Favorite Dead Youtube Channels
What are your favorite youtube channels that no longer produce content? This might be more a testament to my weird sense of humor, but la.
1) Jest Comedy - They're super funny, and they actually got some famous people to do things with them.
2) Slick Gigolo
Honestly, I feel like it's so much funnier if you've lived in Southern California, and grew up in the 90's.
It's actually kind of sad, I know recently there are crowd funding sources, so that even if it's $5 or $10 you can contribute to your favorite content providers - I would totally have done it if I had the chance.
The message? Spend the $5, buy a shirt here and there, even if you don't wear it, think about the wonderful channels that have gone away due to lack of funding. (I don't have a channel, so this isn't a selfish bid - though apparently I have two subscribers, even though I've never posted anything... go figure...)
There is this guy who makes let's plays named Nertom. Not many people can make me laugh, and he is one that can.
Team Avolition - Techincally they aren't dead but they make like 2 videos every 6 months.
Those videos are the best though.
Boatmaster, he hasn't uploaded anything in a long time. Another one would have to be The Men Who Do Nothing, formally known as Misterepicmann. When Nick (the guy behind the original Misterepicmann) sold the channel, he created a smaller channel called TMWDN, but they haven't uploaded in a long time.
Yoteslaya (R.I.P), CardGamesFTW, Sir Giraffehat
Yay! I'm not the only one here who watches them.
IGN. They no longer produce content.
Our 2nd Life :c it's always sad to see a YouTube Channel go.
Mine used to be Your Favorite Martian. Now that I've grown out of that, I'm not sure anymore.
Click here
SopranoPictures, he pretends to be a disabled kid then reveals his true self in the end of the video.
They're not dead, but they're still making videos and I think they are incredibly underrated: TVMaxwell.
Firstly, being the vain son of a bitch I am, I typed my name into the search bar, so that's how I saw your old comment.
Secondly, I'm not dead. I'm cookin' up somethin' right now. Check back in about, oh, a week, I guess.