's just that (like I said) I don't want anymore old characters returning after Kenny.
Yeah same I feel like Kenny should be the only one to return
Ahh thanks I fixed it.
I completely agree. They already brought back Kenny, it's time to retire all the characters that are unknown and leave them in the past. No more bringing back characters, no more Molly, no more Nate, no more Eddie, no more Christa, no more anyone else. Bring in new people and that's it.
You can't ask why someone got banned, it's against the rules, you will find yourself banned if you continue to ask.
It's up to the parents to keep their kids from playing mature games. I don't thnk that Telltale should be forced to only stick to Mature games in fear that younger kids will discover them anymore than they should have stuck to only making kid-friendly games. It only makes sense to try to build as big an audience as possible.