Fables comic: Snow's reaction for when Bigby gets restored. My theories.

edited January 2015 in The Wolf Among Us

I've been thinking about how she will react once Bigby is restored; so far I have 3 theories:

1) Bigby will come back but will have a hazy memory; he knows who Snow is but someone (maybe Rose) convinces Bigby that she now hates him, he doesn't recognize his children all that well, he's basically being mentally remade into someone different.

2) He will come back and Snow will be confused by his sudden change and how he is no longer feral etc. She tells him something along the lines of "I need some time to think..." Bigby takes this the wrong way and when Rose offers comfort, Bigby accepts it to the fullest. Snow finds out and the two have an argument about where they now stand... Bigby leaves promising to never come back and Snow is left heartbroken and even more alone than she was before. But we all know Bigby will come back for her...

3) Bigby returns and rejects Snow and everyone else because they have no idea what he had to go through whilst he was feral and they firmly believe that his actions were his own as opposed to him being controlled. Rose is the only one who will listen (obviously as she knows the truth) and she offers him protection from Fabletown and the Witches at the cost of him joining her side of the war

Plz don't respond with a simple "We'll just have to wait and see :)" comment; make this an actual discussion with actual thoughts on what will happen :D


  • edited January 2015

    I feel like the only way Bigby can be restored is by somehow seeing Snow. Think about it, they havent seen each other yet, when Snow wants to go help with Bigby she doesnt go, also Spratt was trying to get Bigby to go to the Farm to the kids, kill them, and Snow would then go up and, and then kill her aswell, but instead Bigby resisted and tries to go find Snow, which makes me think Bigby knows how to get out of what he's in, and like I said, the only way is something Snow can do.

  • edited January 2015

    I always assumed that he was going to Fabletown to kill Spratt cuz he knew she was the one controlling him. But it makes more sense now...

    Bigby yelling for Snow to let him in so he can see her is a much better idea. He could've shouted "I'm here to kill Spratt!" Or something like that, but that theory is very plausible Poogers :D

    With that in mind I feel less 'troubled' about their reunion. Out of curiosity, what do YOU think their reunion will be from start to finish dude?? XD

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I feel like the only way Bigby can be restored is by somehow seeing Snow. Think about it, they havent seen each other yet, when Snow wants t

  • With the cover of Fables #149 still looming over us, I have one theory:

    What if Rose Red uses magic to disguise (or make illusion, whichever way it is easier to explain) herself (as Snow) to Bigby, and convinces him that she is Snow? I know Bigby has smell powers noone can match, but I'm guessing with magic, Rose can disguise her smell as well, making it seem like she is Snow to Bigby.

    Then Snow walks in on them doing.......(well what is shown on the cover), and this causes a huge rift between the two (over a misunderstanding).

    Definitely not the most ideal situation (not something that I'd like to see), but it's something to ponder about (we've had plenty of "is Bigby under spell?" theories, but this theory assumes Bigby is restored, and healthy, and not under Rose's spell whatsoever.....yet).

  • But... how can they have a Happily Ever After then...

    Snow won't forgive Bigby that easily, but I guess when Fate itself determines you have to love someone, anything is possible.

    I half imagine the cover of 149 beginning, but Bigby stops before it can become properly intimate and he says "You don't smell like her"

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    With the cover of Fables #149 still looming over us, I have one theory: What if Rose Red uses magic to disguise (or make illusion, whiche

  • edited January 2015

    Hence it's only a theory (and I've also stated it's not something I'd like to see).

    I'm just taking a look at the situation from various angles (yes, even the most unfavourable ones).

    And while it's not something I'd favour, I do have to admit if it happens, it will be the biggest trial the couple will need to overcome (in order to achieve Happily Ever After).

    And if they do overcome that, I'd imagine satisfaction may be greater than just having minor or no conflict/argument between the two.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    But... how can they have a Happily Ever After then... Snow won't forgive Bigby that easily, but I guess when Fate itself determines you h

  • edited January 2015

    I'm gonna point out that Snow is an extremely strong minded person throughout this:

    • She loses two of her children; one is dead and the other turns up looking 10-15 years older
    • Her husband is killed by her past suitor

    Winter points out in Volume 20 that Snow looks as though she wants to sink into depression and despair, but is determined to stay strong for the kids (at least until they have all grown up) Snow even prays for Bigby to return to her in the same Volume (Winter sees her in the War room)

    I would say with confidence that if a Mother loses her child, it will affect her for the rest of her life. But to then lose her loving husband (whom she is still very intimate with after maybe 6 years of marriage) that just adds even more stress... Snow acts like a normal person in spite of everything, then again she is used to pain and loss in her life :P

    That being said, the Fables deal with death quite well; they never focus on one character for more than a day after they die (except for Rose with Boy Blue)

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Hence it's only a theory (and I've also stated it's not something I'd like to see). I'm just taking a look at the situation from various

  • Well, honestly for the most Cliche Fairy Tail story, it can obviously only be broken with true loves kiss ;3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I always assumed that he was going to Fabletown to kill Spratt cuz he knew she was the one controlling him. But it makes more sense now...

  • I don't know why, but the sheer fact that Snow never once says "I love you" to Bigby in the entire series really bugs me...

    I mean fair enough that she returned his affections AND simultaneously accepted his proposal of marriage by pulling him in for a kiss, but it would be nice for her to just once say "I love you" to him!

    Maybe when he gets restored she'll say it :P

    I sometimes imagine their reunion after he gets restored will be something like this:

    They are either 'doing it' OR they are cuddling the morning after; Snow looks at Bigby sorrowfully and says "Don't leave me again, please?" Bigby moves closer to her and says "Never again" and they kiss :D

    Hopefully 148 will give me what I have wanted since Volume 19: Bigby owning Brandish into the ground!!!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, honestly for the most Cliche Fairy Tail story, it can obviously only be broken with true loves kiss ;3

  • Can we all agree that Brandish should just be fucking dead already. I hope Willingham is just saving him so Bigby can rip him apart until he is just a puddle of blood

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I don't know why, but the sheer fact that Snow never once says "I love you" to Bigby in the entire series really bugs me... I mean fair e

  • edited January 2015

    Agreed, he is reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly outstaying his welcome...... (well I had no welcome for him from the beginning anyway lol)

    Hated him when he first appeared, and I wish Bigby just shreds him into little pieces that he has no chance of regenerating (or whatever his so-called overpowered magic does).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Can we all agree that Brandish should just be fucking dead already. I hope Willingham is just saving him so Bigby can rip him apart until he is just a puddle of blood

  • edited January 2015

    I don't know why, but the sheer fact that Snow never once says "I love you" to Bigby in the entire series really bugs me...

    I mean fair enough that she returned his affections AND simultaneously accepted his proposal of marriage by pulling him in for a kiss, but it would be nice for her to just once say "I love you" to him!

    Maybe when he gets restored she'll say it :P

    I sometimes imagine their reunion after he gets restored will be something like this:

    They are either 'doing it' OR they are cuddling the morning after; Snow looks at Bigby sorrowfully and says "Don't leave me again, please?" Bigby moves closer to her and says "Never again" and they kiss :D

    Quoting my last comment: @CoolGuyJ and @Poogers555

    What are your opinion's on the above that I have written???

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Agreed, he is reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly outstaying his welcome...... (well I had no welcome for him from the beginning anyway l

  • I have no idea, I mean, Bigby is still fucked up and there is only 3 issues left

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I don't know why, but the sheer fact that Snow never once says "I love you" to Bigby in the entire series really bugs me... I mean fa

  • Ok... assuming that Bigby gets restored in 148.

    The description for 149 states "And what role will Bigby Wolf play in their (Snow and Rose's) rift?"

    I could understand it if Bigby slept with Rose and Snow found out, that would spark the fuse for sure :P

    But what could it be for a vice versa?? Maybe because Bigby joins with Snow and not Rose that alone sparks the rift...

    I know you have a theory that Bigby either seeing Snow or receiving a true love's kiss from her will restore him. But what if Rose gives Bigby the ring and expects him to join her side because she saved him? Bigby joins Snow instead for obvious reasons, that could spark it!!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I have no idea, I mean, Bigby is still fucked up and there is only 3 issues left

  • Well, I really think 149 is just some symbol because a lot of things on the cover dont really happen. It could just represent Rose's lust for Bigby, or a symbol of how she wants him on her side, or nothing of the sort will happen

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok... assuming that Bigby gets restored in 148. The description for 149 states "And what role will Bigby Wolf play in their (Snow and Ros

  • I agree that symbolism has happened in the past (There was one issue cover for Super Team that depicted a grieving Snow holding a presumably dead Bigby; in the actual issue Mr North puts Bigby to sleep and Snow doesn't find him)

    But the way that the cover was drawn, it's VERY detailed compared to others, makes it seem as though something like that might happen...

    The info for the issue also states "Will Rose follow fairytale tradition and betray Snow again?"

    Think about that quote....

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, I really think 149 is just some symbol because a lot of things on the cover dont really happen. It could just represent Rose's lust for Bigby, or a symbol of how she wants him on her side, or nothing of the sort will happen

  • :O I'm crying with your version of the story... I really think that we need something very special because issue 150 is so very close.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I don't know why, but the sheer fact that Snow never once says "I love you" to Bigby in the entire series really bugs me... I mean fair e

  • I still think that the cover represents Rose's feelings for now.... The fact that we saw that cover and almost the same time that Rose took the ring.

    Dude, they just want to mess with our heads XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I agree that symbolism has happened in the past (There was one issue cover for Super Team that depicted a grieving Snow holding a presumably

  • I imagine something like what happened in Volume 8; but a lot more tears and "I'm sorry's" and "I love you's" and hugging and kissing and just generally love-type stuff...

    Bigby's been alone and hunted; Snow thought he would never come back... it's time for them to reunite and stay together until the end of time!!! :')

    piperjo posted: »

    :O I'm crying with your version of the story... I really think that we need something very special because issue 150 is so very close.

  • I hope so dude... I really hope so :(

    piperjo posted: »

    I still think that the cover represents Rose's feelings for now.... The fact that we saw that cover and almost the same time that Rose took the ring. Dude, they just want to mess with our heads XD

    • Applauses *
    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I imagine something like what happened in Volume 8; but a lot more tears and "I'm sorry's" and "I love you's" and hugging and kissing and ju

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