Best moments in each episode

Not much to say here, look at the title. Just say what the best moments were in each episode, in your opinion.


  • First it seems.

    • Ep. 1: Bigby's first shape shift during the fight with Gren, I was grinning throughout!

    • Ep. 2: Georgie saying "Just stopped in for the chips then?" Yes... this is my favourite Ep. 2 moment

    • Ep. 3: Mary's introduction... throughout I was waiting for her to snap or something.

    • Ep. 4 Jersey removing his glamour made me shout "Holy shit!" at the screen!

    • Ep. 5 I would say Bigby turning into the Big Bad Wolf; but I'm going with the 'Go After Her' choice for the ending and how it abruptly ends with a black screen and Faith saying "I'll see you around, Wolf"

  • edited January 2015

    Nice choices. Jersey's real form was quite a surprise for me too xD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    First it seems. * Ep. 1: Bigby's first shape shift during the fight with Gren, I was grinning throughout! * Ep. 2: Georgie saying "J

  • I WOULD'VE said Mary's true form in Ep. 5; but on the day of release in England, TellTale didn't release it until 8pm and I finished work at 11am expecting to be able to download it when I got home.

    Curiosity got the better of me so I checked the Fables wiki and looked on Mary's page to see a picture of her true form's face!!

    I was terrified at the sight and then I was mentally cursing myself for not keeping it a surprise until later...

    armis37 posted: »

    Nice choices. Jersey's real form was quite a surprise for me too xD

  • edited January 2015

    Confession - I didn't find Mary's true form that good. I mean, it was pretty creepy and it looked very good visually, but it's still the same Bloody Mary, only bloodier and... glassier xD Whereas Jersey completely transformed himself into a god damn devil look-alike.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I WOULD'VE said Mary's true form in Ep. 5; but on the day of release in England, TellTale didn't release it until 8pm and I finished work at

  • I replayed the episode with a friend and he hated how each step she took had the sound of shattering glass added to it; hated as in it creeped him out :P

    Before the extended trailer was released a few days before the episode was, that depicted Mary with a true form; I expected Mary to own Bigby as a mere human and he would be forced to change form in order to match up to her. Maybe he beat her down in his 3rd form and then eat her as the Big Bad Wolf to ensure she stayed dead.

    armis37 posted: »

    Confession - I didn't find Mary's true form that good. I mean, it was pretty creepy and it looked very good visually, but it's still the sam

  • Spoiler

    Episode 1 - Bigby's transformation starting scene (when Gren drags him on the floor, but his claws dig into the floorboards, and Gren realises he can't drag Bigby anymore)

    Episode 2 - Smashing up Georgie's shop and machines. Yes, to be brutally honest, I had much fun smashing Georgie's things(though I tried both ways).

    Episode 3 - Bloody Mary's introduction - super creepy, but very, very compelling henchwoman to the Crooked Man.

    Episode 4 - Snow and Bigby's touching (it really hints that these two are, and will be kindred spirits/soul-mates) scene after Swineheart treats Bigby, until they were interrupted by Colin (I basically Loled at Colin for spoiling such a good mood)

    Episode 5 - Basically Bigby's whole fight with Bloody Mary in his Big Bad Wolf form. (No offence to TWD fans, I like TWD too, but)This transformation and fight is one of the big reasons (at least for me) that TWAU trumps over TWD. The scale and ferocity of this action scene basically beats any TWD action scene in my eyes.

  • Smashing up Georgie's shop and machines

    I had more fun hitting Georgie with Bigby's fist and then Crowd Control than smashing up his place :P

  • Ep 1: Woodsman Fight

    Ep 2: The Pudding and Pie

    Ep 3: Everything with the back ally

    Ep 4: Jersey Fight

    Ep 5: The Car Chase

  • Episode 1: That Woodsman fight is the best way to start any series.

    Episode 2: Smashing up Georgie's club.

    3.That fucking ending...

    4.Finally seeing the Crooked Man's face.

    5.That Bloody Mary fight.

  • Ep.1 - Woodsman fight + Lawrence apartment scene and Tweedledee chase

    Ep.2 - Pudding n Pie + Open Arms scene

    Ep.3 - all of it. I can't think of a scene which is boring, I loved it. I just the Tweedles office if you don't get the chance to explore it is a bit boring.

    Ep.4 - Lucky Pawn scene

    Ep.5 - car chase and Bloody Mary fight of course

  • Yeah same with 3, I think crooked mile was my favorite episode out of the 5

    Ep.1 - Woodsman fight + Lawrence apartment scene and Tweedledee chase Ep.2 - Pudding n Pie + Open Arms scene Ep.3 - all of it. I can't

  • Ep 1: The Woodsman fight is fantastic, it's really fun how different the fight scene can play out, the Grendel fight is a great climax, and catching all of Toad's lies always feels satisfying.

    Ep 2: The Pudding and Pie scene is great in how you can be a complete asshole bad cop to Georgie and Georgie kind of makes the episode for me, and being an angry, rampaging Bigby in the interrogation scene is fun too.

    Ep 3: Back alley scene...nuff said, and Bloody Mary leaves an impression.

    Ep 4: Lucky Pawn fight with Jersey, very brutal compared to the previous episode fights and I liked that and Jersey's design was a standout.

    Ep 5: Chase scene, Bloody Mary fight, and the ending trial are big standouts.

  • Ep 1: Toad calling me a 'gobshite prick' and fighting with Gren in the bar. "Has anyone ever told you've got a pretty big fuckin' mouth?!" " get's bigger..." Makes me laugh every time. xD

    Ep 2: Georgie. Enough said. He made the episode for me, what with his British accent and constant jibberish. Plus, him knocking down his own damn boombox. Marvelous.

    Ep 3: That funeral was pretty intense and pulled at my heart strings; Aunty Greenleaf was a badass in herself and the alley fight with Bloody Mary. <3 that psycho bitch. >:D

    Ep 4: Jersey Devil

    Ep 5: The trial was the only thing good for me. The Bloody Mary fight COULD have been longer...

  • Toad's line in Ep. 1 made me laugh loud the first time: "Furry pricked bogshite; tell me how to spend my money spit"

    He's cockney... I know some cokcney ppl over here and they can be difficult to understand cuz they have slang for certain things like: apples and pears means stairs and dog and bone means phone... yeah I know, it's weird!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Ep 1: Toad calling me a 'gobshite prick' and fighting with Gren in the bar. "Has anyone ever told you've got a pretty big fuckin' mouth?!" "

  • edited January 2015

    Ep. 1: Wooddsman vs. Bigby

    Ep. 2: Trying to get Georgie to tell you about the book, being able to break shit

    Ep. 3: Bigby's transformation/fight with Tweedles

    Ep. 4: Finding the Crooked Man or Jersey fight

    Ep. 5: Bigby vs. Bloody Mary

  • Episode 1: The ending... oh man.. that ending...

    Episode 2: Pudding n pie scene

    Episode 3: Fight with Tweedle Dee and Dum

    Episode 4: ''Why don't you have a seat, Sheriff? We have a great deal to discuss''. [Smoke]

    Episode 5: That ending...

  • Ep. 1: Faith and Bigby talking on the street (just so beautiful).

    Ep. 2: Fighting Beast (this scene looked like something out of a cheesy soap opera, but with kickass monsters fighting).

    Ep. 3: Fighting the Tweedles (just so epic).

    Ep. 4: Taking down the Jersey Devil (I particularly like working with Woody and questioning Jersey after the fight).

    Ep. 5: Bloody Mary vs. Bigby full transformation (so good).

    Looking at this list, I seem to like violence a lot.

  • Fight with Dee and Dum in the funeral or with the BM involved ?

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Episode 1: The ending... oh man.. that ending... Episode 2: Pudding n pie scene Episode 3: Fight with Tweedle Dee and Dum Episode 4

  • Think he means the funeral fight...

    Maybe because if you grab Dee's shotgun instead of tackling him, but don't complete the button press. Dee will fire the shotgun at Snow, she will have a badly scratched neck and a bandage over that area for the remainder of the episode...

    armis37 posted: »

    Fight with Dee and Dum in the funeral or with the BM involved ?

  • Not gonna judge; I wanted most of the dialogue options for Georgie replaced with acts of violence :P

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Ep. 1: Faith and Bigby talking on the street (just so beautiful). Ep. 2: Fighting Beast (this scene looked like something out of a cheesy

  • edited January 2015

    Episode One: Really hard to pick one here, but I would have to go with finding "Snow's" decapitated head at the end of the episode.

    Episode Two: Everything at the Pudding n' Pie

    Episode Three: Bigby's fight with the Tweedles.

    Episode Four: The Lucky Pawn scene. Nothing else from that episode really stuck out, in my opinion.

    Episode Five: Georgie's and Vivian's death scene.

  • When I found this out, I was so furious towards the brothers, holy shit!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Think he means the funeral fight... Maybe because if you grab Dee's shotgun instead of tackling him, but don't complete the button press.

  • Ep 2: Georgie. Enough said. He made the episode for me, what with his British accent and constant jibberish. Plus, him knocking down his own damn boombox. Marvelous.

    Not surprised, man! XD He too was pretty funny.

    I hated Jersey. What a douche. lol

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Ep 1: Toad calling me a 'gobshite prick' and fighting with Gren in the bar. "Has anyone ever told you've got a pretty big fuckin' mouth?!" "

  • I found it on the 'Details people might miss' thread and I was shocked by what I saw!

    I was kinda annoyed that the bandage is gone at the beginning of Ep. 4, when Snow still has it on in the alley...

    armis37 posted: »

    When I found this out, I was so furious towards the brothers, holy shit!

  • Georgie's and Vivian's death scene.

    Ahhh that's a different one! Vivian's death was tragic; but Georgie... first playthrough I ripped his guts out and then I left him to die for each playthrough afterwards because: If you reveal what really happened at the trial, Bigby will say 'I killed him!' if you killed Georgie; but if you leave him to die then Bigby can say 'There was a fight, and he bled out from his wounds'

    To me; 'bled out from his wounds' sounds much better than simply 'I killed him'

    Belan posted: »

    Episode One: Really hard to pick one here, but I would have to go with finding "Snow's" decapitated head at the end of the episode. Episo

  • edited January 2015

    Faith-Woodsman fight

    Smoke and Mirrors-The interrogation scene

    A Crooked Mile-Alleyway fight scene

    In Sheep's Clothing-Lucky Pawn fight or first seeing the Crooked Man

    Cry Wolf-The Big Bad Wolf, The Trial, Pudding and Pie scene and 'You're not as bad as everyone says you are'

  • The timing of the "I killed him" line is pretty awful as well lol, especially if you also turned up with a dead Crooked Man.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Georgie's and Vivian's death scene. Ahhh that's a different one! Vivian's death was tragic; but Georgie... first playthrough I rippe

  • Bigby almost sounds proud when he says it as though it's like "I dealt with the problem and I did it my way"

    The 'bad' choices for the trial (especially if the CM is dead) make Bigby seem as though he is turning to his old ways again as he doesn't even care what Snow thinks or says to him...

    Belan posted: »

    The timing of the "I killed him" line is pretty awful as well lol, especially if you also turned up with a dead Crooked Man.

  • edited January 2015

    Agreed. I believe that was a major theme of the game as a whole. It was up to the player to decide if they wanted to go down the old road of the "Big Bad Wolf", or instead stick to the new path of the reformed Sheriff Bigby Wolf.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Bigby almost sounds proud when he says it as though it's like "I dealt with the problem and I did it my way" The 'bad' choices for the tr

  • I wish the game was non-canon; I liked the bad choices for the trial: Yelling at Snow about how you don't care what she thinks of you; that loud growl that makes everyone shit themselves (although growling at Beauty when you choose the "Everyone shut the fuck up!" option was satisfying as well) I wanted Bigby to just up and say "Fuck all of you; I quit!"

    If you could quit your job as Sheriff, I would've been strangely happy :D

    Belan posted: »

    Agreed. I believe that was a major theme of the game as a whole. It was up to the player to decide if they wanted to go down the old road of the "Big Bad Wolf", or instead stick to the new path of the reformed Sheriff Bigby Wolf.

  • Spoiler

    Ep.1: The chat with Colin in the apartment (actually my favourite moment in the game).
    Ep. 2: The entire Pudding n pie scene.
    Ep. 3: That ending... :O
    Ep. 4: The Lucky Pawn scene.
    Ep. 5: If you bring Crooked Man in for trial, that entire argument was so intense. Awesome moment.

  • Episode One - The cliffhanger at the end was pretty good and shocking

    Episode Two - I'd say the moment when you play the music in the room Lilly died. It was eerily creepy and provided great atmosphere.

    Episode Three - The Alleyway Scene was shocking and really showed how bad things were in Fabletown

    Episode Four - Fighting The Jersey Devil, his scream scared me and even Bigby looked frightened for a second

    Episode Five - Aside from everything, I would say the ending. It made me scream at my television about how amazing the game was.

  • edited January 2015

    even Bigby looked frightened for a second

    Must've been dreaming dude; Bigby ain't scared of anything :P

    Except maybe Mary at the beginning of Ep. 4...

    HarjKS posted: »

    Episode One - The cliffhanger at the end was pretty good and shocking Episode Two - I'd say the moment when you play the music in the roo

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