i waited all night for TWAU 2nd season announcement... and i got stupid minecraft. TWAU is unique in a way that stupid minecraft will never … morebe.. you can make all the stories you want, but by announcing a minecraft series is nothing but a money thing. the studio who made all those amazing and unique games like S&M, TWAU, BTTF,TFMI.. would do a minecraft series? ummm NO. i wont look at telltale the same way, YES. all the kids around the world will buy their minecraft game, but us true fans who followed them since way back with bones, S&M will change the way we look at them. they arent the same unique telltale. its just another game company to me and its ok, all companies want money now.. but its a shame
The Wolf Among us had a TON of unused plots that sounded really interesting including a real serial killer who would kill Fables and Mundies, Bigby was going to be framed, Bragging was going to find out Bigby was a wolf and so on.
Who the heck is Rose Red? If this is from the comics say so and I won't ask anymore questions- I don't read the comics, so I'm completely ignorant to what you guys are talking about XD
Who the heck is Rose Red? If this is from the comics say so and I won't ask anymore questions- I don't read the comics, so I'm completely ignorant to what you guys are talking about XD
Who the heck is Rose Red? If this is from the comics say so and I won't ask anymore questions- I don't read the comics, so I'm completely ignorant to what you guys are talking about XD
Jesus Christ Almighty!!! Why do you give up hope just because nothing has been announced!? I'm still waiting for an announcement, but I'm not giving up on anything unless I am told by TellTale that this is the end of TWAU.
Ehhh, it's time to refresh the other topic, eh? I guess I'll have to list down more arguments... I just don't understand why people are giving up hope, it's been like 6 months since season one ended, believe it or not, but for TTG it's still a fresh game, so I won't blame them for not working on S2. Just be patient people, or be neutral.
Jesus Christ Almighty!!! Why do you give up hope just because nothing has been announced!? I'm still waiting for an announcement, but I'm not giving up on anything unless I am told by TellTale that this is the end of TWAU.
It's just that Telltale had confirmed Season 3 of TWD before it even finished and had already confirmed Minecraft, but we still have no information on TWAU other than a video Adam Harrington has on his channel. Just some information on whether there will be one or not is all I or anyone wants. I have no problem waiting for one, I'd just like to know if there is going to be one or not.
No, that's not the problem, the problem is that there has been no news at all, not even a simple statement from Telltale. Just some information on whether there will be one or not is all I or anyone wants. I have no problem waiting for one, I'd just like to know if there is going to be one or not.
I think people are giving up because Season 2 of Walking dead and season 3 were announced before the season prior had even ended. And now with TellTale's Minecraft it isnt looking so hot
Ehhh, it's time to refresh the other topic, eh? I guess I'll have to list down more arguments... I just don't understand why people are givi… moreng up hope, it's been like 6 months since season one ended, believe it or not, but for TTG it's still a fresh game, so I won't blame them for not working on S2. Just be patient people, or be neutral.
No, that's not the problem, the problem is that there has been no news at all, not even a simple statement from Telltale. Just some informa… moretion on whether there will be one or not is all I or anyone wants. I have no problem waiting for one, I'd just like to know if there is going to be one or not.
TWD Season 3 announcement made me say 'why, just why?' That series has run it's course by now; Season 1 was good, perfect even imo. Season 2 had a decent start, but by Ep. 3 it was going downhill and Ep. 5 has multiple endings...
MineCraft Story Mode... I can't even say, I like MineCraft, but the whole point of that game is you build and destroy stuff FOR FUN! NOT TO PLAY A STORY!
TWAU needs a Season 2 because:
Cliffhanger ending...
Fables is ending (maybe permanently) next year in March, so TWAU will be the only source of new stories for that universe (unless Willingham or someone from his team returns to the series in the future as they keep hinting)
The series was a smash-hit with critics and gamers and has spawned a MASSIVE fanbase, and not just for the game itself. It's brought many more readers to the comics (like me and I don't normally read, let alone buy and keep, comic books) and the series characters (like Bloody Mary) are fan-favourites as well!
The series has great potential for multiple seasons as they have soooo much time to play with in the prequel section: They could make a series set in the 1700's when Fabletown was just beginning, or something along those lines. Season 2 needs to continue Season 1 though...
It's just that Telltale had confirmed Season 3 of TWD before it even finished and had already confirmed Minecraft, but we still have no info… morermation on TWAU other than a video Adam Harrington has on his channel. Just some information on whether there will be one or not is all I or anyone wants. I have no problem waiting for one, I'd just like to know if there is going to be one or not.
Episode 3 was great, I honestly don't understand people's problem with that episode. Episode 4 out right sucked, but Episode 5 made up for it. And by having multiple endings, if Telltale handles it right, can really stress the importance of our choices and make them actually have an impact.
TWD Season 3 announcement made me say 'why, just why?' That series has run it's course by now; Season 1 was good, perfect even imo. Season 2… more had a decent start, but by Ep. 3 it was going downhill and Ep. 5 has multiple endings...
MineCraft Story Mode... I can't even say, I like MineCraft, but the whole point of that game is you build and destroy stuff FOR FUN! NOT TO PLAY A STORY!
TWAU needs a Season 2 because:
* Cliffhanger ending...
* Fables is ending (maybe permanently) next year in March, so TWAU will be the only source of new stories for that universe (unless Willingham or someone from his team returns to the series in the future as they keep hinting)
* The series was a smash-hit with critics and gamers and has spawned a MASSIVE fanbase, and not just for the game itself. It's brought many more readers to the comics (like me and I don't normally read, let alone buy and keep, comic books) and the series characters (like Bl… [view original content]
Ep. 3 was bad imo cuz the whole escape from Carver's fort and his death itself could've both been handled a lot better... Ep. 4 was kinda meh as well, then Ep. 5 with the Kenny/Jane thing made the last 2 episodes seem great!
The whole escape wasn't as I imagined it would go, and I thought Carver was going to live after the episode...
Episode 3 was great, I honestly don't understand people's problem with that episode. Episode 4 out right sucked, but Episode 5 made up for i… moret. And by having multiple endings, if Telltale handles it right, can really stress the importance of our choices and make them actually have an impact.
Back to the topic... just because TWD S2/S3 were announced so soon, it doesn't mean that TWAU has to follow that manner. TTG might want to wait till they check in with Willingham about the story before they begin the actual development, which will be then followed by official announcement. Also, I'm sure they want to catch a breath after the first season, that's why they started a bunch of new series (TFTB, GOT and Mehcraft), so let them finish those first before jumping into conclusions. I'm pretty sure that once those three games will be nearly finished, TTG is going to look back, because TWAU S2 will be again like taking a breath of fresh air, also it should give them a fresh perspective so it will be MUCH easier for them to write a new storyline.
Ep. 3 was bad imo cuz the whole escape from Carver's fort and his death itself could've both been handled a lot better... Ep. 4 was kinda me… moreh as well, then Ep. 5 with the Kenny/Jane thing made the last 2 episodes seem great!
The whole escape wasn't as I imagined it would go, and I thought Carver was going to live after the episode...
I think that there probably won't be another one not because I'm impatient- Telltale have taken on GOT, Borderlands and Minecraft now, all of which are probably better selling titles than TWAU. By the time they get around to make a second season people I imagine they will have lost interest. And as far as I know they haven't mentioned anything about making a second season, which isn't exactly a good sign. Telltale are, after all, still a company- if they're biggest selling games are things like GOT, Minecraft and TWD then they're not going to want to waste time on less successful games (I'm not saying I think making another season is a waste of time, but from a profit perspective it would make more sense to drop the lesser titles and focus on the games that make the big money).
TWD Season 3 announcement made me say 'why, just why?' That series has run it's course by now
Really??? The game had FIVE different possible endings, each taking the game in a different direction- they've got more they can do with this game than they had when Season 1 ended! TWD has far from run its course. There are so many possible things they can do, and Clementine's story is far, far from over.
Besides, it's their biggest selling game- dropping the game now would be pointless AND they'd be losing out big time. I hate to be brutally honest, but with all the big name games they're making now it'd make a lot of sense to drop TWAU and focus on the main profit making games. Borderlands is based of a very successful game and is bound to bring in fans, as will GOT and Minecraft. Of all their major games, TWAU has the least appeal and the smallest fan base. I'd love to see a second season, but unfortunately people who think TWAU us their best game and that they should drop TWD are in a very, very small minority.
TWD Season 3 announcement made me say 'why, just why?' That series has run it's course by now; Season 1 was good, perfect even imo. Season 2… more had a decent start, but by Ep. 3 it was going downhill and Ep. 5 has multiple endings...
MineCraft Story Mode... I can't even say, I like MineCraft, but the whole point of that game is you build and destroy stuff FOR FUN! NOT TO PLAY A STORY!
TWAU needs a Season 2 because:
* Cliffhanger ending...
* Fables is ending (maybe permanently) next year in March, so TWAU will be the only source of new stories for that universe (unless Willingham or someone from his team returns to the series in the future as they keep hinting)
* The series was a smash-hit with critics and gamers and has spawned a MASSIVE fanbase, and not just for the game itself. It's brought many more readers to the comics (like me and I don't normally read, let alone buy and keep, comic books) and the series characters (like Bl… [view original content]
They made some mistakes, yes: I would have had Carver live into Season 3, since he's by far Telltales best villain (although Ramsey Snow may be about to take that title...). The Kenny/Jane thing was stupid when you look back but, when you were in that moment playing the game, it didn't feel that way. And you can't judge the entire of Episode 3 on just one part of it.
I might be in the minority, but I thought Season 2 was just as good as Season 1. Yes, it had some bad things and some unrealistic scenarios, but that was overshadowed by the game as a whole. Most importantly, Season 2 had a lot more depth than Season 1- the first season is about Lee looking after a little girl and teaching her how to survive, whilst Season 2 is more focused on how a situation like an apocalypse changes people, and how Clementine will change.
Ep. 3 was bad imo cuz the whole escape from Carver's fort and his death itself could've both been handled a lot better... Ep. 4 was kinda me… moreh as well, then Ep. 5 with the Kenny/Jane thing made the last 2 episodes seem great!
The whole escape wasn't as I imagined it would go, and I thought Carver was going to live after the episode...
But Ramsey isn't an original villain by Telltale, he is a character from the actual show, so Carver (in your opinion) is Telltale's best original villain.
They made some mistakes, yes: I would have had Carver live into Season 3, since he's by far Telltales best villain (although Ramsey Snow may… more be about to take that title...). The Kenny/Jane thing was stupid when you look back but, when you were in that moment playing the game, it didn't feel that way. And you can't judge the entire of Episode 3 on just one part of it.
I might be in the minority, but I thought Season 2 was just as good as Season 1. Yes, it had some bad things and some unrealistic scenarios, but that was overshadowed by the game as a whole. Most importantly, Season 2 had a lot more depth than Season 1- the first season is about Lee looking after a little girl and teaching her how to survive, whilst Season 2 is more focused on how a situation like an apocalypse changes people, and how Clementine will change.
But Ramsey isn't an original villain by Telltale, he is a character from the actual show, so Carver (in your opinion) is Telltale's best original villain.
You are to blame for this unpleasantness!
Look at the cover for Fables 149 and you'll know what I'm talking about...
You're the one in charge of protecting the citizens of Fabletown.
This is the job... you may not like it, but this is the job!
" can make all the stories you want"
execpt you know we have to deal with the comic's canon as you know this is a prequel.
So, is there gonna be a second season or not? Please someone answer, I'm desperate T.T
Mundies were the every day people of new york who werent fables. By Bragging I meant Branagin but auto correct is just fantastic :P
Mundies? Bragging?? Who the heck are these people? Sorry, did I miss something?
Who the heck is Rose Red? If this is from the comics say so and I won't ask anymore questions- I don't read the comics, so I'm completely ignorant to what you guys are talking about XD
Most likely answer, no.
Well, ain't you a ray of sunshine.
I doubt it at this point. Sorry, maybe there will be a DLC, but as for Season 2, it doesn't seem likely.
Rose Red is from the comics, she's Snow's sister.
I agree. I'm pissed AF about no Season 2, but Telltale better make a DLC. They have no excuse.
He means Brannigan lol
Just read the comics they are amazing!!! Plus Snow mentions Rose in Ep 2 when you open Lily's glamour tube and the picture falls out of it...
Jesus Christ Almighty!!! Why do you give up hope just because nothing has been announced!? I'm still waiting for an announcement, but I'm not giving up on anything unless I am told by TellTale that this is the end of TWAU.
I think fans are too impatient. Give them a chance to work out everything. They'll get to it when theyre ready.
Ehhh, it's time to refresh the other topic, eh? I guess I'll have to list down more arguments... I just don't understand why people are giving up hope, it's been like 6 months since season one ended, believe it or not, but for TTG it's still a fresh game, so I won't blame them for not working on S2. Just be patient people, or be neutral.
^^ This. I wish more people could understand that games do not grow on trees.
They're hardly going to rinse and repeat every 12 months like COD or AC...
(I do like those games though)
How are people losing hope NOW? The first season finished this last summer....
Jeez people....at least wait until TotB and GoT are finished.
It's just that Telltale had confirmed Season 3 of TWD before it even finished and had already confirmed Minecraft, but we still have no information on TWAU other than a video Adam Harrington has on his channel. Just some information on whether there will be one or not is all I or anyone wants. I have no problem waiting for one, I'd just like to know if there is going to be one or not.
No, that's not the problem, the problem is that there has been no news at all, not even a simple statement from Telltale. Just some information on whether there will be one or not is all I or anyone wants. I have no problem waiting for one, I'd just like to know if there is going to be one or not.
I think people are giving up because Season 2 of Walking dead and season 3 were announced before the season prior had even ended. And now with TellTale's Minecraft it isnt looking so hot
I wouldn't hold your breath.
TWD Season 3 announcement made me say 'why, just why?' That series has run it's course by now; Season 1 was good, perfect even imo. Season 2 had a decent start, but by Ep. 3 it was going downhill and Ep. 5 has multiple endings...
MineCraft Story Mode... I can't even say, I like MineCraft, but the whole point of that game is you build and destroy stuff FOR FUN! NOT TO PLAY A STORY!
TWAU needs a Season 2 because:
Cliffhanger ending...
Fables is ending (maybe permanently) next year in March, so TWAU will be the only source of new stories for that universe (unless Willingham or someone from his team returns to the series in the future as they keep hinting)
The series was a smash-hit with critics and gamers and has spawned a MASSIVE fanbase, and not just for the game itself. It's brought many more readers to the comics (like me and I don't normally read, let alone buy and keep, comic books) and the series characters (like Bloody Mary) are fan-favourites as well!
The series has great potential for multiple seasons as they have soooo much time to play with in the prequel section: They could make a series set in the 1700's when Fabletown was just beginning, or something along those lines. Season 2 needs to continue Season 1 though...
Come on TellTale, make it happen!!!
Episode 3 was great, I honestly don't understand people's problem with that episode. Episode 4 out right sucked, but Episode 5 made up for it. And by having multiple endings, if Telltale handles it right, can really stress the importance of our choices and make them actually have an impact.
Ep. 3 was bad imo cuz the whole escape from Carver's fort and his death itself could've both been handled a lot better... Ep. 4 was kinda meh as well, then Ep. 5 with the Kenny/Jane thing made the last 2 episodes seem great!
The whole escape wasn't as I imagined it would go, and I thought Carver was going to live after the episode...
Back to the topic... just because TWD S2/S3 were announced so soon, it doesn't mean that TWAU has to follow that manner. TTG might want to wait till they check in with Willingham about the story before they begin the actual development, which will be then followed by official announcement. Also, I'm sure they want to catch a breath after the first season, that's why they started a bunch of new series (TFTB, GOT and Mehcraft), so let them finish those first before jumping into conclusions. I'm pretty sure that once those three games will be nearly finished, TTG is going to look back, because TWAU S2 will be again like taking a breath of fresh air, also it should give them a fresh perspective so it will be MUCH easier for them to write a new storyline.
I think that there probably won't be another one not because I'm impatient- Telltale have taken on GOT, Borderlands and Minecraft now, all of which are probably better selling titles than TWAU. By the time they get around to make a second season people I imagine they will have lost interest. And as far as I know they haven't mentioned anything about making a second season, which isn't exactly a good sign. Telltale are, after all, still a company- if they're biggest selling games are things like GOT, Minecraft and TWD then they're not going to want to waste time on less successful games (I'm not saying I think making another season is a waste of time, but from a profit perspective it would make more sense to drop the lesser titles and focus on the games that make the big money).
TWD Season 3 announcement made me say 'why, just why?' That series has run it's course by now
Really??? The game had FIVE different possible endings, each taking the game in a different direction- they've got more they can do with this game than they had when Season 1 ended! TWD has far from run its course. There are so many possible things they can do, and Clementine's story is far, far from over.
Besides, it's their biggest selling game- dropping the game now would be pointless AND they'd be losing out big time. I hate to be brutally honest, but with all the big name games they're making now it'd make a lot of sense to drop TWAU and focus on the main profit making games. Borderlands is based of a very successful game and is bound to bring in fans, as will GOT and Minecraft. Of all their major games, TWAU has the least appeal and the smallest fan base. I'd love to see a second season, but unfortunately people who think TWAU us their best game and that they should drop TWD are in a very, very small minority.
They made some mistakes, yes: I would have had Carver live into Season 3, since he's by far Telltales best villain (although Ramsey Snow may be about to take that title...). The Kenny/Jane thing was stupid when you look back but, when you were in that moment playing the game, it didn't feel that way. And you can't judge the entire of Episode 3 on just one part of it.
I might be in the minority, but I thought Season 2 was just as good as Season 1. Yes, it had some bad things and some unrealistic scenarios, but that was overshadowed by the game as a whole. Most importantly, Season 2 had a lot more depth than Season 1- the first season is about Lee looking after a little girl and teaching her how to survive, whilst Season 2 is more focused on how a situation like an apocalypse changes people, and how Clementine will change.
But Ramsey isn't an original villain by Telltale, he is a character from the actual show, so Carver (in your opinion) is Telltale's best original villain.
True I suppose, but the part they wrote for him was original. And the guy who did his voice did an amazing job to be fair.
Do your job Sheriff or we'll find someone who can.