The Most Hated TWAU Characters (Round 2) (CLOSED)
Hello and welcome back, guys and girls! We're at the 2nd round of The Most Hated TWAU Characters match. The first round was pretty fun and intriguing, and now we have winners (or losers, depends on the point of view) - some were close, some were stomping their opponents. Anyway, this is the 2nd round - vote and share your opinions why!
Reminder of rules: vote for the character you hate/dislike more. The ones with more votes are considered more hated and advance to the next round.
A big thanks to @HazzatheMan for helping me make the matchups
Bloody Mary vs Snow White
Georgie Porgie vs Grendel
Tweedle Dee vs Jack Horner
Hans vs Grimble
Gwen vs Cryer
Faith vs Lily
Beast vs Jersey Devil
Ichabod Crane vs Mr. Toad
Aunty Greenleaf vs Bufkin
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Thanks for asking me for help @armis37
Here's my vote list:
There we go
Round 2, alright!
I know I'm going to get tossed down the witching well for this but my vote goes for Bloody Mary. Yes, Snow was a complete bitch in the 3rd episode but damn Mary and her sexy use of an axe and gun. (Even though she tried to kill me)
I can't use the word hate for the 2nd one; I loved BOTH Gren and Georgie and this was actually very tough on me. As much as my heart breaks for doing this, Georgie Porgie gets my vote. #TeamGeorgie no matter what, though.
Easy one. Tweedle Dee
Sorry, Hans but my vote is still you. Grimble slides THIS time for sleeping on the job....
Cryer; honestly did not care too much between these two but he just freaks me out. just look at the way he stares into your soul....
Faith gets my vote. No need to hate Lily.
Don't want to do this to ya' but Jersey, you get the empty spot at number 7. I'd let ya' slide but did you really need to be such a douche to me, although Beast came VERY close....
Ichabod Crane Nothing more
Auntie Greenleaf I can't hate a drunk green flying monkey.
I like that bold text xD
I knew you and @pudding_pie would choose Gren and Georgie; so I had to put them both together
Sorry dudes...
Pretty funny when other users notice WHO has their favorite character. XD
Hey, no problem, man. The way of the thread.
I'm a Snow White fan like EMMYPESS. You're a Gren fan. pudding_pie is a Georgie fan... XD
Oh hey, that's right. You're a fan of Snowflake.
Indeed, HUGE fan of Gren and dear, sweet till the bitter end and he's STILL holding that Georgie flag. Now THAT'S a true fan.
And its moments like this that bring us all together. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad and ugly. (Memories with the bloody Mary thread. Nerissa, too. xD)
You know I've posted chapters on the 'Start a Story' thread; you and me should've talked already dude
I'm already good with Tetra, pudding_pie and LupineNoir...
The statistics doesn't surprise me at all. I understand why everyone is enticed to pick Snow and I agree, as in the case of Bigby, she clearly is far more likeable character than Bloody Mary, who tried to kill him and is generally a pure evil, that needs to be hated. But I'm not voting for her in this contest. By no means. My affection towards her is something I can't explain or define, it's simply how my mind worked when I saw her for the first time, and hence this is the way it has to be. That being said, my vote goes for Snow White. #TeamMary till the end.
Georgie Porgie. Even though Gren is a prick, he always stands up for the poor Fables, and is very loyal to those who are close to him, which certainly can be admired.
Tweedle Dee easily.
Hans. An odd one, but I want to make up to Grimble for doubting his competence. :P
Cryer, because he's creepy. Always shows up everywhere Bigby goes and seems to be driving every taxi cab in New York.
By the principle of choosing who I like less, I have to pick Lily, since in the game she has no personality whatsoever.
Jersey Devil, because his true form freaked me out a little at first. :P
Ichabod Crane, no-brainer.
Aunty Greenleaf, she was really annoying at times.
You'll always stand by her bro
I don't mind... I don't really blame you either :P
Thanks, bro.
And yeah, funnily enough, it actually wasn't the ending or my general liking of the game that made me want to discuss it on these forums. It was largely just Mary, or more specifically my inability to keep all my thoughts about her to myself.
I know
That's why I'm writing the love fic for you XD
It was a win-win situation for you it seems - come looking for Mary lovers, find all the TWAU crew here xD
Yeah, pretty much.
Some of the matches are really close, keep it going guys
Bloody Mary's a psychopath and Georgie did a lot worse than Grendel ever did. Jack's shady dealings earned him my vote. I guess Grimble, because Hans works harder. Cryer, I guess? Lily got my vote, because there's no way I'd vote for Faith, except last round, but that's only because she was matched up with Nerissa. Jersey got my vote again. Ichabod by a longshot. Auntie Greenleaf only got my vote because I love Bufkin and couldn't possibly vote against him.
Georgie Porgie
Tweedle Dee
Jersey Devil
Aunty Greenleaf
You're one of not many who vote for Snow in this round
Tinni... voted for Snow...
You just made my day, JJ.
Bloody Mary - Because you know... do I really have to explain this? :P
Georgie Porgie - Georgie is not that bad, but if I'd be in a bar and I would have to pick one of them, Gren would be an obvious choice
Tweedle Dee - Ugh, I hate his face
Grimble - Hard choice, but since Grimble was asleep for the entire season, I have to do point my finger at him
Cryer - You never know what might happen in a taxi...
Lily - Cuz she's ded. And she's a troll
Jersey Devil - He's an a-hole, that's all
Crane - Now THAT was a truly hard choice, since those are the two characters I hate the most. I nearly voted for Toad, but since Crane's a perv, I have to vote for this little weasel
Aunty Greenleaf - Her character is kind of dull to me, I wasn't impressed that much
I'm sorry, I've just never really liked Snow, and Bloody Mary was just such a good villain.XD
I've realized this after looking through the comments lol.
Well, I can't argue with that XD
Oops I forgot to post my votes lol.
Snow White: I could never vote for Mary as a hated character, I love her too much.
Georgie Porgie: I don't necessarily hate him, but i don't like him as much as Gren.
Tweedle Dee: I freaking hate that fat, no neck, gorilla face. No offense to Gorillas.
Hans: He just looks weird and I hate his eyebrow.
Cryer: I don't know he just annoys me.
Lily: Because we didn't know her and Faith was my 3rd favorite character.
Jersey: Stan Lee wannabe.
Crane: Creepy; big nosed weirdo.
Greenleaf: I don't know I just find it hard to hate Bufkin.
lol TellTale be hating on Marvel :P
Admit it: u broke Crane's nose in Ep. 3
I honestly did lol. It was to tempting.
You and me are very much alike when it comes to things regarding Bigby and Snow or just BigbyxSnow as a couple it seems!! XD
Wasn't that Faith?
Well you don't really see much of (actual) Faith other than the opening scene with the Woodsman. And in that opening scene, I don't remember her being a jerk to Bigby.
And (assuming Faith is glamoured as Nerissa after the opening Woodsman scene) any scenes with Faith had with Bigby as Nerissa, I don't see any part where she was being bad to Bigby (except the part where you try to remove her ribbon).
She may have been the major factor in how the whole mystery thing got started, but I don't think Faith was ever mean/bad to Bigby, especially face to face (unlike Lily who kinda acts mean to you even before she finds out about her sister).
You mean HOLLY the troll bartender for the Trip Trap!! Lily is the girl that got killed after Faith!! XD
Darn! My mistake (guess that's what happens if you don't play the game for a long time.....)
Oh well, still, I have a soft spot for Faith....
1.Bloody mary- a hard one,but i hate her more despite her badassness and also snow's bossy attitude
2.Georgie porgie- i feel great wrecking his place,lol but i pity him in the end though,still gren is better than him
3.Tweedle Dee- He is my most hated character in all telltale games to be honest,i hope i can kill him in season 2
4.grimble-well atleast hans still try to help us(maybe?)
5.Cryer-is he the only taxi driver in the world!!??
6.Lily-i don't even know her personality and all
7.jersey devil-he is seriously annoying for me,and i also hate a super oldman
8.Crane- Always act like he is better than anyone,meh
9.Aunty Greenleaf- Seriously,i always have a feeling she will have some kind of revenge,or even freeing crooked man if we make him go to prison
Last bump, in some time this poll will be over
Vote while you can!