The thing is though, Tourists were set up to keep track/tabs on Fables outside of Fabletown and the Farm.
So I'm not so sure it would be plausible to have them in game if Bigby will be investigating within NYC Fabletown (since if that's the case, Bigby can just investigate on his own, like in Season 1), unless in episode 1 Bigby is in Fabletown, and episode 2 he heads out into mundy world etc and so forth.
Bigby can't go to the Farm, so it would need to be other characters who would need to go to the farm if this happens (though, personally, I want the game to still focus on Bigby, so I'd rather have the Farm setting for a DLC, not as in main game).
The reason I want Nerissa (Faith) to be the main focus of Season 2 is that I want her story to be closed off, to be given a proper ending. We never got a proper explanation of what really happened with her in Season 1, and only a cliffhanger ending (though we have lots of theories and speculations, nothing is confirmed).
And since it's most likely that Snow will be relegated to being a side-character (with her new position as Deputy Mayor and all), I think it makes sense to focus on her.
If she only makes appearence, but is not the focus, I'm not sure there will be enough room in the game to finish her storyline properly with characters from Season 1, and if also new fan-favourite characters from comics are added in (whatever the case, I want her storyline to be resolved be the end of Season 2. I don't want it to be dragging into Season 3 as well - if TWAU lasts that long) .
Perhaps what I want to see is a still Bigby-centric TWAU game but scenario which throws Bigby in at the deep end (while still resolving Nerissa/Faith storyline), and I think my other Fabletown setting works really well with that.
I was thinking I'd want something like this too-- with the tourists, especially... but there's no reason Fabletown NY can't be involved... p… moreerhaps you'd play Bigby and as Cindy... who you choose to investigate inside Fabletown proper and outside of it affects the game.
You could have the new areas you discussed, and also bring back old favorites. You could also throw in some investigation at the Farm.
Oddly, I think Nerissa shouldn't be the main focus-- but she should appear. This way, you could expand on S1 characters-- Tiny Tim (my favorite), Holly, Gren, Jersey (who I think would be trying to fill the power gap left by Crooked Man's incarceration/death), etc. You could also show some fan favorite characters that you mentioned. Perhaps Cole will be there too. I'd also love to see Vulco and his brothers, but that's just me... Oh, and I could totally see Bluebeard following Bigby to cause problems in the investigation.
I agree… [view original content]
I swear Woody is mentioned as being in a bad way or dead earlier in the series though... I might be wrong but my gut is telling me that someone mentions that.
There can be several reasons why Woody doesn't appear in the comics, but here's my theory.
Woody worked for Bigby as the Tourist for year… mores, but one day he went AWOL (like a soldier in an army), abondoning his Tourist duties.
His reasons may be
* He had a severe argument with Bigby, and decided he wanted to leave.
* He didn't have an argument with Bigby, but got tired of his life as Tourist and decided to try something else, and left.
Hence Bigby's quote to Jack and why he's so mad at Woody in Great Fables Crossover.
There can be several reasons why Woody doesn't appear in the comics, but here's my theory.
Woody worked for Bigby as the Tourist for year… mores, but one day he went AWOL (like a soldier in an army), abondoning his Tourist duties.
His reasons may be
* He had a severe argument with Bigby, and decided he wanted to leave.
* He didn't have an argument with Bigby, but got tired of his life as Tourist and decided to try something else, and left.
Hence Bigby's quote to Jack and why he's so mad at Woody in Great Fables Crossover.
I really don't think the ending to Season 1 is a cliffhanger, it gives you just enough answers and the rest is simply for the players to decide, it doesn't need to be confirmed, it would ruin the ambiguity for the ending.
The thing is though, Tourists were set up to keep track/tabs on Fables outside of Fabletown and the Farm.
So I'm not so sure it would be … moreplausible to have them in game if Bigby will be investigating within NYC Fabletown (since if that's the case, Bigby can just investigate on his own, like in Season 1), unless in episode 1 Bigby is in Fabletown, and episode 2 he heads out into mundy world etc and so forth.
Bigby can't go to the Farm, so it would need to be other characters who would need to go to the farm if this happens (though, personally, I want the game to still focus on Bigby, so I'd rather have the Farm setting for a DLC, not as in main game).
The reason I want Nerissa (Faith) to be the main focus of Season 2 is that I want her story to be closed off, to be given a proper ending. We never got a proper explanation of what really happened with her in Season 1, and only a cliffhanger ending (though we have lots of theories and sp… [view original content]
I really don't think the ending to Season 1 is a cliffhanger, it gives you just enough answers and the rest is simply for the players to decide, it doesn't need to be confirmed, it would ruin the ambiguity for the ending.
I thought they only mentioned him once in Great Fables Crossover (by Jack and Bigby) and mention him a little bit more in 1001 Nights of Snowfall (in Bigby's origin story, "The Runt"). I don't really remember him being mentioned in other parts (I could be wrong though).
But I think wikipedia (although it is known to have many faults in general) keeps pretty good track/update of Fables stuff, so I think his whereabouts being "unknown" would be right.
I swear Woody is mentioned as being in a bad way or dead earlier in the series though... I might be wrong but my gut is telling me that someone mentions that.
I thought they only mentioned him once in Great Fables Crossover (by Jack and Bigby) and mention him a little bit more in 1001 Nights of Sno… morewfall (in Bigby's origin story, "The Runt"). I don't really remember him being mentioned in other parts (I could be wrong though).
But I think wikipedia (although it is known to have many faults in general) keeps pretty good track/update of Fables stuff, so I think his whereabouts being "unknown" would be right.
The story of Ep. 1 followed an actual serial killer, Bigby would be framed for the murders and Brannigan would be hunting him down, plus the Mundy cops would discover Fabletown's existence...
It was rewritten cuz that entire plot went against the comic canon; in the comics they say the last time a Mundy discovered Fabletown was back in the 1940's...
Also I think Snow was to remain dead, at least until the end of the season I think (don't quote me on that)
Ah. Yes. That would be problematic. The file in the Tweedles' office on Brannigan did intrigue me. I wonder if that's a holdover from the initial story. Thank you, Hazzatheman!
I also recall Cryer was to be Bigby's sidekick until they decided 'lone wolf' fit him better. I do hope Cryer reappears, though. Sounds like a fun character idea.
The story of Ep. 1 followed an actual serial killer, Bigby would be framed for the murders and Brannigan would be hunting him down, plus the… more Mundy cops would discover Fabletown's existence...
It was rewritten cuz that entire plot went against the comic canon; in the comics they say the last time a Mundy discovered Fabletown was back in the 1940's...
Also I think Snow was to remain dead, at least until the end of the season I think (don't quote me on that)
Ah. Yes. That would be problematic. The file in the Tweedles' office on Brannigan did intrigue me. I wonder if that's a holdover from th… moree initial story. Thank you, Hazzatheman!
I also recall Cryer was to be Bigby's sidekick until they decided 'lone wolf' fit him better. I do hope Cryer reappears, though. Sounds like a fun character idea.
Hmm...I really don't want there to be a New Protagonist, Bigby's My God, and yeh, Winter would be cool, If anyone else would be the Protagonist In My opinion I'd like Snow, More of Bigby's true form would be awesome, and just much much more! :O
I would really like them to include the ability to hide things from your investigation from Snow.....I know that you COULD, but information you chose not to disclose either came out either way somehow or had no impact on the actual outcome of the plot. There are SO many facets that Bigby keeps separate from Snow in the comic (I have lost count of how many other fables has Bigby killed when duty calls), and I think that could add a whole other dimension to the game play elements. Sure, I played it nice my first way through Season 1. But then I went back and was a complete bastard (ie- killing the Tweedle brother, beating on Beast, killing the Crooked Man)...And....To be honest I wasn't all that pleased with how it played out....The end result was the same. In any case I guess that's why I am eagerly waiting for Season 2....To see if it really does affect things. Plus, this is completely irrelevant, but how cool would it be to have control of how wolfed out you want to be when intimidating people.....I kind of pouted that they controlled that....
Totally agree with the Snow aspect. She seems so much more likable in the comics.....A lot of times I felt like I was moronically yelling at the TV for her to pull the stick out of her ass and cut the holier than thou attitude....Maybe that is just me though.
I agree with developing Gren, Holly and Nerissa etc
I want Woody to come back as well cuz in the comics during The Great Fables Crossover… more; Bigby heavily implies to Jack that Woody is either dead or not in a good way, and possibly that Bigby is the one that made him that way...
Who knows? Maybe Bigby is responsible for killing/maiming Woody as referenced during that story arc.
Briar Rose and Rose Red should both be cameos actually; maybe make Briar Rose a more prominent character than Rose Red though (Briar's more badass imo)
I will probably get some backlash for this but; I want LESS of Snow this time around. Because she is now the Deputy Mayor she should be stuck behind her desk and not following Bigby around, that can be Boy Blue or Cinderella's job!
I'm not saying Snow should be reduced to a supporting role, but I feel there should be less focus on her...
To be fair, I feel they controlled the wolfing out at least partially to have the climactic battle at the end. It would just be overkill to have giant Bigby against, say Beast or something... and if left to me, he'd be giant Bigby ALL the time.
I would really like them to include the ability to hide things from your investigation from Snow.....I know that you COULD, but information … moreyou chose not to disclose either came out either way somehow or had no impact on the actual outcome of the plot. There are SO many facets that Bigby keeps separate from Snow in the comic (I have lost count of how many other fables has Bigby killed when duty calls), and I think that could add a whole other dimension to the game play elements. Sure, I played it nice my first way through Season 1. But then I went back and was a complete bastard (ie- killing the Tweedle brother, beating on Beast, killing the Crooked Man)...And....To be honest I wasn't all that pleased with how it played out....The end result was the same. In any case I guess that's why I am eagerly waiting for Season 2....To see if it really does affect things. Plus, this is completely irrelevant, but how cool would it be to have control o… [view original content]
Another route Telltale could take-- have another game set in the Fables universe, but NOT a sequel to TWAU. The Tourists and/or Cinderella could be essential there. Just a thought. Maybe in time, whatever storyline is cooked up for such an idea could converge with TWAU, though.
Mowgli would be such a GREAT add in! He was such an interesting character in the comics! Fantastic idea. Give this guy a bloody mary! I salute you good sir/lady!
I know this idea might not bode well with some (if not most) people, but has anybody considered maybe the following?
Storyline: Bigby is … morestill tracking down Nerissa after the end of TWAU Season 1, and finds out Nerissa is somewhere out in the mundy world, in an unknown fabletown (like Shadow Fabletown from Cinderella Volume: Fables are Forever), and enlists the help of Cinderella, and the Tourists (Mowgli, Feathertop, Woodsman) to track her down. They can also go into detail of how the group Tourists was set up.
The reason this storyline interests me is because in the comics, with exception of Mowgli not much of Tourists characters are explored (Feathertop is in The Wolf in the Fold novel, but not in the actual comics. Woodsman is only mentioned, but no appearence). It can be a great way to bring back Woody (after his good appearence in Season 1), and chance to explore characters like Feathertop and bring in Mowgli.
Of course, thi… [view original content]
To be fair, I feel they controlled the wolfing out at least partially to have the climactic battle at the end. It would just be overkill to have giant Bigby against, say Beast or something... and if left to me, he'd be giant Bigby ALL the time.
Sorry! But I do like your idea for Bigby to decide to keep things to himself and having those decisions matter. A lying option could also be interesting.
Totally agree with the Snow aspect. She seems so much more likable in the comics.....A lot of times I felt like I was moronically yelling at… more the TV for her to pull the stick out of her ass and cut the holier than thou attitude....Maybe that is just me though.
Tbh though; in Fables 145 Snow mentions to Cindy that she knows about what she does; that tells me that Bigby told Snow about aspects of his job... Snow probably knows that Bigby has killed other Fables, but 'understands' why they are dead....?
Sorry! But I do like your idea for Bigby to decide to keep things to himself and having those decisions matter. A lying option could also be interesting.
Ah, but wouldn't that be after she and Bigby were married for awhile? Of course, they'd probably 'get' each other more and thus more secrets would be shared at that point.
Tbh though; in Fables 145 Snow mentions to Cindy that she knows about what she does; that tells me that Bigby told Snow about aspects of his job... Snow probably knows that Bigby has killed other Fables, but 'understands' why they are dead....?
Mowgli would be such a GREAT add in! He was such an interesting character in the comics! Fantastic idea. Give this guy a bloody mary! I salute you good sir/lady!
Eh, from what we ended up getting, I don't know if I would have liked Snow being dead for the rest of the season, and I actually kind of prefer the "who controls Fabletown and who keeps the fables safe?" storyline, instead of a standard serial killer plot where the main detective character is framed and hunted down by the police.
The story of Ep. 1 followed an actual serial killer, Bigby would be framed for the murders and Brannigan would be hunting him down, plus the… more Mundy cops would discover Fabletown's existence...
It was rewritten cuz that entire plot went against the comic canon; in the comics they say the last time a Mundy discovered Fabletown was back in the 1940's...
Also I think Snow was to remain dead, at least until the end of the season I think (don't quote me on that)
I agree with developing Gren, Holly and Nerissa etc
I want Woody to come back as well cuz in the comics during The Great Fables Crossover… more; Bigby heavily implies to Jack that Woody is either dead or not in a good way, and possibly that Bigby is the one that made him that way...
Who knows? Maybe Bigby is responsible for killing/maiming Woody as referenced during that story arc.
Briar Rose and Rose Red should both be cameos actually; maybe make Briar Rose a more prominent character than Rose Red though (Briar's more badass imo)
I will probably get some backlash for this but; I want LESS of Snow this time around. Because she is now the Deputy Mayor she should be stuck behind her desk and not following Bigby around, that can be Boy Blue or Cinderella's job!
I'm not saying Snow should be reduced to a supporting role, but I feel there should be less focus on her...
I guess I just get a little irritated when she's mad at ME for ripping a guys throat out that has: A) Assaulted an officer of the law for NO earthly reason other than chasing him from a crime scene Withheld prevalent information on a murder case C) SHOT me and others at Lily's funeral in the middle of a mundy constructions site (gunshots in an open area HELLO), D) Shot me multiple times and to FORCIBLY take Crane from my custody...And she is going to sit there and tel me that it was "unjustified"....Give me fricking break. What in the HELL did she not understand about that? Grrrr. Okay,,,,,Rant over. lol
Tbh though; in Fables 145 Snow mentions to Cindy that she knows about what she does; that tells me that Bigby told Snow about aspects of his job... Snow probably knows that Bigby has killed other Fables, but 'understands' why they are dead....?
It's cuz it's Bigby! He has killed for no reason in the past, plus it seems she has never seen him wolf out before (in the comics, Volume 3, he turns full Wolf and she is in awe) She clearly doesn't want him to turn back to his old ways again, and at the time it seemed as though he was acting on impulse rather than rational thought...
I guess I just get a little irritated when she's mad at ME for ripping a guys throat out that has: A) Assaulted an officer of the law for NO… more earthly reason other than chasing him from a crime scene Withheld prevalent information on a murder case C) SHOT me and others at Lily's funeral in the middle of a mundy constructions site (gunshots in an open area HELLO), D) Shot me multiple times and to FORCIBLY take Crane from my custody...And she is going to sit there and tel me that it was "unjustified"....Give me fricking break. What in the HELL did she not understand about that? Grrrr. Okay,,,,,Rant over. lol
Yeah I know. It's a totally valid point. And it does make perfect sense....Maybe what I really want is an option to litterally say, "You know what Snow? Fuck. Off." lols. No but seriously, you are correct that is EXACTLY why she did and said what she said....However, do you think that some of that was also because she was worried about actually receiving the Deputy Mayor job aka selfishness on her part? Now I'm just curious of your opinion.
It's cuz it's Bigby! He has killed for no reason in the past, plus it seems she has never seen him wolf out before (in the comics, Volume 3,… more he turns full Wolf and she is in awe) She clearly doesn't want him to turn back to his old ways again, and at the time it seemed as though he was acting on impulse rather than rational thought...
During the Ep. 5 trial (with all the bad choices as well) I soo wanted to lose it at everyone and quit Fabletown completely. Bigby tells Snow that he doesn't care what she thinks of him (that clearly shocks her in a sad way, you can see the sadness on her face) and dares to challenge the higher-ups about his position as Sheriff.
I think it's cuz Snow never really knows what Bigby has to do as Sheriff; in the comics she doesn't seem to care about his conduct (then again he's quite tame in the comics) So she doesn't know what to expect, there is the added stress of becoming Deputy Mayor, but she assumes that Bigby wolfing out is him losing control, when actually he knows what he is doing but might be living in the moment a little too much...
Snow just doesn't want Bigby to lose all of his hard earned progress at reforming himself. You could argue it's because of an unrealised desire to be near him, or simply so that she doesn't have to address the Sheriff as a problem to solve...
A similar situation occurs in Fables Volume 13; I won't say what it is in case you haven't read it, but Snow questions Bigby's actions as losing control after so long, but when he tells her that it was a dark influence (which is the truth btw) she defends him in an instant.
Yeah I know. It's a totally valid point. And it does make perfect sense....Maybe what I really want is an option to litterally say, "You kno… morew what Snow? Fuck. Off." lols. No but seriously, you are correct that is EXACTLY why she did and said what she said....However, do you think that some of that was also because she was worried about actually receiving the Deputy Mayor job aka selfishness on her part? Now I'm just curious of your opinion.
I did not know that Willingham confirmed Woody as a Tourist...
Ok what you are saying makes more sense actually :P
The thing is though, Tourists were set up to keep track/tabs on Fables outside of Fabletown and the Farm.
So I'm not so sure it would be plausible to have them in game if Bigby will be investigating within NYC Fabletown (since if that's the case, Bigby can just investigate on his own, like in Season 1), unless in episode 1 Bigby is in Fabletown, and episode 2 he heads out into mundy world etc and so forth.
Bigby can't go to the Farm, so it would need to be other characters who would need to go to the farm if this happens (though, personally, I want the game to still focus on Bigby, so I'd rather have the Farm setting for a DLC, not as in main game).
The reason I want Nerissa (Faith) to be the main focus of Season 2 is that I want her story to be closed off, to be given a proper ending. We never got a proper explanation of what really happened with her in Season 1, and only a cliffhanger ending (though we have lots of theories and speculations, nothing is confirmed).
And since it's most likely that Snow will be relegated to being a side-character (with her new position as Deputy Mayor and all), I think it makes sense to focus on her.
If she only makes appearence, but is not the focus, I'm not sure there will be enough room in the game to finish her storyline properly with characters from Season 1, and if also new fan-favourite characters from comics are added in (whatever the case, I want her storyline to be resolved be the end of Season 2. I don't want it to be dragging into Season 3 as well - if TWAU lasts that long) .
Perhaps what I want to see is a still Bigby-centric TWAU game but scenario which throws Bigby in at the deep end (while still resolving Nerissa/Faith storyline), and I think my other Fabletown setting works really well with that.
There can be several reasons why Woody doesn't appear in the comics, but here's my theory.
Woody worked for Bigby as the Tourist for years, but one day he went AWOL (like a soldier in an army), abondoning his Tourist duties.
His reasons may be
Hence Bigby's quote to Jack and why he's so mad at Woody in Great Fables Crossover.
I swear Woody is mentioned as being in a bad way or dead earlier in the series though... I might be wrong but my gut is telling me that someone mentions that.
When is Woody said to be a tourist?
Check CoolGuy's links above; apparently Willingham himself confirmed it...
Well that is really interesting, now I want TellTale to make a season 2 and explain Woody some more.
I really don't think the ending to Season 1 is a cliffhanger, it gives you just enough answers and the rest is simply for the players to decide, it doesn't need to be confirmed, it would ruin the ambiguity for the ending.
Yeah same, even if Season 2 is a direct sequil to Season 1, I already know if you choose to follow her when you turn the corner she will just be gone
That's what I am preparing myself for; but it would be nice to get some proper closure...
I thought they only mentioned him once in Great Fables Crossover (by Jack and Bigby) and mention him a little bit more in 1001 Nights of Snowfall (in Bigby's origin story, "The Runt"). I don't really remember him being mentioned in other parts (I could be wrong though).
But I think wikipedia (although it is known to have many faults in general) keeps pretty good track/update of Fables stuff, so I think his whereabouts being "unknown" would be right.
Season 2 might clear things up... If TellTale decide to announce it!!
Yeah, a proper closure is what I would like to have (and I'm not really convinced that they did that with Faith's storyline)..
I blame the whole rewrite after Ep. 1; if the story had stayed constant from the start then things might've turned out different...
There was a rewrite? Anyone know why?
The story of Ep. 1 followed an actual serial killer, Bigby would be framed for the murders and Brannigan would be hunting him down, plus the Mundy cops would discover Fabletown's existence...
It was rewritten cuz that entire plot went against the comic canon; in the comics they say the last time a Mundy discovered Fabletown was back in the 1940's...
Also I think Snow was to remain dead, at least until the end of the season I think (don't quote me on that)
Ah. Yes. That would be problematic. The file in the Tweedles' office on Brannigan did intrigue me. I wonder if that's a holdover from the initial story. Thank you, Hazzatheman!
I also recall Cryer was to be Bigby's sidekick until they decided 'lone wolf' fit him better. I do hope Cryer reappears, though. Sounds like a fun character idea.
Cryer was meant to be The Boy That Cried Wolf I think...
He was also going to be Deputy
It to exist.
I'm glad you like it
The realist
Hmm...I really don't want there to be a New Protagonist, Bigby's My God, and yeh, Winter would be cool, If anyone else would be the Protagonist In My opinion I'd like Snow, More of Bigby's true form would be awesome, and just much much more! :O
I would really like them to include the ability to hide things from your investigation from Snow.....I know that you COULD, but information you chose not to disclose either came out either way somehow or had no impact on the actual outcome of the plot. There are SO many facets that Bigby keeps separate from Snow in the comic (I have lost count of how many other fables has Bigby killed when duty calls), and I think that could add a whole other dimension to the game play elements. Sure, I played it nice my first way through Season 1. But then I went back and was a complete bastard (ie- killing the Tweedle brother, beating on Beast, killing the Crooked Man)...And....To be honest I wasn't all that pleased with how it played out....The end result was the same. In any case I guess that's why I am eagerly waiting for Season 2....To see if it really does affect things. Plus, this is completely irrelevant, but how cool would it be to have control of how wolfed out you want to be when intimidating people.....I kind of pouted that they controlled that....
Totally agree with the Snow aspect. She seems so much more likable in the comics.....A lot of times I felt like I was moronically yelling at the TV for her to pull the stick out of her ass and cut the holier than thou attitude....Maybe that is just me though.
To be fair, I feel they controlled the wolfing out at least partially to have the climactic battle at the end. It would just be overkill to have giant Bigby against, say Beast or something... and if left to me, he'd be giant Bigby ALL the time.
Another route Telltale could take-- have another game set in the Fables universe, but NOT a sequel to TWAU. The Tourists and/or Cinderella could be essential there. Just a thought. Maybe in time, whatever storyline is cooked up for such an idea could converge with TWAU, though.
Mowgli would be such a GREAT add in! He was such an interesting character in the comics! Fantastic idea. Give this guy a bloody mary! I salute you good sir/lady!
Okaaayyy I guess your right. You have deflated me good sir.
Sorry! But I do like your idea for Bigby to decide to keep things to himself and having those decisions matter. A lying option could also be interesting.
Hahahaha!!! That's a good description! :XD
Tbh though; in Fables 145 Snow mentions to Cindy that she knows about what she does; that tells me that Bigby told Snow about aspects of his job... Snow probably knows that Bigby has killed other Fables, but 'understands' why they are dead....?
Ah, but wouldn't that be after she and Bigby were married for awhile? Of course, they'd probably 'get' each other more and thus more secrets would be shared at that point.
If you like the idea, then please click "Like" on my post.
(Oh, and I am a guy).
Eh, from what we ended up getting, I don't know if I would have liked Snow being dead for the rest of the season, and I actually kind of prefer the "who controls Fabletown and who keeps the fables safe?" storyline, instead of a standard serial killer plot where the main detective character is framed and hunted down by the police.
I guess I just get a little irritated when she's mad at ME for ripping a guys throat out that has: A) Assaulted an officer of the law for NO earthly reason other than chasing him from a crime scene
Withheld prevalent information on a murder case C) SHOT me and others at Lily's funeral in the middle of a mundy constructions site (gunshots in an open area HELLO), D) Shot me multiple times and to FORCIBLY take Crane from my custody...And she is going to sit there and tel me that it was "unjustified"....Give me fricking break. What in the HELL did she not understand about that? Grrrr. Okay,,,,,Rant over. lol
It's cuz it's Bigby! He has killed for no reason in the past, plus it seems she has never seen him wolf out before (in the comics, Volume 3, he turns full Wolf and she is in awe) She clearly doesn't want him to turn back to his old ways again, and at the time it seemed as though he was acting on impulse rather than rational thought...
Yeah I know. It's a totally valid point. And it does make perfect sense....Maybe what I really want is an option to litterally say, "You know what Snow? Fuck. Off." lols. No but seriously, you are correct that is EXACTLY why she did and said what she said....However, do you think that some of that was also because she was worried about actually receiving the Deputy Mayor job aka selfishness on her part? Now I'm just curious of your opinion.
During the Ep. 5 trial (with all the bad choices as well) I soo wanted to lose it at everyone and quit Fabletown completely. Bigby tells Snow that he doesn't care what she thinks of him (that clearly shocks her in a sad way, you can see the sadness on her face) and dares to challenge the higher-ups about his position as Sheriff.
I think it's cuz Snow never really knows what Bigby has to do as Sheriff; in the comics she doesn't seem to care about his conduct (then again he's quite tame in the comics) So she doesn't know what to expect, there is the added stress of becoming Deputy Mayor, but she assumes that Bigby wolfing out is him losing control, when actually he knows what he is doing but might be living in the moment a little too much...
Snow just doesn't want Bigby to lose all of his hard earned progress at reforming himself. You could argue it's because of an unrealised desire to be near him, or simply so that she doesn't have to address the Sheriff as a problem to solve...
A similar situation occurs in Fables Volume 13; I won't say what it is in case you haven't read it, but Snow questions Bigby's actions as losing control after so long, but when he tells her that it was a dark influence (which is the truth btw) she defends him in an instant.