What Will Asher Be Like?

Well it's quite clear Asher will be player-controlled. But what will he generally be like? Is he an aggressive brute? Does he yearn for his parents affection causing him to spiral into a chaos of bloodlust leading to his exile? Will he be able to lead House Forrester? How will he react to his fathers death? Will we choose that?

What do you think he will do?

I'm interested in Ashers story.


  • edited January 2015

    He appears to be a member of the Second Sons and he was exiled for trying to get with Lord Whitehill's daughter and nearly starting a war between the two houses.

    Expect plenty of killing, whore mongering, fucking, drinking, more fucking, drinking, drinking whilst fucking, killing and some more whore mongering.

  • Marty Stu, probably.

  • edited January 2015

    Da fuq is a Marty Stu? Anyone around that doesn't speak nerd?

    Edit: Google has revealed that it's some sort of anime terminology or something.

    Marty Stu, probably.

  • No need to be a dick to someone just because you don't know what they're talking about.

    Da fuq is a Marty Stu? Anyone around that doesn't speak nerd? Edit: Google has revealed that it's some sort of anime terminology or something.

  • I ask you to do the same and be respectful of others.

    Please stay on topic.

  • edited January 2015

    Alt text

    Please stay on topic.

    No need to be a dick to someone just because you don't know what they're talking about.

  • edited January 2015

    He will be a badass and he will be reluctant to go back to Ironrath, but I think he will be convinced when he hears his brother and sister is in trouble.

  • And I ask you to do the same thing and be respectful of others and stop being immature.

    Please stay on topic.

  • I think he will sound gruffy like Bigby.

  • Well, Lady Forrester have some insight into Asher's character when Ethan spoke to her. She implied that he was a man who would not stand for injustice, someone who would stand up for his family, no matter the cost. Someone who would accept exile for the betterment of his House.

  • Don't be a gobshite, buddy.

    No, it's nothing to do with anime. It's the name of a trope. A character whose sole features are that they're awesome, kick ass, speak like batman, and have the biggest dick in the room.

    Da fuq is a Marty Stu? Anyone around that doesn't speak nerd? Edit: Google has revealed that it's some sort of anime terminology or something.

  • I think a TellTale developer commented in a thread on here saying, "Asher is badass." I would expect nothing less out of Asher.

  • I guess Asher will be what we want him to be, since we'll be playing as him.

  • I think he's going to be a little bit like a younger and less rotund Robert Baratheon

    If it doesn't involve fighting, f-cking, or drinking...he's probably not too interested in it.

    He'll also definitely be dead before Episode 5.

  • He's likely a huge badass and a skilled warrior (him being part of the Second Sons and all). I think though that deep down (if you play him that way) he will have a soft side and can show mercy.

  • Shubba..... I want an honest answer. How long have you been waiting for me to change my avatar so you could use that? XD

    He's likely a huge badass and a skilled warrior (him being part of the Second Sons and all). I think though that deep down (if you play him that way) he will have a soft side and can show mercy.

  • Pshhhhhhh, what are you talking about? I mean... I wasn't waiting or anything... hey look! Natalie Dormer shirtless! frantically runs out of the thread

    Shubba..... I want an honest answer. How long have you been waiting for me to change my avatar so you could use that? XD

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