Skip QTEs / Easier Difficulty?



  • I don't remember moving my hand to the arrow keys at all.

  • However, the quick-time events aren't fun, and failing them and having to watch the same 45 second sequence over and over and over until I get it right just isn't fun.

    Green613 posted: »

    Most of you didn't even read what the OP said before you went on calling him things like dumb, or making fun of him. I just want to si

  • It's the same as saying there should be a setting to disable all negative dialogue options because you don't want to be that kind of person by accidentally choosing it. Failing a QTE and dying is a perfectly legitimate plot point for some of us yet we aren't asking for a hardcore mode.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't really see how mocking the OP is helping anything. What he/she's asking is for an OPTIONAL mode where he/she doesn't have to do Q

  • If anything I think they should make the QTEs sequences more difficult.

  • You don't mind them, he wants the option of removing them.

    No issue in providing him with the option.

    And unlike negative dialogue options, your rather fraught analogy, QTEs are necessary and for some people difficult to actually accomplish.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    It's the same as saying there should be a setting to disable all negative dialogue options because you don't want to be that kind of person

  • I don't really see what's so difficult, must have bad reaction time if you can't perform moves in the 10 seconds they give you.

  • actually, i like this idea. i want a more difficult experience in these games.

    How would that work...It's...Worthless... How about this? Telltale doesn't change a thing and we all talk about something else...I'm up for that.

  • I don't see these as difficult, but i'm gonna try to help.

    Are you holding down the Q button or something?

  • QTEs aren't necessary if dying at that point is viable to how you want to play, such as hardcore mode. Negative dialogue options, on the other hand, are much more necessary to long term development of your character. The more options you have for reaction the better.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You don't mind them, he wants the option of removing them. No issue in providing him with the option. And unlike negative dialogue options, your rather fraught analogy, QTEs are necessary and for some people difficult to actually accomplish.

  • My chief complaint about the QTEs isn't that they're hard. They really, really aren't.

    My chief complaint is that they're an extremely transparent way to try and pretend the game is something more than a visual novel. They can be used to enhance the game, but usually they just amount to tedious button mashing without tension or excitement.

  • I just want to sit back and enjoy the story.

    If that's the case, then you might as well watch a TV show or movie instead of complaining about a gameplay element that's not going to be taken out, ever. Seriously, why make the game easier when it was already casually easy in the first place?

  • But....How...You know what, never mind.

    actually, i like this idea. i want a more difficult experience in these games.

  • [removed]

  • edited January 2015

    I would normally agree with you, but if you can type on a keyboard then you should be able to push a button a few times.

    And anyways, it'd be too time-consuming for Telltale to make such an option.

  • So you assume that everyone who plays TellTale is a PC nerd? You are greatly miataken.

    If you have it on console you certainly don't need this, as you are bound to have experience.

    If someone wants to enjoy the game and not use QTEs they can go watch a play through. If they want to influence the choices, they can play with someone willing to tolerant them.

  • I have absolutely no idea, but I still want it.

    But....How...You know what, never mind.

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