I'm happy you loved it in all of its entirety! As usual, I appreciate feedback like this from you and the others.
And you're not the only who thought Tez should've got a spot in the awards, LupineNoir had the same idea too. :P
Couldn't have said it better myself! Yeah, Junior definitely deserves all the credit for the award, having to deal with the-...erm, angels living under his roof... >.>
Whew, the coast is- (Fireball!)
....Ehem, nevermind. I need to go...get the burn stains out of my shirt. Excuse me :L
XD Anyway, congrats to you, and to everyone else on the community who've contributed thus far! It's absolutely wonderful!
1st off, congrats to you Dragon for making this wonderful awards ceremony. Beautifully put together and I KNOW this was very time consuming … moreand I, along with so many others, appreciate all of this.
Now, I just noticed half of my OC's belong to Katie and Jersey. (Damn you two. Damn) xD Applaud to all the other writers and their OCs. Seems like EMMY and I had our own versions for Bloody Mary and it worked; I love seeing everyone's take on a character and pleased to know mine was included. Also, for Vivian, Gren, Jersey and Johann. In a way, glad ep. 5 happened the way it did.
Cool! I won the Christmas AND Thanksgiving challenges. -pulls out paper- I'd like to thank this thread, the characters involved with the challenge....uhhh, Mountain Dew for helping me in so many ways. xD
Thinker of many things romantic, pudding holds the record of making a total of 56 OC's across his vast assortment of tales, which include around 105 chapters… [view original content]
Well, You've done quite well with the romance department; Tim and Harmony are as sweet as sugar and I'm really loving Scar and Jackson, the more you write about them.
grown to liking romantic genre thanks to puddin n pie and EMMYPESS.
Yeah. Junior and I would stick around for the after party but, you know....man. For a guy that roams the mirrors, you'd think he'd be able to stand up to-
Well, EMMY...looks like you and me both need to get these burn marks off our clothes. This was my best suit...
Thank you and congrats to you; you've contributed so much to this thread with those tales and deserve all the praise. Congrats to all the others, too; you guys have done wonderful and enjoyed the tales on this thread. You ALL deserve the awards!
Couldn't have said it better myself! Yeah, Junior definitely deserves all the credit for the award, having to deal with the-...erm, angels l… moreiving under his roof... >.>
Whew, the coast is- (Fireball!)
....Ehem, nevermind. I need to go...get the burn stains out of my shirt. Excuse me :L
XD Anyway, congrats to you, and to everyone else on the community who've contributed thus far! It's absolutely wonderful!
Well, I'm glad to have collaborated with someone like you; your writing skills have improved and I'm impressed with Robert and his ever growing story. RJ is to die for and having Rose in the mix has made it VERY exciting. Also, Robert and Lyla's past relationship has made me adore Robert Grendel even more.
Congrats on the award, dude and never stop writing.
My only regret is not making Robert and RJ sooner.
While not being too fond of his first OC, he eventually bounced back with a new Fab… morele that rose in popularity the more we found out about him.
I'm pleased everyone had accepted Robert Grendel into the book of Fables, along side Lyla Smith, Harmony Wolf, Mr. Weasel, Tez & Draco. I'm glad I stuck around and decided to join the bandwagon. Thank you, Dragon, for the MANY wonderful challenges and putting this lovely awards ceremony together.
I joined due to Pie's wonderful stories and how friendly and respectful this thread was; everyone was polite, read the stories and had fun. Even NOW, we all get along anf continue to write wonderful tales of adventure and romance.
YAY! RJ is a favorite to Dragon! -silently celebrates-
that rose in popularity
I see what you did there....ROSE in popularity. She and Robert....:D Ahem.....excuse me....XD
I'm look… [view original content]
Dang I've been gone for a bit but I guess I picked a good time to surprise visit/comeback turns out appeals on academic suspensions really do work! But that's a story for later! Sorry for the fright guys I guess I thought it would be a lot worse. Anyways Dragon I am touched by your words you make me feel awful for leaving! You've put a lot of time and effort on this and you, Lupine, EMMY, pudding, JJwolf and everyone else as well! I probably wouldn't have even tried to write or even want to come back at all! So I think you should get top dog on this one man! Happy new years guys and I'll see you guys soon!
Hey! Tetra! Welcome back! I'm sure you'll explain in time...
You came back at an awesome time. Come join the celebration! Congrats on your rewards and here is to many more tales of adventure, romance and thrills! -pours champagne- And a happy new years to you, too!
Dang I've been gone for a bit but I guess I picked a good time to surprise visit/comeback turns out appeals on academic suspensions really d… moreo work! But that's a story for later! Sorry for the fright guys I guess I thought it would be a lot worse. Anyways Dragon I am touched by your words you make me feel awful for leaving! You've put a lot of time and effort on this and you, Lupine, EMMY, pudding, JJwolf and everyone else as well! I probably wouldn't have even tried to write or even want to come back at all! So I think you should get top dog on this one man! Happy new years guys and I'll see you guys soon!
Thank you! I know I haven't been very active, but I've been stewing over a "main event" for my character. I created him thinking, "hehe yay, this is me!" but when writing about him, I diverged from that attitude to "this is my baby" instead of the self-glorified "I will become Fable through fanfiction", which I feel is sort of inevitable when I got around to actually writing vignettes for him. It felt kind of like creating a DnD character, but changed when I started writing. To be fair though, in the Fable universe, if I could have my cake and eat it, I would want to be a witch. They call boys and girls both witches, right? Anyway, my hope is that I'll complete that and that there will be more to read on him, because there's more to him than just another barfly at the Trip Trap...in that I mean he's a person, with flaws and stuff. No great destiny, just another pawn in the game... of THRONES! jk
Hey pudding! Thanks! I will indeed probably sometime tomorrow when I wake up. Hey you too! Takes champagne and raises glass, to tales of adventures romances and thrills! Happy new years to you all! I actually really missed being here and I guess that's why I actually tried my best to do so
Hey! Tetra! Welcome back! I'm sure you'll explain in time...
You came back at an awesome time. Come join the celebration! Congrats on yo… moreur rewards and here is to many more tales of adventure, romance and thrills! -pours champagne- And a happy new years to you, too!
@Markd4547, @CordeliaFrost, @Azlyn, @EMMYPESS, @LupineNoir, The-CuteCat, @MasterStone, @Arsun97, @Bobit, @Tonyromeblast, @pudding_pie, @Powe… morerfulStache, @Scribz, @Gorvar, she-wolf_x1, @Hbh128, @DatDerpyGamer, @JJwolf, @walkingdead666, @PeterCaves, @Joham, @Thywolf, @ShadowChaser, @Stassja_Tru, @TheLastPhoenix, Bloody-Mary, @zgamer, @Anubis85, @Shubbalubbadingdong, @Roxane_Fable, @Tetra, @RhysAndLee, @NoHopeLeft, @jillValentine333
If you were mentioned in this comment, then that means your character has been eligible to be included in the original character list up above! This also includes any award listings your character or story may have won as well.
Dang I've been gone for a bit but I guess I picked a good time to surprise visit/comeback turns out appeals on academic suspensions really d… moreo work! But that's a story for later! Sorry for the fright guys I guess I thought it would be a lot worse. Anyways Dragon I am touched by your words you make me feel awful for leaving! You've put a lot of time and effort on this and you, Lupine, EMMY, pudding, JJwolf and everyone else as well! I probably wouldn't have even tried to write or even want to come back at all! So I think you should get top dog on this one man! Happy new years guys and I'll see you guys soon!
Thank you! I know I haven't been very active, but I've been stewing over a "main event" for my character. I created him thinking, "hehe yay,… more this is me!" but when writing about him, I diverged from that attitude to "this is my baby" instead of the self-glorified "I will become Fable through fanfiction", which I feel is sort of inevitable when I got around to actually writing vignettes for him. It felt kind of like creating a DnD character, but changed when I started writing. To be fair though, in the Fable universe, if I could have my cake and eat it, I would want to be a witch. They call boys and girls both witches, right? Anyway, my hope is that I'll complete that and that there will be more to read on him, because there's more to him than just another barfly at the Trip Trap...in that I mean he's a person, with flaws and stuff. No great destiny, just another pawn in the game... of THRONES! jk
He didn't choose Rapunzel though when he found out she couldn't control her hair...
Btw I heard you were ill these past few days EMMYPESS, you feel any better now?
I'm a fiction writer also (I post on FanFiction.net however) but I will be posting some stuff on the 'Start a Story' thread this year; so I hope you enjoy my stuff. I'm sorta new at writing fanfics, but my story on FanFiction.net (The Devil Among Us, it's a TWAU fanfic) has been recieving positive attention so far!
Dang I've been gone for a bit but I guess I picked a good time to surprise visit/comeback turns out appeals on academic suspensions really d… moreo work! But that's a story for later! Sorry for the fright guys I guess I thought it would be a lot worse. Anyways Dragon I am touched by your words you make me feel awful for leaving! You've put a lot of time and effort on this and you, Lupine, EMMY, pudding, JJwolf and everyone else as well! I probably wouldn't have even tried to write or even want to come back at all! So I think you should get top dog on this one man! Happy new years guys and I'll see you guys soon!
Haha, this is excellent! XD Pinocchio might not make the best superhero (that wheelchair sort of looks too big for him, though maybe he can use that as a power? Er, somehow), but he'd probably be good as a sidekick.
Also, I love how, on the label of the comic in the bottom right pane, it says 'Fable Comics' XD
Lmao when I think of the Fables becoming superheros my mind keeps wandering to the F-Men story arc (102-106) where Pinocchio was pretending … moreto be Xavier from X-Men and he was rounding up the 'best' (Because he sometimes chose on looks versus ability) Fables XD
Sorry for intruding, if this justifies as that. I love the idea of an Avengers Fables, though might I be the first to suggest that Pinocchio is NOT apart of it? XD Although, be might be a good side-kick XD
Oh, I really wish it would happen. XD Because we all write similarly, yet have different themes and character focuses, so we're well rounded as a group.
Seriously, if there is a Season Two and Georgie comes back - I think we all know who TellTale are going to look to for ideas.
To everyone on the thread I want to say my thanks; and to those of us who've been around even when few others were passing through, I reckon we could write Season Two of The Wolf Among Us! XD
I'm in....let's do this.
Oh, I really wish it would happen. XD Because we all write similarly, yet have different themes and character focuses, so we're well rounded… more as a group.
Seriously, if there is a Season Two and Georgie comes back - I think we all know who TellTale are going to look to for ideas.
inhales breath
Honestly, Mr. Willigham could probably give you the job of a spin-off comic series from Fables!
Thanks, and likewise to yourself. Yeah, TellTale could drop us a line as 'Writing Consultants', say - we do basically turn up to their internet doorstep everyday and write, after all. xD (We could always try getting Adam Harrington on side haha)
Happy New Year to you too! I don't think the community would be as lovely without you or any of the others! I WILL TOTALLY JOIN THE WRITING TEAM OF SEASON TWO IF IT WERE POSSIBLE (Gotta go make a twitter now and non-stop tweet TT lol)
Personally, I'm glad you stuck around and decided to join the bandwagon! Robert is a character unique on the thread, and he wouldn't be the same if he didn't have RJ. Also, what you and Pie are doing is very impressive - you're creating a whole fictional universe within a universe, complete with different factions, governments and your own magic!
My only regret is not making Robert and RJ sooner.
While not being too fond of his first OC, he eventually bounced back with a new Fab… morele that rose in popularity the more we found out about him.
I'm pleased everyone had accepted Robert Grendel into the book of Fables, along side Lyla Smith, Harmony Wolf, Mr. Weasel, Tez & Draco. I'm glad I stuck around and decided to join the bandwagon. Thank you, Dragon, for the MANY wonderful challenges and putting this lovely awards ceremony together.
I joined due to Pie's wonderful stories and how friendly and respectful this thread was; everyone was polite, read the stories and had fun. Even NOW, we all get along anf continue to write wonderful tales of adventure and romance.
YAY! RJ is a favorite to Dragon! -silently celebrates-
that rose in popularity
I see what you did there....ROSE in popularity. She and Robert....:D Ahem.....excuse me....XD
I'm look… [view original content]
Your speech (because I like to imagine we're all in a room such as where the Oscars are held) is lovely to read.
I also wanted to mention that you've been a real inspiration. Everyone on the thread has been, possibly more than anyone might ever know, but in the beginning your clear dedication to what you were writing really showed, I think, and then when you stayed around the brilliant pictures you produced along with the continued stories and tales made me determined to be the best I could be in my own writing. (Sorry if this sounds too much - if it were in a room such as where the Oscars are held, there'd probably be people whispering at the front and someone checking they're emails at the back by now xD).
1st off, congrats to you Dragon for making this wonderful awards ceremony. Beautifully put together and I KNOW this was very time consuming … moreand I, along with so many others, appreciate all of this.
Now, I just noticed half of my OC's belong to Katie and Jersey. (Damn you two. Damn) xD Applaud to all the other writers and their OCs. Seems like EMMY and I had our own versions for Bloody Mary and it worked; I love seeing everyone's take on a character and pleased to know mine was included. Also, for Vivian, Gren, Jersey and Johann. In a way, glad ep. 5 happened the way it did.
Cool! I won the Christmas AND Thanksgiving challenges. -pulls out paper- I'd like to thank this thread, the characters involved with the challenge....uhhh, Mountain Dew for helping me in so many ways. xD
Thinker of many things romantic, pudding holds the record of making a total of 56 OC's across his vast assortment of tales, which include around 105 chapters… [view original content]
Wow! Like...WOW! This was seriously so awesome to read through, I loved every bit of it! Congrats to Pie, for winning Fable of the Year! Tha… moret's awesome! Thanks Dragon, for putting this all together! It's seriously so awesome (I said that again, didn't I?) that you did this!
Reading through was so fun, and I don't think you missed any OC's on my list I'm super glad to be apart of this community, there's never been any hateful words toward anyone, and everyone has always ever been helpful and nice I'm glad to have gotten to know you all, it's been a LONG ten months, that's for sure!
I'm glad the personal favorite is Ash ^-^ I think she's my favorite out of the first litter of cubs, next to Scar and then Noah. And you didn't include yourself, Dragon! I think Tez sould have been in that mix! He's awesome!
Congratulations to EVERYONE who was meantioned and EVERYONE who got some sort of reward or special recognition. You all deserved it!… [view original content]
Tetra! You gotta stop playing with my emotions, man: one minute it's sadness over you going, and they next it's happiness over the prospect of your return! Life is up and down, though, so I hope you're doing good whatever else is going on.
Dang I've been gone for a bit but I guess I picked a good time to surprise visit/comeback turns out appeals on academic suspensions really d… moreo work! But that's a story for later! Sorry for the fright guys I guess I thought it would be a lot worse. Anyways Dragon I am touched by your words you make me feel awful for leaving! You've put a lot of time and effort on this and you, Lupine, EMMY, pudding, JJwolf and everyone else as well! I probably wouldn't have even tried to write or even want to come back at all! So I think you should get top dog on this one man! Happy new years guys and I'll see you guys soon!
Tetra! You gotta stop playing with my emotions, man: one minute it's sadness over you going, and they next it's happiness over the prospect of your return! Life is up and down, though, so I hope you're doing good whatever else is going on.
Oh, I really wish it would happen. XD Because we all write similarly, yet have different themes and character focuses, so we're well rounded… more as a group.
Seriously, if there is a Season Two and Georgie comes back - I think we all know who TellTale are going to look to for ideas.
I like to picture us all in the room like the oscars and all wearing nice suits and dresses.
I'm pleased to hear I've been an isperation. Moments like this is what makes me want to continue with the stories. I'm glad I stayed and remained a contributer to this fantastic thread. You all deserve the rewards and I'm honored that you and so many others enjoy my many pictures and tales of the Porgie Clan.
I'm sure they'd allow you to continue the speech, Noir. I can see Dragon being the 'guy' they'd have to go through. XD
Your speech (because I like to imagine we're all in a room such as where the Oscars are held) is lovely to read.
I also wanted to mentio… moren that you've been a real inspiration. Everyone on the thread has been, possibly more than anyone might ever know, but in the beginning your clear dedication to what you were writing really showed, I think, and then when you stayed around the brilliant pictures you produced along with the continued stories and tales made me determined to be the best I could be in my own writing. (Sorry if this sounds too much - if it were in a room such as where the Oscars are held, there'd probably be people whispering at the front and someone checking they're emails at the back by now xD).
Thank you, Ema. I never planned on RJ happening; it was a thought Pie and I were throwing around for abit and I'm happy he allowed it to happen. I love your little cuties, as well. Ash is my fav.
I'm glad you allowed me a chance to work with you, pie. When I fell in love with your 1st story, I had to know the man behind the tale of Georgie and his love for Lyla smith. Rose adds a bit of spice, RJ is to die for and Robert has been a wonder to write about.
Well, I'm glad to have collaborated with someone like you; your writing skills have improved and I'm impressed with Robert and his ever grow… moreing story. RJ is to die for and having Rose in the mix has made it VERY exciting. Also, Robert and Lyla's past relationship has made me adore Robert Grendel even more.
Congrats on the award, dude and never stop writing.
I'm glad I stuck around, too; I know for awhile there, I wasn't actvie and was torn if I should make a new Fable or not. I didn't like my 1st and I'm happy to say Robert is a wonder to write about. RJ was an idea thrown around and I'm happy pie allowed me to add that to Lyla's life.
I'm pleased that pie allowed me to join forces with him. He's a wonderful mind with a very creative outlook on the fictional world. Folkers, Councils, markings, his personal touch and BG for Georgie Porgie....I had to take a slice.
Thank you very much, Noir and here is to more stories to come.
Personally, I'm glad you stuck around and decided to join the bandwagon! Robert is a character unique on the thread, and he wouldn't be the … moresame if he didn't have RJ. Also, what you and Pie are doing is very impressive - you're creating a whole fictional universe within a universe, complete with different factions, governments and your own magic!
Hey Tetra you are back! I had a few academic suspensions before and its nice knowing everything is okay. Can't wait to see more; perhaps this is a chance for us to REALLY to to know eachother's stories.
Dang I've been gone for a bit but I guess I picked a good time to surprise visit/comeback turns out appeals on academic suspensions really d… moreo work! But that's a story for later! Sorry for the fright guys I guess I thought it would be a lot worse. Anyways Dragon I am touched by your words you make me feel awful for leaving! You've put a lot of time and effort on this and you, Lupine, EMMY, pudding, JJwolf and everyone else as well! I probably wouldn't have even tried to write or even want to come back at all! So I think you should get top dog on this one man! Happy new years guys and I'll see you guys soon!
Hey Tetra you are back! I had a few academic suspensions before and its nice knowing everything is okay. Can't wait to see more; perhaps this is a chance for us to REALLY to to know eachother's stories.
Welcome back, man!
Thank you, Ema. I never planned on RJ happening; it was a thought Pie and I were throwing around for abit and I'm happy he allowed it to happen. I love your little cuties, as well. Ash is my fav.
@Markd4547, @CordeliaFrost, @Azlyn, @EMMYPESS, @LupineNoir, The-CuteCat, @MasterStone, @Arsun97, @Bobit, @Tonyromeblast, @pudding_pie, @Powe… morerfulStache, @Scribz, @Gorvar, she-wolf_x1, @Hbh128, @DatDerpyGamer, @JJwolf, @walkingdead666, @PeterCaves, @Joham, @Thywolf, @ShadowChaser, @Stassja_Tru, @TheLastPhoenix, Bloody-Mary, @zgamer, @Anubis85, @Shubbalubbadingdong, @Roxane_Fable, @Tetra, @RhysAndLee, @NoHopeLeft, @jillValentine333
If you were mentioned in this comment, then that means your character has been eligible to be included in the original character list up above! This also includes any award listings your character or story may have won as well.
I was smiling so wide reading it! It was awesome!
Couldn't have said it better myself! Yeah, Junior definitely deserves all the credit for the award, having to deal with the-...erm, angels living under his roof... >.>
Whew, the coast is- (Fireball!)
....Ehem, nevermind. I need to go...get the burn stains out of my shirt. Excuse me :L
XD Anyway, congrats to you, and to everyone else on the community who've contributed thus far! It's absolutely wonderful!
Well, You've done quite well with the romance department; Tim and Harmony are as sweet as sugar and I'm really loving Scar and Jackson, the more you write about them.
It is very catchy. xD
Yeah. Junior and I would stick around for the after party but, you know....man. For a guy that roams the mirrors, you'd think he'd be able to stand up to-
-Oh....ummm....HEY, Mary....just, ummm....shit....ummm....-
Well, EMMY...looks like you and me both need to get these burn marks off our clothes. This was my best suit...
Thank you and congrats to you; you've contributed so much to this thread with those tales and deserve all the praise. Congrats to all the others, too; you guys have done wonderful and enjoyed the tales on this thread. You ALL deserve the awards!
Well, I'm glad to have collaborated with someone like you; your writing skills have improved and I'm impressed with Robert and his ever growing story. RJ is to die for and having Rose in the mix has made it VERY exciting. Also, Robert and Lyla's past relationship has made me adore Robert Grendel even more.
Congrats on the award, dude and never stop writing.
Dang I've been gone for a bit but I guess I picked a good time to surprise visit/comeback turns out appeals on academic suspensions really do work! But that's a story for later! Sorry for the fright guys I guess I thought it would be a lot worse. Anyways Dragon I am touched by your words you make me feel awful for leaving! You've put a lot of time and effort on this and you, Lupine, EMMY, pudding, JJwolf and everyone else as well! I probably wouldn't have even tried to write or even want to come back at all! So I think you should get top dog on this one man! Happy new years guys and I'll see you guys soon!
Hey! Tetra! Welcome back!
I'm sure you'll explain in time...
You came back at an awesome time. Come join the celebration! Congrats on your rewards and here is to many more tales of adventure, romance and thrills!
-pours champagne- And a happy new years to you, too!
Thank you! I know I haven't been very active, but I've been stewing over a "main event" for my character. I created him thinking, "hehe yay, this is me!" but when writing about him, I diverged from that attitude to "this is my baby" instead of the self-glorified "I will become Fable through fanfiction", which I feel is sort of inevitable when I got around to actually writing vignettes for him. It felt kind of like creating a DnD character, but changed when I started writing. To be fair though, in the Fable universe, if I could have my cake and eat it, I would want to be a witch. They call boys and girls both witches, right? Anyway, my hope is that I'll complete that and that there will be more to read on him, because there's more to him than just another barfly at the Trip Trap...in that I mean he's a person, with flaws and stuff. No great destiny, just another pawn in the game... of THRONES! jk
Hey pudding! Thanks! I will indeed probably sometime tomorrow when I wake up. Hey you too! Takes champagne and raises glass, to tales of adventures romances and thrills! Happy new years to you all! I actually really missed being here and I guess that's why I actually tried my best to do so
Hey thanks dude! Should get around posting more chapters haha.
You should! Join us... join us... XD
Happy New Years man! I too, am touched by your words. And don't feel awful, you gotta do what you gotta do in life sometimes!
Nevertheless, welcome back like pudding said and enjoy your awards!
Haha, how intriguing! Well, I trust that you will do what's best for your character in the long-run!
Also: male 'witches' are actually called warlocks.
Yeah, I've been feeling much better! I still have a cough and an occasional sneeze, but my New Years was fun! Thanks for the concern!
Is ok
I'm a fiction writer also (I post on FanFiction.net however) but I will be posting some stuff on the 'Start a Story' thread this year; so I hope you enjoy my stuff. I'm sorta new at writing fanfics, but my story on FanFiction.net (The Devil Among Us, it's a TWAU fanfic) has been recieving positive attention so far!
Maybe you'd like to read it at some point??
Great to see ya! Sounds like a bit of a mess your in, but it's all good
Congrats, by the way, for getting included in this! Everyone deserves to be!
Haha, this is excellent! XD Pinocchio might not make the best superhero (that wheelchair sort of looks too big for him, though maybe he can use that as a power? Er, somehow), but he'd probably be good as a sidekick.
Also, I love how, on the label of the comic in the bottom right pane, it says 'Fable Comics' XD
Oh, I really wish it would happen. XD Because we all write similarly, yet have different themes and character focuses, so we're well rounded as a group.
Seriously, if there is a Season Two and Georgie comes back - I think we all know who TellTale are going to look to for ideas.
@pudding_pie TellTale will need you if Georgie comes back!!
inhales breath
Honestly, Mr. Willigham could probably give you the job of a spin-off comic series from Fables!
I'm biding my time with Dixa, but she will be in what I write next.
Thanks, and likewise to yourself.
Yeah, TellTale could drop us a line as 'Writing Consultants', say - we do basically turn up to their internet doorstep everyday and write, after all. xD (We could always try getting Adam Harrington on side
Personally, I'm glad you stuck around and decided to join the bandwagon! Robert is a character unique on the thread, and he wouldn't be the same if he didn't have RJ.
Also, what you and Pie are doing is very impressive - you're creating a whole fictional universe within a universe, complete with different factions, governments and your own magic!
We still don't know what happened to Peter and Odette, dude!
Your speech (because I like to imagine we're all in a room such as where the Oscars are held) is lovely to read.
I also wanted to mention that you've been a real inspiration. Everyone on the thread has been, possibly more than anyone might ever know, but in the beginning your clear dedication to what you were writing really showed, I think, and then when you stayed around the brilliant pictures you produced along with the continued stories and tales made me determined to be the best I could be in my own writing. (Sorry if this sounds too much - if it were in a room such as where the Oscars are held, there'd probably be people whispering at the front and someone checking they're emails at the back by now xD).
Just remember to not doubt your writing so much in the future! You've got a talent for it.
Hope you're better soon.
You gotta stop playing with my emotions, man: one minute it's sadness over you going, and they next it's happiness over the prospect of your return! Life is up and down, though, so I hope you're doing good whatever else is going on. 
I thoroughly apologize Lupine XD I should be back for good this time!
I think all of our stories have created a little show in itself! xD There are so many different ideas!
Oh, there WILL be a 2nd season and Georgie will come back. Something tells me we have not seen the last of him OR Bloody Mary OR the others....:)
As his biggest fan (think I'm the only actually xD) I will be more than happy. I have a feeling we have not seen the last of him....
I like to picture us all in the room like the oscars and all wearing nice suits and dresses.
I'm pleased to hear I've been an isperation. Moments like this is what makes me want to continue with the stories. I'm glad I stayed and remained a contributer to this fantastic thread. You all deserve the rewards and I'm honored that you and so many others enjoy my many pictures and tales of the Porgie Clan.
I'm sure they'd allow you to continue the speech, Noir. I can see Dragon being the 'guy' they'd have to go through. XD
Thank you, Ema.
I never planned on RJ happening; it was a thought Pie and I were throwing around for abit and I'm happy he allowed it to happen. I love your little cuties, as well. Ash is my fav.
I'm glad you allowed me a chance to work with you, pie. When I fell in love with your 1st story, I had to know the man behind the tale of Georgie and his love for Lyla smith. Rose adds a bit of spice, RJ is to die for and Robert has been a wonder to write about.
Congrats on your rewards and thank you.
I'm glad I stuck around, too; I know for awhile there, I wasn't actvie and was torn if I should make a new Fable or not. I didn't like my 1st and I'm happy to say Robert is a wonder to write about.
RJ was an idea thrown around and I'm happy pie allowed me to add that to Lyla's life.
I'm pleased that pie allowed me to join forces with him. He's a wonderful mind with a very creative outlook on the fictional world. Folkers, Councils, markings, his personal touch and BG for Georgie Porgie....I had to take a slice.
Thank you very much, Noir and here is to more stories to come.
Hey Tetra you are back! I had a few academic suspensions before and its nice knowing everything is okay.
Can't wait to see more; perhaps this is a chance for us to REALLY to to know eachother's stories.
Welcome back, man!
Hey JJwolf
thanks! Yeah perhaps it is!
Ash is everyone's favorite XD I guess I can see why, though!
OMG thank you so much! It's been amazing (and humbling) to even be mentioned among all this awesomeness!
Oh and I am back bitchez!