Asami spent waaaaay more time with Korra in the last two books than Mako did. Ever since the start of Book 3 it's always been Asami who was supporting and looking after Korra the most, while Mako was more distant and awkward. So much so to the point that Korra only felt comfortable writing to Asami during her years away.
I totally love Mako and I really did like his relationship with Korra, but it just didn't work out between them. If you don't like Korrasami as a pairing, fair enough, but the hints are totally there if you look hard enough. It's a kids show, so they sadly can't make a pairing like this super obvious. I think they managed to do a pretty good job with the growth of their relationship, given the limitations.
All these gifs do a good job of showing how Mike and Bryan fell to the demands of their fans and forced Korra and Asami together as a couple… more despite their almost zero interaction this Book.
Honestly Makorra would have made more sense. At least Korra spent a subtantial amount of time with Mako.
Asami spent way more time with Korra in Book 3 but NOT Book 4.
All Asami did in Book 4 was tell Korra she liked her clothes and made Korra blush, make Korra some tea and made Korra remark how she was 'so sweet' and be informed by Korra about her weaknesses.
However more time was spent with Mako. Mako was the one who could relate to his past experiences with Korra in Episode 7 I think. He was also the one who accompanied Korra onto her final stage to conquer her PTSD. That entire episode of Korra confronting Zaheer was just Korra with Mako. Asami and Korra didn't even get one episode together.
So yeah there's a little that hints at a budding relationship between Asami and Korra but there's a lot more with Mako. He was even willing to sacrifice his life to disable Kuvira's mech. On the other hand, Asami was spending most of the finale on her relationship with her father so her relationship with Korra just never had any focus. It just sprouted up randomly during the last few minutes of the finale and that's why it felt so forced. Makorra logically made more sense because at least it had some build up.
Wait, what.
Asami spent waaaaay more time with Korra in the last two books than Mako did. Ever since the start of Book 3 it's always been… more Asami who was supporting and looking after Korra the most, while Mako was more distant and awkward. So much so to the point that Korra only felt comfortable writing to Asami during her years away.
I totally love Mako and I really did like his relationship with Korra, but it just didn't work out between them. If you don't like Korrasami as a pairing, fair enough, but the hints are totally there if you look hard enough. It's a kids show, so they sadly can't make a pairing like this super obvious. I think they managed to do a pretty good job with the growth of their relationship, given the limitations.
Time spent with people really doesn't imply attraction though. She really liked Mako at the beginning of the series, but it didn't work out between them. Both of them said so. They both still cared for each other a lot, though, even if the attraction wasn't there. That was shown well by the examples you've given.
All of the stuff that you showed of Korra and Asami did in book 4 showed that there was an attraction building between them. That was a natural build up to the events of the end of the season. It showed that they were both growing attracted to each other, and wanted to take it further. It was a good build up to the finale (and was as much as a show aimed at children was ever going to get for a same sex relationship in North America in today's world). The ending didn't imply that Asami and Korra were necessarily going to get paired off, living their whole lives together, just that they were taking their relationship further. And the last couple seasons definitely did a good build up towards that.
Asami spent way more time with Korra in Book 3 but NOT Book 4.
All Asami did in Book 4 was tell Korra she liked her clothes and made Korr… morea blush, make Korra some tea and made Korra remark how she was 'so sweet' and be informed by Korra about her weaknesses.
However more time was spent with Mako. Mako was the one who could relate to his past experiences with Korra in Episode 7 I think. He was also the one who accompanied Korra onto her final stage to conquer her PTSD. That entire episode of Korra confronting Zaheer was just Korra with Mako. Asami and Korra didn't even get one episode together.
So yeah there's a little that hints at a budding relationship between Asami and Korra but there's a lot more with Mako. He was even willing to sacrifice his life to disable Kuvira's mech. On the other hand, Asami was spending most of the finale on her relationship with her father so her relationship with Korra just never had any focus. It just s… [view original content]
Makorra was only “endgame” as far as the end of Book 1. Once we got into Book 2 we knew we were going to have them break up, and we never planned on getting them back together. Sorry, friends. I like Mako too, and I am sure he will be just fine in the romance department. He grew up and learned about himself through his relationships with Asami and Korra, and he’s a better person for it, and he’ll be a better partner for whomever he ends up with.
Asami spent way more time with Korra in Book 3 but NOT Book 4.
All Asami did in Book 4 was tell Korra she liked her clothes and made Korr… morea blush, make Korra some tea and made Korra remark how she was 'so sweet' and be informed by Korra about her weaknesses.
However more time was spent with Mako. Mako was the one who could relate to his past experiences with Korra in Episode 7 I think. He was also the one who accompanied Korra onto her final stage to conquer her PTSD. That entire episode of Korra confronting Zaheer was just Korra with Mako. Asami and Korra didn't even get one episode together.
So yeah there's a little that hints at a budding relationship between Asami and Korra but there's a lot more with Mako. He was even willing to sacrifice his life to disable Kuvira's mech. On the other hand, Asami was spending most of the finale on her relationship with her father so her relationship with Korra just never had any focus. It just s… [view original content]
Yeah I guess. Overall I didn't like LoK as much as ATLA but I don't entirely blame Mike and Bryan for it. They did what they could with what little Nick gave them.
Yeah Nick also could have made Korra better and there most watched Nick program on there channel if they just gave it more episodes, time and attention so we got new fans in to the series...
But I think in my opinion Korra is the best Avatar ever in the show
Yeah I guess. Overall I didn't like LoK as much as ATLA but I don't entirely blame Mike and Bryan for it. They did what they could with what little Nick gave them.
Yeah Nick also could have made Korra better and there most watched Nick program on there channel if they just gave it more episodes, time an… mored attention so we got new fans in to the series...
But I think in my opinion Korra is the best Avatar ever in the show
I really didn't like Verrick at first, and him acting dismissive and rude towards Zhu Li had a lot to do with it. But towards the end I grew to like Verrick's character, as well as Zhu Li (and that they ended up together). He and Bolin have had the most character growth in the series from Book One to Book Four. By the end of Book Four, he's clearly a lot less self-centered and dismissive of others (he's not perfect, but he's not a total jerk like he originally was in Book One).
It's clear he really does care about Zhu Li, he just has a hard time showing it. The "would you do the thing for the rest of our lives" line both fit his character well, and showed that his character had evolved. At the same time, it showed he still had a hard time showing his feelings, but was willing to try since he didn't want to lose her. I personally thought his character arc was one of the more better done ones in this series.
Yeah, this. Varrick had good character growth and was finally able to admit his feelings to Zhu Li.
I just personally thought Bopal was extremely forced and cheesy. They said they were going to dial back the romance, so I was pretty disappointed when Bolin got yet another love interest. (I used to ship him with Korra, but gave up on it pretty quickly.)
I really didn't like Verrick at first, and him acting dismissive and rude towards Zhu Li had a lot to do with it. But towards the end I gre… morew to like Verrick's character, as well as Zhu Li (and that they ended up together). He and Bolin have had the most character growth in the series from Book One to Book Four. By the end of Book Four, he's clearly a lot less self-centered and dismissive of others (he's not perfect, but he's not a total jerk like he originally was in Book One).
It's clear he really does care about Zhu Li, he just has a hard time showing it. The "would you do the thing for the rest of our lives" line both fit his character well, and showed that his character had evolved. At the same time, it showed he still had a hard time showing his feelings, but was willing to try since he didn't want to lose her. I personally thought his character arc was one of the more better done ones in this series.
I really didn't like Verrick at first, and him acting dismissive and rude towards Zhu Li had a lot to do with it. But towards the end I gre… morew to like Verrick's character, as well as Zhu Li (and that they ended up together). He and Bolin have had the most character growth in the series from Book One to Book Four. By the end of Book Four, he's clearly a lot less self-centered and dismissive of others (he's not perfect, but he's not a total jerk like he originally was in Book One).
It's clear he really does care about Zhu Li, he just has a hard time showing it. The "would you do the thing for the rest of our lives" line both fit his character well, and showed that his character had evolved. At the same time, it showed he still had a hard time showing his feelings, but was willing to try since he didn't want to lose her. I personally thought his character arc was one of the more better done ones in this series.
Wait, what.
Asami spent waaaaay more time with Korra in the last two books than Mako did. Ever since the start of Book 3 it's always been Asami who was supporting and looking after Korra the most, while Mako was more distant and awkward. So much so to the point that Korra only felt comfortable writing to Asami during her years away.
I totally love Mako and I really did like his relationship with Korra, but it just didn't work out between them. If you don't like Korrasami as a pairing, fair enough, but the hints are totally there if you look hard enough. It's a kids show, so they sadly can't make a pairing like this super obvious. I think they managed to do a pretty good job with the growth of their relationship, given the limitations.
Asami spent way more time with Korra in Book 3 but NOT Book 4.
All Asami did in Book 4 was tell Korra she liked her clothes and made Korra blush, make Korra some tea and made Korra remark how she was 'so sweet' and be informed by Korra about her weaknesses.
However more time was spent with Mako. Mako was the one who could relate to his past experiences with Korra in Episode 7 I think. He was also the one who accompanied Korra onto her final stage to conquer her PTSD. That entire episode of Korra confronting Zaheer was just Korra with Mako. Asami and Korra didn't even get one episode together.
So yeah there's a little that hints at a budding relationship between Asami and Korra but there's a lot more with Mako. He was even willing to sacrifice his life to disable Kuvira's mech. On the other hand, Asami was spending most of the finale on her relationship with her father so her relationship with Korra just never had any focus. It just sprouted up randomly during the last few minutes of the finale and that's why it felt so forced. Makorra logically made more sense because at least it had some build up.
Time spent with people really doesn't imply attraction though. She really liked Mako at the beginning of the series, but it didn't work out between them. Both of them said so. They both still cared for each other a lot, though, even if the attraction wasn't there. That was shown well by the examples you've given.
All of the stuff that you showed of Korra and Asami did in book 4 showed that there was an attraction building between them. That was a natural build up to the events of the end of the season. It showed that they were both growing attracted to each other, and wanted to take it further. It was a good build up to the finale (and was as much as a show aimed at children was ever going to get for a same sex relationship in North America in today's world). The ending didn't imply that Asami and Korra were necessarily going to get paired off, living their whole lives together, just that they were taking their relationship further. And the last couple seasons definitely did a good build up towards that.
Korrasami has now been confirmed by both Bryan and Mike! Their posts are good reads. Especially Bryan's.
So I decided to draw my G Opal, don't make fun pls ._. , I know I'm a really bad artist :P
You're not bad, if you want to see something terrible look at this:
This is some Green613 ass nerd shit. Fucking Green.
lololol come at me m8
Holy shit this cracked me up xD
Another note. Korrasami is great, but Kataang will always be where it's at.
Everyone knows Bopal is the master ship around here, lol.

But seriously I think Bopal is the best
Damn straight boi.
I don't know, by the end of the series I really liked Zhurrick.
"Would you do the thing for the rest of our lives?"
I liked Zhurrick, but I dunno I always felt Bopal is my favorite, it's like as soon as you see Opal and Bolin first meet you know it's canon :P
I hated Zhurrick. He treated her like shit the entire series. I hope she didn't sign a prenup and takes him for whatever he's worth.
Wow, that's the first time I've heard someone say they didn't like Zhurrick :P
You hate Zhurrick wow
Hate to break it to you, but they never intended on getting Korra and Mako back together.
Can't stand it.
If it's any consolation, I don't like Bopal. XD ducks for cover
For shame!
I'll fookin deck u in m8, swar on me mum
Honestly though, they just never clicked for me, and neither did Opal. I tried to like her, but I just couldn't.
And Green is like
I don't like any ship in LoK. They just all seem poorly written.
I thought they were written very well and also they have just a few episodes to do everything and it's 20 minutes for each episode
Yeah I guess. Overall I didn't like LoK as much as ATLA but I don't entirely blame Mike and Bryan for it. They did what they could with what little Nick gave them.
Yeah Nick also could have made Korra better and there most watched Nick program on there channel if they just gave it more episodes, time and attention so we got new fans in to the series...
But I think in my opinion Korra is the best Avatar ever in the show
Hold back the rage
I really didn't like Verrick at first, and him acting dismissive and rude towards Zhu Li had a lot to do with it. But towards the end I grew to like Verrick's character, as well as Zhu Li (and that they ended up together). He and Bolin have had the most character growth in the series from Book One to Book Four. By the end of Book Four, he's clearly a lot less self-centered and dismissive of others (he's not perfect, but he's not a total jerk like he originally was in Book One).
It's clear he really does care about Zhu Li, he just has a hard time showing it. The "would you do the thing for the rest of our lives" line both fit his character well, and showed that his character had evolved. At the same time, it showed he still had a hard time showing his feelings, but was willing to try since he didn't want to lose her. I personally thought his character arc was one of the more better done ones in this series.
Yeah, this. Varrick had good character growth and was finally able to admit his feelings to Zhu Li.
I just personally thought Bopal was extremely forced and cheesy. They said they were going to dial back the romance, so I was pretty disappointed when Bolin got yet another love interest. (I used to ship him with Korra, but gave up on it pretty quickly.)
Goes to google and search for Korra Christmas and this is the first image I get

I guess I felt that even with all the progress he had made it wasn't enough to deserve someone, let alone Zhu Li.
And he did. Pakku is a master after all. Master of seduction.