The Wolf Among us: Comic



  • Well, from what I remember in TWAU Episode 1, I don't think the game describes exactly how Faith's father died. They go into more detail on that as well here, so that's something.

    And I like Bigby's inner monologues as well.

    I'm not sure I'm a fan of them switching the artist between every issue though (They have 3 artists on this series currently, all taking turns after every issue).

    LukaszB posted: »

    I agree that one of the best reasons to read the comic is that everything is more in depth. Bigby's thoughts, how Bigby got bruises, the entire story of Faith, etc.

  • Oh they're doing it that way?

    Didn't they do that for one of the Graphic Novels??? Wasn't it Fairest: In All The Land...?

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well, from what I remember in TWAU Episode 1, I don't think the game describes exactly how Faith's father died. They go into more detail on

  • Yeah, and personally, I didn't like that approach (though I did enjoy Fairest: In All The Land's story). I prefer the approach they use in the main series - same artist for whole (or at least most) of the volume/arc.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh they're doing it that way? Didn't they do that for one of the Graphic Novels??? Wasn't it Fairest: In All The Land...?

  • Do you remember the super cartoon-like artistry they used for one of the issues in Volume 10 The Good Prince?

    I felt that was REALLY out of place!

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Yeah, and personally, I didn't like that approach (though I did enjoy Fairest: In All The Land's story). I prefer the approach they use in the main series - same artist for whole (or at least most) of the volume/arc.

  • Actually it's every chapter.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well, from what I remember in TWAU Episode 1, I don't think the game describes exactly how Faith's father died. They go into more detail on

  • I like the art style of the first one

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Yeah, and personally, I didn't like that approach (though I did enjoy Fairest: In All The Land's story). I prefer the approach they use in the main series - same artist for whole (or at least most) of the volume/arc.

  • Yeah, I'm also not a fan of the art style they used in the Great Fables Crossover volume (which seems to be the art style used in a lot of Jack of Fables volumes, if I remember correctly).

    Both the story and the art in that cross-over were so-so in my opinion (probably my lowest rated volume out of all main series volumes).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Do you remember the super cartoon-like artistry they used for one of the issues in Volume 10 The Good Prince? I felt that was REALLY out of place!

  • My least favourite is Volume 7 Arabian Night And Days; the Arabian Fables were really un-likable it that Volume...

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Yeah, I'm also not a fan of the art style they used in the Great Fables Crossover volume (which seems to be the art style used in a lot of J

  • edited January 2015

    Most of Arabian Fables served no purpose except for Sinbad, and his guard (who curses a lot), and the bad vizier who tries to summon the genie of the lamp to destroy Fabletown.

    Other than them, there were only Arabian ladies with skimpy clothing who grabbed the attention of the boys (Pinochio, and Flycatcher much to the jealousy of Riding Hood).....

    That's pretty much all I can remember of them to be honest (if you exclude their War against empire invlovement).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My least favourite is Volume 7 Arabian Night And Days; the Arabian Fables were really un-likable it that Volume...

  • bad vizier who tries to summon the genie of the lamp to destroy Fabletown.

    Isn't that kind of a spoiler for early readers? :P

  • Spoiler

    Damn, you're right! Just put on the spoiler tag (hope noone got spoilers!)

    Anyway, since Bigby gives like all his money to Faith, I guess whether he has enough money to pay for Holly's drink would depend on whether Bigby confiscate money from either Tweedle Dee/Woodsman (whichever one the comic makes Bigby chase).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    bad vizier who tries to summon the genie of the lamp to destroy Fabletown. Isn't that kind of a spoiler for early readers? :P

  • Bigby gets that money in Ep. 2... So he can't pay Holly :P

  • Oh that's right. Well, he can just put the tab on Crane :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Bigby gets that money in Ep. 2... So he can't pay Holly :P

  • "Submit a damage report with my office, Fabletown'll pay for this; charge the drink on there too... and the glass"

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Oh that's right. Well, he can just put the tab on Crane

  • Eh, that's fairly typical. Bigby has half a dozen different looks in the main comic.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Well, from what I remember in TWAU Episode 1, I don't think the game describes exactly how Faith's father died. They go into more detail on

  • Yeah, but they don't change it for every issue/chapter. Most of the main comic volumes have at least the same artist doing the art for most of the arc if not the whole arc/volume.

    I'm not saying they should use the same artist for TWAU's entire run. But I'm just not a fan of them changing the artist with every chapter (didn't like it in Fairest in all the Land either).

    KCohere posted: »

    Eh, that's fairly typical. Bigby has half a dozen different looks in the main comic.

  • Are you forgetting one of the main comic issues where there were around 5 artists for 1 issue.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Yeah, but they don't change it for every issue/chapter. Most of the main comic volumes have at least the same artist doing the art for most

  • edited January 2015

    Which issue was that??? I don't recall that happening in any of the main comic issues...

    It happened in Fairest: In All The Land :/

    Also does anyone know why Lan Medina didn't stay on as series artist past Volume 1? His artistry was very realistic...

    LukaszB posted: »

    Are you forgetting one of the main comic issues where there were around 5 artists for 1 issue.

  • Main comics issue 59. It's more than I mentioned though.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Which issue was that??? I don't recall that happening in any of the main comic issues... It happened in Fairest: In All The Land Also

  • I just re-checked :P

    Volume 9 Sons of Empire: That is the Burning Questions issue though... I like that they had different art styles for each question...

    They do the same thing for Celebrity Burning Questions in Volume 15 Rose Red (Issue 99 I think)

    LukaszB posted: »

    Main comics issue 59. It's more than I mentioned though.

  • edited January 2015

    Oops, my mistake..., well chapter then.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Actually it's every chapter.

  • edited January 2015

    Issue 59 is just burning questions. And I don't mind them having different artists, since they are not part of main story.

    And even in the Volume 9 (title Sons of Empire) you've mentioned (which had issue 59 within), Mark Buckingham was the lead artist (with couple of pencillers to help him, but it's pretty much Buckingham's art) for the entire issue 52 ~ issue 56 - and those issues consists of 2 story arcs:

    • Sons of Empire
    • Jiminy Christmas (although 1 issue, it is still considered as 1 story arc)

    It wasn't until issue 57 (Father and Son arc) where they changed the artist, and even that had same artist for the 2 issues it consisted of (issue 57 and issue 58).

    To me, the approach they used in the main series where they had same artist throughout the story arc (regardless of how many issues the arc actually has) is much better than changing the artist with every issue (like they did in Fairest in all the Land with chapters, and TWAU comic, with every issue) - the way they change artist with each and every issue/chapter, I find too distracting (but luckily visual style isn't the only thing I'm after in the Fables book, I'm also looking for good story).

    LukaszB posted: »

    Main comics issue 59. It's more than I mentioned though.

  • For me in The Wolf Among Us chapters my favorite artist would be the artist that did the third chapter. The characters look a lot like they do in the game.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Issue 59 is just burning questions. And I don't mind them having different artists, since they are not part of main story. And even in t

  • The easiest way to figure out is reading the top. Also remember checking the milestone issues, which have around 5 chapters each.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Oops, my mistake..., well chapter then.

  • Which we all should know he will do.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Oh that's right. Well, he can just put the tab on Crane

  • edited January 2015

    Loved how Bigby was forced to rhyme to mirror (to find Lawrence) when he didn't want to, and he threatened to smash the mirror (while at the same time, putting in words to "find Lawrence.")

    That scene was hillarious. :)

  • "Mirror, mirror, as if this rhyme mattered-- Show me Prince Lawrence or find yourself shattered." That's the entire line.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    What was the rhyme?

  • That is pretty good :P

    LukaszB posted: »

    "Mirror, mirror, as if this rhyme mattered-- Show me Prince Lawrence or find yourself shattered." That's the entire line.

  • Rhyme itself is pretty funny, but Bigby's expression (of clenching his fist towards the mirror) added to the humour.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That is pretty good :P

  • True

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Rhyme itself is pretty funny, but Bigby's expression (of clenching his fist towards the mirror) added to the humour.

  • edited January 2015

    I just finished #6 and rather enjoying this so far. :) The artwork and detail they added is wonderful. Looking forward to the next one.

  • A better spoiler tag would be adding digital before comic, because the complete 1st store issue came out.

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