What *NEW* Fables would you like to see?
While the comic covered many, many characters, there are still plenty of various creatures and characters from folklore, literature (although, I think they tried to abstain from anyone in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books), urban myths, fairy tales, etc. to draw from in a potential sequel game. Who would you add and how? If you haven't read the comics, don't worry, someone will let you know if your chosen character has appeared (then you have another reason to check out the comics!) Additionally, you could choose a background Fable from the comics (like Toad was) and incorporate them. It's just for fun, of course, so don't get too bogged by potential continuity, just be aware someone may point out that the character had been used somehow.
The characters must be public domain. Also, likely no Peter Pan characters (for now)-- it's a semi-long story.
One I would LOVE to see is the Cheshire Cat. He appeared in the background of one issue of the comic, at the Farm. He seems like someone who wouldn't care about rules and just flit about wherever. I'd have him be almost a side quest, trying to convince him to go back to the Farm. He'd also drop important hints in his own mad way.
I second that. The Alice in Wonderland stories would probably lend themselves really well to the universe of this series. For the record, I have yet to read the comics, but the first deluxe edition should arrive this week. I'd also like to see the seven dwarves make at least a small cameo, given that Snow is a major character and all. I don't think they would be the most ideal for characters who play a big role, but maybe a one off cameo would be sufficient, just to see how this series would interpret them. I'd also like to see Rapunzel and possibly Humpty Dumpty, even if just briefly. With Bluebeard in the series, maybe having more famous pirate characters wouldn't be such a bad idea.
If you get 1001 Nights of Snowfall, they cover the Dwarves there. Some Alice characters are at The Farm while others and Humpty Dumpty appear in the spin-off title "Jack of Fables" and Rapunzel is a citizen of Fabletown and gets her own story in the spin-off book, "Fairest."
I hope you enjoy the Deluxe edition!
I second more pirate characters. Initially, Captain Hook was supposed to be in the the book, but at the time, Peter Pan and associated characters weren't totally public domain.
Alice herself appears in the Fables spin-off Jack Of Fables
I'd love to see more Fables outside of European folklore. One of my favorite "fairy tales" to come out of Japan is the story of Yuki-onna:
She could make for an AMAZING villain in season 2, especially if it was set during the winter.
Interesting. I might be even more interested now. I only have to wait an estimated three more days. I'm surprised Peter Pan wasn't totally public domain, because I remember seeing more than one version of that story including a children's cartoon with no ties to Disney. Actually, I remember that version being my favorite. It has been a long time since I've watched it mind you.
I would really like them to take another Story about a Wolf so season 2 could have Bigby vs the other wolf
You mean like we discussed in this thread?
I'm fine with another wolf as long as it doesn't turn out to be Bigby's brother or his relative. From the above thread, there were two candidates:
Fenrir/Fenris (from Norse mythology)
Amarok (from Inuit mythology)
Would love to see Bigby going head-to-head with either one of these two colossuses in his Big Bad Wolf form (to show he's the Biggest, Baddest Wolf of them all). That would be awesome.
It wasn't public domain in the UK, IIRC, thus Vertigo/Willingham didn't use them. I think it is now, but they still don't want to be the first to use the characters as public domain (the royalties go/went to a children's hospital).
The writer of this series is based in the UK? Interesting. I love the UK. Some of the buildings in New York are probably as close as the U.S. gets to the UK in terms of architecture, even though the buildings in the UK are much older. Drawing them would be the artist's job mind you, but I can see the architecture being a source of inspiration for the setting of the series. Or perhaps you were referring to the intention to release this series in the UK, and using certain characters would cross it off the list of potential markets.
I live in the UK; lived here for 19 years since my birth and I wish I lived in America.
UK is cold, dull and the people can be unbearable :P
I don't think he's UK based, but I could be mistaken.
Here are more images of Fenrir from other Superhero comics (at least one of seem to be from Thor, makes sense since Comic's Thor is based on Norse god Thor):
Jack O'Lantern and Windigo would be interesting.
Jack Horner is revealed to be Jack O'Lantern in the Fables spin-off Jack of Fables...
He has a story for all of his past identities, Jack O'Lantern is one of them :P
aladin cuz in busiinese ofice i found lamp
Oh. Maybe he could appear as Jack O'Lantern then. Like after he gets angry at Bigby or something.
Spongebob or an appearance of the headless horseman.
It doesn't work like that :P
Jack got a pumpkin for a head back in the Homelands... I think that was how it happened.
Jack doesn't just change whenever he wants to, he acquires these alias' by chance and nothing more...
Alladin appears in the Fables comic and I don't think he can speak English when we first we first meet him :P
Spongebob... No
Headless Horsemen would be pretty cool though!!
Cinderella could be a nice new protagonist. Make a season thats at the same timeline as season 1. Exept from Cinderellas perspective. Won't break canon with the comics. And she's a sexy spy. What more do you want
I think it does break canon...
TWAU is set in 1986 and in Cinderella: Fables Are Forever, Cindy is on an assignment in Eastern Europe in 1986 (this is also confirmed if you look at her file in the Tweedle's Office in Ep. 3)
Cindy would be an awesome protagonist, but her story would have to be set before or after TWAU, not at the same time as it.
HazzatheMan clearly prefers Squidward!
Toad does observe Cindy selling shoes in the mirror, though... so that seems to be a hiccup in the continuity.
She might not have left yet, it's winter time when she is on her operation and TWAU is set in June.