New to Old Telltale Games? Buy the Sam & Max Complete Pack!
Hello there fellow patron I didn't see you there. Would you be interesting in buying one of the greatest adventure game series ever made for the low, low, LOW price of just 10 DOLLARS! You heard me right ONLY 10 Dollars for 3 mind meltingly, laugh out loud hilarious seasons of the greatest law fighting duo since Bonnie and Clyde?! They were good right....Of course they were!
This is you BEFORE buying the Sam & Max Complete pack.
NOW this is you after!
offer ends January 2nd
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I plan on buying it, it's thirteen dollars here in Canada, I just want to see if the price goes down any further, I doubt it so I might just buy it tonight.
Woo! Can't wait to hear how you like it!
Yeah, just bought it, so I'll get back to you on it in a few days.
If nothing else, at least check out Season 3!
or if you have a shit load of money lying around you could get the telltale complete pack which comes with every telltale game to date
Is there a console version?
Season 2 and 3 are on PS3, but Season 1 is only on 360 and Wii In terms of Consoles
Just finished the first season, pretty good.
What did you like about it? Your favorite Episode?
Just wait until you reach The Devil's Playhouse! It's the best Season of them all and a lot more in line with more recent Telltale games in terms of production qualities.
Episode 3, mostly due to Ted E. Bears 100% mafia free casino theme song.
Though now that I think about it I also loved the intro to "Abe Lincoln Must Die!"
Sometimes I wish S1 was available for Mac.
The Mac port of Season One was announced in March of 2010, and it was supposed to have come out "within the year." Nothing ever came of it, though.
What about the finale to "Reality 2.0" Come on you gotta love that text adventure puzzle
I never really liked text adventures, so I personally didn't enjoy it much but it was still good.
Just finished Season 2. I also bought the Monkey Island game for when I am finished Season 3 of Sam & Max.
Sweet! How did you like Season 2?
Pretty good, I like how episode 5 tied it all together.
So Episode 5 was your favorite? My favorite was Episode 4. Mama Bosco for LIFE!
I like episode 4, especially with the explanation of the completely useless printer ribbon. But I just liked episode 5 for tying everything together.
I think that joke was in Episode 3 were they become zombies, but I do agree that Episode 5 is especially funny with the reveal of the soda poppers being the villains of that season XD
I love the attention to detail in episode 5 especially because the word 'soda' is bleeped, so the soda poppers theme song song that plays on the jukebox is considerably bleeped.
Also the zombie thing was in episode 3, where you could first pick up that printer ribbon.
Darn my memory! Oh well I'm glad your enjoying it nonetheless.
Just finished season 3, nice way to end it off.
So... What are your overall thoughts on the greatness that is Sam & Max.
It's pretty good, really funny and holds up well. I wouldn't say it's the best but it is good.