TWAU Season 2: Should Bigby be 'involved' with someone?
This is something that I have been thinking about recently: should the Big Bad Wolf be involved with another Fable in Season 2 or a DLC or if we're lucky, Season 3!?
I feel it is plausible; there are at least 2 occasions in Fables (one in Volume 8 and the other is in Werewolves of the Heartlands) where Bigby does/almost gets with someone who isn't Snow...
Bigby's attraction to Snow is less obvious in the early issues of the comics and Snow seems to have a rough working-relationship with him (whether that's because she has been the Deputy Mayor for so long or because Bigby pissed her off isn't really specified) That being said, Bigby doesn't really seem to give a fuck for Snow's attitude towards him, so it's probably normal for them to bicker and argue the way they do.
What's more is that no one ever discusses things like whether or not Bigby is a virgin, has ever been in a relationship etc. It is never confirmed nor denied, so I suppose the possibility to explore that is there somewhere...
I feel that it would be interesting to see Snow's reaction when she see's Bigby intimately involved with another woman; will she just pass it off and continue on as normal or will she be saddened by his sudden affections towards this woman, when she was hoping he would get with her...
Remember that Snow has her barriers in place, but she does let them down around Bigby; and deep down I wonder if she is simply waiting for him to pluck up the courage to admit to her face that he likes her and would like to take her out on a date (bit of a comic reference there)
I don't know, I would like to see Bigby involved with someone other than Snow, but not everyone will agree with this :P
Yes he should with Bloody Mary
Nerissa, they have so much chemistry
Well, in the main series you don't see Bigby and Snow bickering too often (although we get to see Snow frowning upon him sometimes), but in the Cinderella volume (Fables are Forever) when Cindy tries to lure out Dorothy Gale out with Snow as bait (which plan was thought of by Cindy, and while Bigby wasn't too crazy about it, he eventually gave it a go ahead), Snow and Cindy spend time together.
And Cindy does comment (to the readers) how it was tiresome to listen to Snow complain about her boss (Bigby) constantly, and the two of them should get a room (I kinda smirked when I saw that scene).
Regarding Bigby getting involved with someone else, well, while dating can be an option, I can't imagine Bigby getting into physical relationship with anyone other than Snow. At most, I'd guess a kiss is possible (though I'm not sure Bigby would be the one to initiate it), hugs maybe, but eventually even if he is 'involved' with someone, it will not be physical, and I think Bigby would most likely look back over his shoulder to see Snow's reaction.
I support this idea!
I was never really a fan of forced relationships in stories, if there isnt a need for it, dont include it
I'm Commander Bigby and this is my favorite Romance on the Citadel.
Shouldn't it be Bigby complaining about Snow?
I have both of the Cinderella Volumes but I still haven't read them yet...
Also I am on about their bickering before the event in Volume 5 :P
Way ahead of you dude
You and @TheZorkij will get your BigbyxBloddy Mary love fic; and it will be exactly what you want! XD
@pudding_pie the love fic will go on so you are also more than welcome to read it :P
I think either Nerissa or Cindy. I don't know, I always imagined that Bigby and Cindy have something, since they always works closely in the past.
And come on, Bigby have been in the Mundy world for centuries, he got to have a laid or two during these years. With that body of his, his chances are quite good.
I doubt Bigby would just get with a Mundy cuz he needs a release :P
I will admit that it is possible that Bigby and Cindy have had something in the past, they are pretty close for colleagues. Though she is kind of a slut and Bigby doesn't strike me as the guy to just have a one-night stand with someone. He's the guy who would actually like someone, and then sleep with them under the pretence that a relationship has been established beforehand...
Also Bigby is loyal to the end; he turns down an opportunity for sex (albeit with some reluctance) in Werewolves of the Heartlands
I could say Bloody Mary, but I'm going to be realistic again and say that Nerissa would be the more reasonable choice.
Here's why:
Bigby and Nerissa would make the most adorable jogging pair ever - (cue slow-motion jogging scene)
Wolf versus Merstripper Bowling Night Extravaganza - get your tickets now
Pin the Tail on the Wolf - now featuring Blindfolded Nerissa and Scared-Out-Of-His-Mind Bigby
Sharing a Banana Split with the Big Bad
Nerissa: "Oops, it seems that I dropped chocolate syrup on myself. Do you mind cleaning it up for me, Bigby?"
Bigby: "No, I mean yes. Yes!"
Lol this should be a DLC!!
I'd like to see that too, @HazzatheMan
Wouldn't it be amazing if we got a choice who to romance in the game? Who would've thought... from a game with "choices" and "consequences". I love Snow, so I wouldn't mind a romance with her, but other options + the previous one are always welcome.
It would have to be non-canon though... Bigby does get with Snow in the comics anyways :P
How do you come with these ? They sound ridiculous xD
Well, armis, the answer is simple:
Drink (at least) 40 ounces of Dragon Butter every day for 2 years, and then, you will be as creative as I am.
Well, maybe someday I will
For now, I'll just have to stick with my own mind 

You forgot to mention some of the dirtier things they'd play
Ok... I'll PM u when it's done
I don't think Bigby willingly going after someone will go by with Bill Willingham. Then again, having someone else have a crush on Bigby and them trying some romantic gestures on him (maybe even a kiss) wouldn't be that bad.
Then again... we first need a S2
Eh, got to keep it PG-13. (for now, at least)
(for now, at least)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
All the more reason why Telltale should look into establishing an alternate reality in the game. A writer can only do so much when he/she's boxed in by continuity.
I would love a non-canon TWAU series!!!
The possibilities dude XD
Well, Bigby's normally the kind to keep things to himself (so even if he has an argument with Snow, I can't imagine him telling other people about it).
Snow on the other hand, was partying, eating, drinking with Cindy (well, Cindy was on the mission, but Snow had no clue that she was being used as bait to lure out Dorothy - so it was like girls night out for her), and I guess she needed to let off some steam about her argument with Bigby by telling Cindy.
Lol mate, If you have Cinderella volumes already, why haven't you read them already? I had hard time going through Jack of Fables spin-off series (since I pretty much disliked Jack, and the series just was too overstuffed with humour for my liking), but other than Jack series, other spin-offs, I had no trouble going through them.
Maybe while you wait for next issue of main series, you can read the Cinderella series (unless you plan on not reading them at all)?
I kinda don't want to read them cuz I'm already stressed enough about the main series, I don't want the extra stress from new problems or unresolved issues...
But was Snow complaining about Bigby?
What I did was, before I started reading the main series, I found out opinions of many people about the main series and the spin-offs. And I found out many people loved the main series, but not much love for the Jack series. So what I did was the following.
It was a long, gruelling process (but the above process looks more complicated than it actually is), but personally, only gruelling part for me was going through the Jack volumes (which I'm glad I finished them off early in the process since they are my least favourite series out of all), and if I didn't read them early, I don't think I would have ever gotten to reading them.
As for Snow complaining about Bigby, well yes she does (according to Cindy) - and you could find out by reading (or flipping to the relevant page.....though I'm not sure I'd recommend that).
Perhaps you're currently too immersed in the main series to read them. But if I were you, I'd much rather read them before the main series finishes than trying to read them after.
While it is possible you may try to read them later, I think it would be a lot harder (at least for me) to take action.
I'm sort of glad I finished all the spin-offs before the series is finished, since now I can just completely be focused on main series without missing out anything that happened in the spinoffs.
I am up to date with the main series thnx to the site I listed above. I will read them before the series ends, Peter and Max will take the longest though as it is a novel (at least until the final pages)
I haven't read the comics, but SPOILERS I'm pretty sure Bigby and Snow end up getting involved with each other, getting married and having kids.
Best news I heard for the comics
This is literally my favorite gif XD
I don't know if it's because i read the comics (and know what it will happen) or it's because i'm a romantic by nature, but i really enjoyed the relationship BigbyXSnow in the game... I thought it was a great introduction to the people who didn't read the comics.
I just didn't saw Bigby not caring about Snow (at least in my version of the game). And for a relationship with other character, I'm more interested in the development of the Croked Man and his gang's story.
I meant that like in Volume 1 when Snow is yelling about how frustrating Bigby can be, he just doesn't care what she's saying and ignores her...
And continues to love her until the end!!!
Bigby has been with a mundy when he left Snow because she was pregnant.
That's after he and Snow had the Cubs though... He was trying to forget about her and his children. It's different
I completely and utterly agree with every single point you have made XDDDD