Skip QTEs / Easier Difficulty?

So I'm really enjoying the story of this game, and I really enjoy the dialog options.

However, the quick-time events aren't fun, and failing them and having to watch the same 45 second sequence over and over and over until I get it right just isn't fun.

Could we please get an update that adds either an "easy difficulty" or a way to just disable QTEs? Just anytime a QTE would come up, don't have it come up, have it instantly succeed. Then when it gets to the dialogue parts let me pick what to say.

I bought this game but I keep hitting moments where the mouse won't register or something and it just isn't fun to play the same button-mashing thing over and over. Button-mashing doesn't really improve the experience. I just want to sit back and enjoy the story.

Really surprised there's no difficulty options or anything. Please telltale.

There's got to be lots of Game of Thrones fans who would enjoy the game but aren't really looking to mash buttons.



  • Really? Telltale Games have pretty much the easiest gameplay of any video game I've really ever played. I don't understand why you would want to make it any easier or get rid of any of it. You have to deal with it to enjoy the story, sorry bud.

  • But then you'd be sitting there up to 10 to 20 minutes at a time with absolutely no interaction, and those Video Game vs. Interactive Movie debates would flare up again.

  • edited January 2015

    Alt text

    This can't be real. Nope. I refuse to believe it.

  • But then you'd be sitting there up to 10 to 20 minutes at a time with absolutely no interaction, and those Video Game vs. Interactive Movie debates would flare up again.

    No interaction is better than bad interaction. Game of thrones is a tv show with zero interaction, and yet has a huge following. This doesn't need simon says in order to make it more of a game. Just let it be what it is; interactive fiction.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    But then you'd be sitting there up to 10 to 20 minutes at a time with absolutely no interaction, and those Video Game vs. Interactive Movie debates would flare up again.

  • The GoT TV show is a show not a video game. In fact, using that as a comparison makes zero sense.

    But then you'd be sitting there up to 10 to 20 minutes at a time with absolutely no interaction, and those Video Game vs. Interactive Movie

  • this isnt a videogame either

    The GoT TV show is a show not a video game. In fact, using that as a comparison makes zero sense.

  • edited January 2015

    someone asking to make the game easier even though it is possibly one of the easiest games ever in terms of gameplay plus you want to get rid of the only gameplay the game has.....

    this has to be some sort of joke

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited January 2015

    grow up you simple ignoramuses, its a valid notion and using your crappy memes makes YOU look stupid

    haha i googled that word

  • I quite enjoy the QTEs and have no idea why you think they are hard, I have not died not even one time in a telltale game and usually the QTEs aren't even instand death it just continues the game....I have failed a few QTEs but i didn't get a game over because they were one of those forgiving ones.....

  • QTE's can only be a problem if your "Q" button is broken(like mine) but still I don't have any problem whatsoever.

  • Do you really need a dumber gameplay?

  • How could it be easier??? The QTEs are almost ridiculous :P

  • Is this a joke?

    Seriously, it's a QTE and not even a hard one...and most of the time you don't even complete it and you win...and difficulty....really?

    I don't even know what to say...Other than deal with it.

  • Most of you didn't even read what the OP said before you went on calling him things like dumb, or making fun of him.

    I just want to sit back and enjoy the story.

    Is the main point of this thread, I doubt he actually thinks QTE's are difficult, lots of people have asked for options to allow you to skip these things so you can just sit back and watch the story play out.

  • Yes, I read at least. However the quick time events are nothing and how you find them hard I don't know.

    Green613 posted: »

    Most of you didn't even read what the OP said before you went on calling him things like dumb, or making fun of him. I just want to si

  • edited January 2015

    I don't really see how mocking the OP is helping anything.

    What he/she's asking is for an OPTIONAL mode where he/she doesn't have to do QTEs. This would not affect you in any way, and would make his/her gaming experience more enjoyable.

    I don't think that would be objectionable.

  • The QTE'S are normally criticized for being too easy so.. wow. Seriously, how can you find them hard?!

  • frankly - i wouldn't have missed something without the "action" part during the red wedding. It's so lame i feel kinda mocked by the game producers. So IMO they could cut this out or should enhance it to a point where it makes sense at least.

    Does anybody still remember Dragon's Lair from the 1980ths BTW?

  • My gf loves game of thrones on HBO and im trying to get her into the telltale game sinse i am a TWD fan which is how i found out about telltale in the first place. She likes the story and the ability to choose her options but she is not fimiliar with using a keyboard so the QTEs are hard and annoying to her. having the option to remove them would be an awesome solution to this problem and make the game more accessable to new players that dont typically play PC games. To the OP, haters gonna hate dont listen to these guys your idea is actually really awesome

  • haters gonna hate

    Oh yes because we can't just dislike this and not be called a hater.

    Krazy8 posted: »

    My gf loves game of thrones on HBO and im trying to get her into the telltale game sinse i am a TWD fan which is how i found out about tellt

  • The thing is, you're acting like it's hard gameplay when it's a piece of cake to get by.

    haters gonna hate Oh yes because we can't just dislike this and not be called a hater.

  • Alt text

    ...Do you know what side i'm on?

    The thing is, you're acting like it's hard gameplay when it's a piece of cake to get by.

  • Wat da fuk wus dat?

    ...Do you know what side i'm on?

  • The problem I can see with giving the option to skip QTEs is that it can be quite imbedded within the game itself.

    Chase sequences in Wolf for example, having to choose where to go when chasing one of the Tweedles. Just one example.

    It's sort of similar to people asking to skip dialog/cutscenes, where that's integral to the entire experience (though not as bad as asking for that). Anyway, just my view.

  • edited January 2015

    Whats next skipping cutscenes in a telltale game?

  • It's a videogame.

    K0t0 posted: »

    this isnt a videogame either

  • OK. Either you're a troll or you aren't very good at QTEs...

  • It would be a waste of resources on TellTale's side. Those resources could be used to get rid of glitches, have better graphics, and maybe make the story better.

    And if that's not enough, Spock sums it up perfectly, but I'll put wants instead of needs: The wants of the many, outweigh the wants of the few.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't really see how mocking the OP is helping anything. What he/she's asking is for an OPTIONAL mode where he/she doesn't have to do Q

  • edited January 2015

    That quote is incredibly damaging for society so I'll ignore it.

    That's kind of a false assumption. You're assuming that the work needed to make an automatic mode would be comparable to the work needed to make 'better graphics' and make the 'story better': they're really not, and there are incredibly few glitches already.

    All this requires is bypassing the need for player feedback and hiding the prompts.

    It would be a waste of resources on TellTale's side. Those resources could be used to get rid of glitches, have better graphics, and maybe m

  • Ha, I scrolled up to what I thought was the top of the page and saw your name and I assumed you created the thread. My bad.

    ...Do you know what side i'm on?

  • No problem, we all make mistakes.

    Ha, I scrolled up to what I thought was the top of the page and saw your name and I assumed you created the thread. My bad.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited January 2015

    That quote is incredibly damaging for society so I'll ignore it.

    This isn't some societal commentary. It's a video game. If you want to follow player feedback, you listen to the majority. Other wise, the results are far more damaging to your game's player base.

    That's kind of a false assumption. You're assuming that the work needed to make an automatic mode would be comparable to the work needed to make 'better graphics' and make the 'story better': they're really not,

    Notice how I said could. And when saying that I was referring to have important parts of a game experience. The amount of time making them could be used to perfect what you have.

    incredibly few glitches already.

    And what the glitches that do persist? Game of Thrones' choices on Xbox One where broken for a MONTH (I've yet to buy GoT, but this is what my friends have told me). I'm pretty sure they're still broken (haven't checked) And what if automatic mode breaks it? Adding or removing just one thing in games is bound to create glitches.

    All this requires is bypassing the need for player feedback and hiding the prompts.

    Stuff just isn't that easy. They have to remove the code for the QTEs, remove the prompts, etc.

    Why fix something that isn't broken? It's not like this is breaking the game. But whatever. This is probably never going to happen, so no point in arguing.

    Flog61 posted: »

    That quote is incredibly damaging for society so I'll ignore it. That's kind of a false assumption. You're assuming that the work needed

  • I actually hate the QTE events in all of Telltale's games at this point, they're so blatantly easy where its not even enjoyable. As for you OP I'd agree to just take them out at this point.

  • How about this? Telltale should add a easy or hard difficulty. Problem solved.

  • K well it's never going to happen, so...

    I actually hate the QTE events in all of Telltale's games at this point, they're so blatantly easy where its not even enjoyable. As for you OP I'd agree to just take them out at this point.

  • How would that work...It's...Worthless...

    How about this? Telltale doesn't change a thing and we all talk about something else...I'm up for that.

    How about this? Telltale should add a easy or hard difficulty. Problem solved.

  • I don't expect it to ever happen, but I want them gone.

    K well it's never going to happen, so...

  • Alt text

    How would that work...It's...Worthless... How about this? Telltale doesn't change a thing and we all talk about something else...I'm up for that.

  • Yeah, you're right. I guess OP needs to be better at this game.

    How would that work...It's...Worthless... How about this? Telltale doesn't change a thing and we all talk about something else...I'm up for that.

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