My thoughts on Wolf Among Us Season 1
I know, I know, I'm extremely late to the party, considering the game has been out for quite a while, but after completing the entire season a second time, I wanted to give my thoughts on the whole thing.
It was...very, very well done.
I'm pleased to say that I enjoyed it about as much as I enjoyed TWD S1, it has interesting and likeable characters, a good story, and well put together action scenes. I know some people are sore over the big rewrite that happened shortly after Ep 1 debuted, but I personally think Telltale did an admirable job in being consistent with what Ep 1 started with its story. The art style is gorgeous and pleasing to look at and admire, even if there are a few annoying "shadow glitches" from time to time, the animation is great and smooth on the PS4.
In comparison to TWD S2, I'd say Wolf is ALOT more successful with its story, characters, main protagonist, and action. I don't know, TWAU is just a much better executed experience to me.
In regards to a season 2, I'll admit, the ending does leave you wanting more, and I am hesitant to leave this universe and would personally like another adventure, but I guess that's why the comics exist since this is a prequel, and I guess it depends on what Bill Willingham wants to do with the franchise after he's done with it.
So yeah, I enjoyed it very much and think it's another fine piece of art by Telltale, even if it might be a little light on gameplay.
Good Review! I agree, It was very well done, I'm not sure if I like it or TWD Season 1 more though but it's way better than TWD Season 2 and I would love another one.
Yeah, It kind of makes me feel bad that I cared more about Vivian and Nerissa than ANY character in TWD S2.
I literally just finished this game a few minutes ago. I liked it even though my copy was full of glitches and I had to restart the game a couple of times. I think I still prefer TWD to it personally.
Welcome to the wild side.
They can still do alot for a season 2, it takes place 20 years before the comics
Adam Harrington misinterpreted 'Glass him' as get him a drink apparently when he played the game; I think it's cuz glass him is more of a British term (I saw it and new instantly that Bigby would smash a glass on him)
Agreed with you, this and Walking Dead S1 are a tie in my book. Ending leaves me craving for more of Fabletown so like everyone else a S2 would be amazing.
Check out FABLES if you want, they are great as well.
I second this completely!!!
I don't normally read comics; but I now own all of the Fables volumes that have been released thus far (main series and spin-offs) and I don't plan on selling them.
Plus, nobody ever said that Season 2 has to take place after the first one
I mean, look at war stories, with Fables timeline, TTG can move both forwards and backwards in time.
Yeah; but War Stories was initially non-canon to the main Fables storyline (then it lead into Werewolves of the Heartlands)
I agree with moving backwards in time though; I'd like to see Fabletown during the early 1800's, it would be only about 50 years after Fabletown was established. Let's see what Bigby and everyone else was like way back when; ppl would've been less trusting of him for a start...
I feel that the cliffhanger of Ep. 5 needs to be resolved; if not in a whole Season then at least in a reasonably long DLC episode.
I think this kind of war stories spin-off might actually work pretty well as DLC. Players shouldn't be forced to pay extra for another piece of the main storyline in my opinion.
I wouldn't mind if the DLC was Bigby during the Civil War, WW1 or some other mission in WW2; I can never get enough of the Big Bad Wolf!!
That's what I thought too! I was trying to be nice...
I agree! Everything you said left a smile on my face.
This was indeed a wonderful game and introduced me to the FABLES comics. (Which I recommend you pick up, if you have not.) Dat ending, thou.
British term for just hitting someone with a glass...
It seems the American audience was a little confused by the option :P