its frustrating. I felt like i was trying to prove to superman that he could fly. Still we reached an agreement . I keep my opinion she keeps hers . I guess i could have tried to covince her harder but i just hate arguing with my awesome best friend ( at least in the forum)
Okay then time to make fun of her. I turned into her...again.
"Yeah...." I immitated in her voice. This was fun.
"Oh no Ethan what do… more we do!" I said in the stupidest tone the voice could make.
"Oh someone please rescue me from the evil George" i said like a damsel in distress. I knew that would piss her off.
"Yeah i would have never been scared of someone so meaningless and pathetic thats why he kicked my butt 3 times and one of them while he was fighting someone else. It's also why im trying to stay calm"
You turned around and saw a girl standing, with your blue her, your jacket and your gloves.
Konni: I am too tired and confused right now … moreto question it.
You went about your business. That can of peaches was heaven. The house seems clean. You went upstairs, no walkers there either.You sat on a bed that kinda looked cleaner and just stared at the floor.
OFC: I can wait, don't worry. :}
I am Batman. And I suck at it. It is the same with writting. Cause I do it, that doesn't mean I am good at it.
AW HELL NAW Konni is the best Batman and the best writer on this forum BOOM!!
sry carry on
I am Batman. And I suck at it. It is the same with writting. Cause I do it, that doesn't mean I am good at it.
AW HELL NAW Konni is the best Batman and the best writer on this forum BOOM!!
sry carry on
Dean Richards
I looked peplexed at the child.
"Im sorry what do you mean?" i asked as polite as i could. The child pointed at the elde… morer boy. By my guess this was Herman. I very quickly deduced this was not his parent. Pondered for a moment as to why the boy pointed at him.
Then i noticed the contorcions on his face and the fact they were getting redder
"Egad you mostrous barbarian you have incapasitated him!" i yelled at my brutish companion.
"Wait what do you mean 'incapasitated'" said Mallory with a conserned tone
"He has been made unable to mobilitate do to a concusion most likely caused by a display of brute force" i replied
Mallory then angrily approched the aformentioned intelectual insult to the Homo Sapien. He was at the moment about to drink a bottle of water. Yes while the group was in absolute chaos he was looking more relaxed than ever.
"How fucking dare you whaverver Dean just said" she angrily… [view original content]
"Yeah i would have never been scared of someone so meaningless and pathetic thats why he kicked my butt 3 times and one of them while he was fighting someone else. It's also why im trying to stay calm"
I am Batman. And I suck at it. It is the same with writting. Cause I do it, that doesn't mean I am good at it.
AW HELL NAW Konni is the best Batman and the best writer on this forum BOOM!!
sry carry on
Has been.
its frustrating. I felt like i was trying to prove to superman that he could fly. Still we reached an agreement . I keep my opinion she keeps hers
. I guess i could have tried to covince her harder but i just hate arguing with my awesome best friend ( at least in the forum)
You tried to stay calm.
Konni: If you were really me, you would know that I would have never been scared of someone so meaningless and pathetic.
"Yeah i would have never been scared of someone so meaningless and pathetic thats why he kicked my butt 3 times and one of them while he was fighting someone else. It's also why im trying to stay calm"
OFC : Also i forgot to mention that i found it kinda creepy that Konni looked EXACTLY how i mgined her gloves and everything ( Im not joking )
AW HELL NAW Konni is the best Batman and the best writer on this forum BOOM!!
sry carry on
HELL YEAH Mark agrees with me that makes the argument one Compleatly awesome person vs Two compleatly awesome people and me so we WIN
3 Awesone people VS Batman :P
mark u traitor
Nyuga, Imma write 4 u, becuz liek, can't wait a month for more music.
Wait wut?
Lol, wtf. xD
Konni: I could have taken him down if I wanted to.
Mark, how the fuck did you teleport over here?
XD erm I don't know
I mean magic >:3
"And i did'nt before thats why Gared died because i did'nt WANT to save him" i smiled again
Mark can teleport to any forum reality he mearly choses not to......... Well exept when other awesome people are being WAY too modest
Who is being too modest?
Konni: I had no idea what had happened to Gared, I couldn't help him in any way.
You when you say you aren't a good writer
looks around, sees a random guy and points at him
Him? Yeah, he is good but won't admit.
"Sure its not like i could have stopped George if i wanted too..." My god was this the best
goes to a corner and cries
Konni: I could kill him. I don't know why I didn't, but it wasn't due to lack of skill.
"Sure im like the most badass ever thats why i needed Ethan to rescue me. Oh Ethan......."
walks up to you, trows blanket over you, shoves chocolate in mouth and gives you teddy bear to hug and then goes back to pc in the dark
Konni: I was dizzy, druged and nearly paralized.
You're such a an awesome friend Blue
"Sure i was. Infact im soo COOL im talking to MYSELF. That makes me so NOT pathetic."
why did i become random guy
Don't forget your lunch your hungry konni
Konni: I chose not to be around people because I am afraid for them. And I am talking to myself cause of that paranoid idiot and his gas.
I honestly thought you knew you are a great writter.
takes food and eats it as I keep being in the dark with my pc
Nah, not really, trying.
Youll always be one of the greatest to me
I prefer knowing the truth.
Then you should know how talented you are.
You are just as good.