YouTube Permission

edited November 2012 in Game Support
Is it alright to upload a Let's Play of The Walking Dead and recieve Monetization?

Here is my channel:

I will be uploading it tonight, so I don't have the link to it yet.

The Solar Gamer


  • edited August 2012
    Is it alright to upload a Let's Play of The Walking Dead and recieve Monetization?

    Here is my channel:

    I will be uploading it tonight, so I don't have the link to it yet.

    The Solar Gamer

    i Recommend sending a private message to Alan Johnson because he will send you a reply faster than on a thread. i tried 3 threads and didnt work. when i sent a message i got a reply so its up to u.
  • edited August 2012
    Wow, you were right, I sent him a tweet 10min ago and he just replied haha Thanks! :D
  • edited August 2012
    Wow, you were right, I sent him a tweet 10min ago and he just replied haha Thanks! :D

    no problem i sent Alan Johnson a message and in a day i got a reply saying yes i have permission. now i just need to wait on youtube to allow me to prove i have permission unless you can tell me how to show i have permission
  • edited August 2012
    YouTube is very very slow at the moment, to be honest, they are the worst when it comes to monetizing videos. My latest 3 are still under review, and one from a month ago is too...
  • edited August 2012
    YouTube is very very slow at the moment, to be honest, they are the worst when it comes to monetizing videos. My latest 3 are still under review, and one from a month ago is too...

    Wow. it never tooked that long for me it usualy took a day or within hours to approved or decline. I got my Backup Channel: GamingDragon316 set up with adsense and i only got one video monetized. but i made $1.00 so far off that one video but if i can get youtube to see i have permission maybe i can start earning more money and able to start buying games on release
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah, it usually doesn't take that long, it is just recently that this has been happening.
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah, it usually doesn't take that long, it is just recently that this has been happening.

    hmmm....interesting. Today i got a email stating my adesense account was disabled for Invaild Click Activity. I know i didnt do anything wrong and now i cant earn money off the walking dead(yes i did get permission to clarify with everyone that doesnt know).
  • edited November 2012
    Wow, you were right, I sent him a tweet 10min ago and he just replied haha Thanks! :D

    What is his Twitter account? I can't contact him here on the site; his PM box is full.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Alan Johnson is not with TTG anymore, so please don't message him.
    If you get no answer here, you can try
  • edited November 2012
    Thank you, DjNDB. I will try it that way!
  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    edited November 2012
    Hey guys, I want to make everyone aware that while we don't mind fan-made or Let's Play videos, we do not approve of monetizing copywritten material. Alan may not have fully understood exactly what was being asked, but I have asked this question of his and my superiors, and they have confirmed that we don't allow this.
  • edited November 2013

    Nevermind, I derp'd

  • Telltale should be ashamed of this stance. You want the free promotion but don't want the promoter to make anything for all their effort they put in promoting your game!

    MattP posted: »

    Hey guys, I want to make everyone aware that while we don't mind fan-made or Let's Play videos, we do not approve of monetizing copywritten ma

  • That



    People are promoting your games for FREE, but they shouldn't earn any sort of reward for their effort? I find THAT just all out wrong.

    MattP posted: »

    Hey guys, I want to make everyone aware that while we don't mind fan-made or Let's Play videos, we do not approve of monetizing copywritten ma

  • What I don't get is... They say that they don't allow monetization, yet they retweet big youtubers who are doing lps of TWD or TWAU, and obviously monetizing their videos (I don't think I need to say their names).

    I don't understand, is monetization allowed or not? Or is it allowed... but only for some youtubers? I supose that it should be the same for everyone, so how is it really?

    I own a YouTube channel, and obviously I'll do as they want. It's their game and they have the right to decide. I stopped recording TWAU, and am not recording season 2 of TWD because monetization is supposedly not allowed, but can't stop noticing that these big youtubers are doing it anyway, and Telltale obviously knows about this, so... really... Is it allowed or not?

  • I agree with psenci.
    The big Youtubers are obviously monetizing Telltale Games and its going along unhindered.
    If your going to introduce a policy it needs to be enforced for everyone.
    Me and a group of other lets players have since removed our lets plays of TWD and TWAU I am extremely disappointed with Telltale atm and I will no longer be supporting them until they treat EVERYONE in a fair and equal manner.

  • Thanks for the info. I'm curious as to why this is the policy, though. Really I ask because I want to understand the industry better, as I also have a Let's Play channel and it's probably good to know.

    It's a pretty unpopular stance to take so it's presumable that there must be a good reason. From what I've seen of other companies which have a similar policy, there haven't been any truly reasonable answers as to why, whereas companies which do allow monetized gameplay frequently refer to the fiscal benefits of free promotion and more exposure.

    I'm willing to believe that there must be a good reason, and I concede that I'm not an industry executive, so I ask with all due respect to help us understand. There have been a lot of common sense replies as to why LP's are good for companies, so I'm certain that Telltale is aware of that camp, but if it's okay to put up the gameplay (indicating that the company is okay with people knowing the story in advance) why is a little bit of pocket change and help covering the cost of the game itself (from monetization, which doesn't come out of Telltale's pocket) disallowed? As has been pointed out, the bigger channels are able to monetize without conflict, but it's the smaller, growing channels which could use the help. As we grow and build our content, we tend to return to the companies which help us out by letting us make back the money we spent and get something for our time. I can see why there are smaller channels taking down their videos because they feel as though they aren't being met halfway for doing something which is widely thought to be helpful to gaming companies.

    So yeah, I'm not feeling hostile or anything, I would just genuinely like to know Telltale's reasoning so that I can move forward with a better understanding.

    MattP posted: »

    Hey guys, I want to make everyone aware that while we don't mind fan-made or Let's Play videos, we do not approve of monetizing copywritten ma

  • edited January 2015

    Hello MattP & everyone at Tell Tale Games, I love your games! You guys do excellent work. I uploaded a fan-made TWD Season 1 Ep. 1 let's play for the 1st act of the episode and I did NOT monetize the video. I recorded my own original gameplay and commentary & now I have received a copyright claim against the video from "Tottoroo Network Oy". I put the video on youtube in good faith as a fan of you games based off this forum post and believed it would be safe to share my experience. Instead I may get my channel shutdown because of this bogus claim. Please help? I have bought all of your games that are available on Xbox live and love Tell Tale Games. I just signed up here on the website but I have been a loyal fan of your games for a couple years now. I don't want that to change but if this experience turns out worse than it already is starting to turn out then my feelings towards the company as a whole will change. At present moment I love Tell Tale Games and have only good things to say about your company. If my channel gets shutdown because I trust this forum and Tell Tale Alumni then that would have a very negative impact on how I feel about your company. I'm very aware that you more than likely have no clue who "Tottoroo Network Oy" even is because I have never heard of them. I wanted you to know that they are making bogus copyright claims on your material and trying to steal fan-made videos and claim them. Again I am 100% loyal to Tell Tale Games and I love your content. I am very excited for the rest of Game of Thrones and have already purchased the season pass. I already own Wolf Among Us and both TWD games that your created. I had planned on doing more videos to share my love of Tell Tale Games. I don't get anything out of it other than the pure enjoyment of the game. I put some work into making the video and all I wanted was to share. My xbox live username is : Burnah Bros and my youtube channel is Randum GP here's the link to the video if you look in the description I give you guys full credit and clearly state that this is a fan-made video. I'm not making any money from it nor do I care to, I only wanted to share the fun of playing your wonderful game. Thank you very much for making such great games and for allowing me a place to contact you on this matter.

    MattP posted: »

    Hey guys, I want to make everyone aware that while we don't mind fan-made or Let's Play videos, we do not approve of monetizing copywritten ma

  • I'm just a volunteer Moderator and not a Telltale Staff member, but that definitely does sound like a bogus Copyright Claim. Other volunteer Moderators and I have been trying to forward any relevant information we can to actual Telltale staff members, as other people seem to be experiencing this too.

    BurnahBros posted: »

    Hello MattP & everyone at Tell Tale Games, I love your games! You guys do excellent work. I uploaded a fan-made TWD Season 1 Ep. 1 let's

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    @BurnahBros My apologies for any difficulties this has caused. Please contact/email our Support Staff at, and they will be able to assist you further with this particular issue. Make sure to include all of the information you provided here, in the email.

    BurnahBros posted: »

    Hello MattP & everyone at Tell Tale Games, I love your games! You guys do excellent work. I uploaded a fan-made TWD Season 1 Ep. 1 let's

  • Hello there!
    Im in the same situation, just got a claim by "Töttöröö Network Oy" in a TWD gameplay... Anything to solve this situation? :(

    BurnahBros posted: »

    Hello MattP & everyone at Tell Tale Games, I love your games! You guys do excellent work. I uploaded a fan-made TWD Season 1 Ep. 1 let's

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    @Jugatxi I apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact/email our Support Staff at, and they will be able to assist you further with this particular issue. Make sure to include all of the information you provided here, in the email.

    Jugatxi posted: »

    Hello there! Im in the same situation, just got a claim by "Töttöröö Network Oy" in a TWD gameplay... Anything to solve this situation?

This discussion has been closed.