Episode one

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

Did anyone else hate that Ethan got killed and I don't really watch the show or read the books, but is there a way to bring him back and what do you think about playing as Asher


  • It well not happen with him gone it drives home the meaning full hatered for house white hill and the new warden of the north also it tells everyone they're true to the books and the fans.

  • edited December 2014

    He won't come back, nor should he. Sort of like the beheading of Ned Stark, Ethan's death will initiate the full on hatred of House Whitehill.

    On the other topic, I think Asher will be a complete badass :P

  • edited December 2014

    I was more surprised than pissed. see i watch the show and read the books they have this tendency of killing off my favs. anyways, i thhink it was genious overall, if something like that did not happen, then they might as well not use Ramasy Snow, his character is all about crazy shit like that

  • I did hate that he was killed, i liked the idea of getting to mold him into whatever kind of lord you wanted. But, i also am a reader of the books, and as soon as i knew Ramsey Bolton was involved, i kindof expected Someone to die badly.

    I am excited to play as Asher, he seems like he would be fun to play, a rogue type, in yunkai or mereen or wherever they put them. I am also really excited to play at the Wall. Its my favorite storyline in the books. I want Tormund Giantsbane!! Har!

  • I know someone had to die,but I thought it would be the youngest brother or even the mother,but not the character I am playing

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I did hate that he was killed, i liked the idea of getting to mold him into whatever kind of lord you wanted. But, i also am a reader of the

  • Hate? No! That part was the best.

    Yes, there is a way to bring Ethan back but inviting White Walkers to Ironwrath may be difficult.

    Asher slasher will kick ass.

  • My response to the death was much the same as to Ned Starks death - "WHAT?!?! Damn that's harsh...I was enjoying that character" but it fits the theme and feel of GoT! It was a great twist.

  • Yeah, i hear you. It' a good twist though, once you get past the shock. And it's kindof like when Bran got pushed in the beginning of AGOT (book), it pulls you in, with the POV, and when the character dies/gets injured or whatnot, you have this guaranteed empathy with them and their cause.
    So, it serves the rest of the story.

    TJP623 posted: »

    I know someone had to die,but I thought it would be the youngest brother or even the mother,but not the character I am playing

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