Season 2 waiting thread

edited January 2015 in The Wolf Among Us

I searched for a thread like this, but wasn't able to find any. I think it would be a good idea to have one. I know S02 is not even confirmed yet, but many people (me included) expect one. I hope there are still some good active people on the forum who are willing enough to form a conversation here for S02. So, chat away, my friends!




  • I hope another seasson as good as the first one. "Walking dead season 1" and "wolf among us" have been bestgames i've played last years.

  • edited January 2015

    I really want Season 2 to be able to match up to, if not be better, the first one.

    TWD Season 2 had a rocky beginning and only really got better by the last episode imo... Hopefully TWAU Season 2 won't have that problem!

  • I love TWAU and I don't think leaving it where it is would be terrible, but I sure hope they make another! :)

  • Pats back sympathetically

    Sorry dude...

    Poogers555 posted: » I feel offended ;-;

  • But Twau is a one season game.

  • Says who?

    But Twau is a one season game.

  • Grabs HazzatheMan's shoulder and uncontrollably cries

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Pats back sympathetically Sorry dude...

  • Alt text

    But Twau is a one season game.

  • It's ok dude... it's ok.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Grabs HazzatheMan's shoulder and uncontrollably cries

  • i really want a season 2 1) cuz the first season was amazing 2) the way season one ended left me so many feels that i NEED anther season

  • ^ It appears my brain has an account of it's own now :P

    This guy understands my need for a TWAU Season 2 as well

    i really want a season 2 1) cuz the first season was amazing 2) the way season one ended left me so many feels that i NEED anther season

  • fyi im a girl but whatever we both agree that there needs to be a season 2 :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ^ It appears my brain has an account of it's own now :P This guy understands my need for a TWAU Season 2 as well

  • fyi im a girl

    Ah fuck...

    fyi im a girl but whatever we both agree that there needs to be a season 2

  • I have a bad feeling we might be waiting a long time.

    Alt text

  • But Twau is a one season game.

    Alt text

    But Twau is a one season game.

  • Say that one more time.

    Alt text

    But Twau is a one season game.

  • No love for Poogers. :(

    Meanwhile, at Telltale:

    Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: » I feel offended ;-;

  • The Wolf Among Us WILL be getting a season 2!!!! Although it has been confirmed, it probably won't be released until 2016.

  • I feel like TWAU had a lot more emotion than TWD Season 2 had and it just seemed flat better. I hope they see the potential for future seasons and go big on this franchise.

    Izzy2589 posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us WILL be getting a season 2!!!! Although it has been confirmed, it probably won't be released until 2016.

  • Unreliable source mate; I'm not the only one who'll tell you that... sorry :(

    Izzy2589 posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us WILL be getting a season 2!!!! Although it has been confirmed, it probably won't be released until 2016.

  • Sadly that site is known to be unreliable and full of lies so do not trust it, it is a lie.

    Izzy2589 posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us WILL be getting a season 2!!!! Although it has been confirmed, it probably won't be released until 2016.

  • It is a one season game, if it wasnt we would have heard news bout now that its in production.

    Say that one more time.

  • Alt text

    Just kidding. Anyway, that typically doesn't mean anything since Telltale announces some of their stuff at the last minute or when people least expect it. They may not work on it now, but who's to say they won't consider creating another season in 2, 3 years from now?

    It is a one season game, if it wasnt we would have heard news bout now that its in production.

  • Pretty sure with that Cliff Hanger at the End, There's ought to be another Season, First one was Brrrilliant! ^^ but Idk if It's Bigby as The Protagonist,
    I heard It was FlyCatcher D-:

  • Aw... my hopes got up... :(

    Sadly that site is known to be unreliable and full of lies so do not trust it, it is a lie.

  • 3 years from now?

    I'll have lost interest by then.

    Just kidding. Anyway, that typically doesn't mean anything since Telltale announces some of their stuff at the last minute or when people le

  • I heard It was FlyCatcher

    Where? Fly would be a pretty simple protagonist though; his time comes in Fables Volume 10...

    WolfNeedle posted: »

    Pretty sure with that Cliff Hanger at the End, There's ought to be another Season, First one was Brrrilliant! ^^ but Idk if It's Bigby as The Protagonist, I heard It was FlyCatcher D-:

  • Added a timer in the OP. 10th of july previous year was the day Episode 5 was released in the U.S.A. and in the span of 3 days in the rest of the world too. The clock is being updated automatically, so you can check it whenever you want.

  • Then "you just ain't doin' it right."

    (if not 3 years, then 2 years or less, trying to be realistic here XD)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    3 years from now? I'll have lost interest by then.

  • I'll have lost interest in waiting; then when I see the announcement all that hype and love will come rushing back to me in waves!!!

    Then "you just ain't doin' it right." (if not 3 years, then 2 years or less, trying to be realistic here XD)

  • Unreliable source, confirmed as unreliable by everyone!

    Sorry dude...

    JediTT posted: » It's pushed to 2016.

  • See comments above.

    JediTT posted: » It's pushed to 2016.

  • edited January 2015

    The thing is though, Wolf Among Us wasn't immediately signed to have multiple seasons like Walking Dead or Game of Thrones (hence, they can dive right into new seasons of those two series when a current season wraps up). A possible theory of why Wolf Among Us S2 would be so delayed is because they would have to get a new contract and what not with Vertigo.

    It is a one season game, if it wasnt we would have heard news bout now that its in production.

  • I've heard from more then a few Person that It was Flycatcher and something about It on another post, I really do hope It's not Flycatcher, He does seem like a Simple Fable but I didn't actually expect much from "The Big Bad Wolf" at first, sniffle please let It be Bigby as The Protagonist next season T-T

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I heard It was FlyCatcher Where? Fly would be a pretty simple protagonist though; his time comes in Fables Volume 10...

  • but I didn't actually expect much from "The Big Bad Wolf" at first

    What! :O

    WolfNeedle posted: »

    I've heard from more then a few Person that It was Flycatcher and something about It on another post, I really do hope It's not Flycatcher,

  • Alt text

    JediTT posted: » It's pushed to 2016.

  • Well, one can only hope for a Season 2. I know the comics (Fables) of which it's stemmed from contains TONNES of resource material and ideas of which the story could touch base with. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Just finished my "first" play through of the whole story last night, and really needs to continue. It must!

  • Read the comics! Get up to date with them and the spin-offs, it'll take you at least a month or so depending on time...

    Well, one can only hope for a Season 2. I know the comics (Fables) of which it's stemmed from contains TONNES of resource material and ideas

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