A question about episode 1(spoilers!)

I've been wondering that, at the end of ep 1, you have 2 options: meet Ramsay in the hall or meet him at the gates. If you meet him at the gates, after a while the gates open without Ethan's consent. If you meet him in the hall, only Ramsay and Lord Whitehill show up(other soldiers are outside). However, the soldiers show up anyways, despite being locked out!

My question is: is this just a plot hole or, do we have a traitor amongst us who let the Whitehill soldiers in?


  • Thats... interesting. I'm guessing that there could be a traitor amongst us but most likely its just a plot hole.

  • If no-one questioned it, then it's a plot hole.

  • edited December 2014

    Telltale does this sort of thing all the time unfortunately, just to be convenient to their writing. I wouldn't look too far into it.

  • If Ethan objects against the installment of Whitehill soldiers, Ramsey says something along the lines of 'Too late, they're already here.' So I assume there was a traitor in the walls of House Forrester.

  • Traitor is my bet. We already had one of our guards stealing weapons.

  • Maybe a traitor to add to the drama in this story, but I won't count my chickens till they hatch. We will just have to wait for episode 2 to see if the writers had anything cooked up and if not, feel free to scrutinize.

  • I would assume the person who is not the Sentinel probably sabotaged the whole meeting. It's not like Snow's guards couldn't take Ethan's fighters anyway.

  • Exactly, this is why i chose to try diplomacy in the first place. When i asked the master at arms if our soldiers were prepared to fight, he said no not yet. So really, why try and fight if you know its a lost cause.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I would assume the person who is not the Sentinel probably sabotaged the whole meeting. It's not like Snow's guards couldn't take Ethan's fighters anyway.

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