The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • noooo, not again ;-; PLEASE SHOW UP hehehe yusss anyway, you have the link?

  • I'm playing Game Dev Tycoon and all my good ideas are coming out okay games but then I decided "You know what, fuck it. Let's do a romance game with the most Japanese sounding name I can think of and it will get great scores because Americans will be like "This game sounds exotic and has hot girls on the cover, i'm going to buy it." So let's do it, what will I regret."

    It got fucking tens and had my high sales yet.


  • It got me a million dollars....What the fuck?

    It was a joke game! XD

    I'm playing Game Dev Tycoon and all my good ideas are coming out okay games but then I decided "You know what, fuck it. Let's do a romance g

  • This is pretty cool, haha

    Alt text



  • I keep having this feeling that someone is going to stab me. I can't get rid of it. I'm kinda really scared now. It just feels so uncomfortable like I can feel a knife about to go into my back, or my side, or somewhere bad. I feel unright. Uncomfortable. Urgh. I'm gonna stay up all night tonight.


    it's hard to beeeeelieeeeeeeeeve (hard to believe)

    I was sooooooo in love with yoooooooooooouuuuuuuuu

  • Are you okay?

    I keep having this feeling that someone is going to stab me. I can't get rid of it. I'm kinda really scared now. It just feels so uncomforta

  • my dad thinks joy division sucks

    fuck you too dad

  • Failing with style


  • edited January 2015

    I think I am just having paranoid thoughts again, I have them a lot. I am probably not going to get stabbed for real because I'm alone in my room and I'd hear if someone was going to get in but I just feel like someone is behind me all the time even though that's not really happening. I know it but I'm still feeling weird.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Are you okay?

  • edited January 2015

    My dad never remembers what day my birthday is on, my grandma used to label all her cans before her operation, when I was little I used to drink black tea because my great great aunt liked it, once I was given a tiny toy shoe and my dog ate it, that was in kindergarten, I used to try and bite acorns open with my teeth and I kept all my objects in the corner, I had a cat and he was orange and he got run over by a car when I was little and I did not want to cry in front of people but it feels like they made me do it, I had a dream about being in the gym and there were a lot of balls bouncing and dogs running, one time the car broke down while we were at coney island and we had to wait for like three hours while my uncle walked to target to get a battery or something to fix it.

    Sometimes it is good to think of a memory, and then let all the other life memories I have flow and see where my mind leads me to. I could have kept going, but I didn't want to because the list had grown big enough.

  • Hell Yeah :)

    Anyone like movies?

  • Anyone like movies?

  • edited January 2015


    What would you say your favorite movie of all time would be?

    Edit:Also, what movies have you seen recently?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hell Yeah

  • edited January 2015

    Not sure, I like a lot but my Favorite would probably be Jurassic Park or Expendables 3, You?

    And some movies I've watched recently are, The Winter Soldier, Legend of Boggy Creek, and Kill Bill Volume 2 (Among other Thangs....)

    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt! What would you say your favorite movie of all time would be? Edit:Also, what movies have you seen recently?

  • edited January 2015

    Anyone here have borderlands TPS on 360(and a lvl 30ish character) and want to play? just send me a msg or Friend request GT:GTIMEMBER

  • Alt text

    Lord what am I doing with my life.

    Failing with style

  • edited January 2015

    Jurassic Park

    Nice choice mate. ;)

    I'd have to say mine would be Taxi Driver. I love almost every movie by Martin Scorsese. I'm more into those "dramatic" movies that have incredibly good stories and relatable characters.

    I haven't seen Expendables 3 yet. I heard some bad stuff about it. :/ But I loved The Expendables 2. Now that's a fun time at the theaters. ;)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Not sure, I like a lot but my Favorite would probably be Jurassic Park or Expendables 3, You? And some movies I've watched recently are, The Winter Soldier, Legend of Boggy Creek, and Kill Bill Volume 2 (Among other Thangs....)

  • I'm surprised that Expendables 3 got such horrible reviews, Mel Gibson did a great job as the villain, There were even more legendary actors (Like Mel, Ford, and Snipes), Awesome action scenes, and I loved it, For a while I wasn't sure if I liked it or the second more, And I posted movies I watched recently in my previous post :)

    Also if you ever hang around in the mega thread I usually post a movie of the day.

    Jurassic Park Nice choice mate. I'd have to say mine would be Taxi Driver. I love almost every movie by Martin Scorsese. I'm mor

  • Lucky guy has seen The Winter Soldier. ;_;

    I've never heard of Legend of Boggy Creek. Sounds like a horror movie.

    Oh man I friggin LOVE Kill Bill. :) But I've only seen parts of the second one. Or at least I think they were from the second one. I usually get the two mixed up.

    Do you like Quentin Tarantino?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Not sure, I like a lot but my Favorite would probably be Jurassic Park or Expendables 3, You? And some movies I've watched recently are, The Winter Soldier, Legend of Boggy Creek, and Kill Bill Volume 2 (Among other Thangs....)

  • edited January 2015
  • edited January 2015

    urgh gross vriska

    just stay dead 8itch.

    I h88888888 you so much

  • Thanks for telling me that. :)

    Now I shall look at your past posts. :P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I'm surprised that Expendables 3 got such horrible reviews, Mel Gibson did a great job as the villain, There were even more legendary actors

  • Yeah, Winter Soldier was great.

    Legend of Boggy Creek was my movie of the day today, It's part documentary, part horror, it's what inspired the blair witch project, it's about a Big Foot like monster and it grossed 20 Million back in the 70's and was pretty popular.

    And Kill Bill is pretty sweet, I like the second one more than the first.

    And I think Quentin's good, He made Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill sooo

    Lucky guy has seen The Winter Soldier. ;_; I've never heard of Legend of Boggy Creek. Sounds like a horror movie. Oh man I friggin LOV

  • edited January 2015

    I'm not really a big fan of documentaries TBH. The only documentary I like is Indie Game: The Movie. Mostly because ya know.... video games.

    Quentin is like my 3rd favorite director of all time. He's just behind Kubrick and Scorsese.

    Also, from what could tell, you are a big movie fan. :) It's nice to see another person that likes to watch movies every now and then.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yeah, Winter Soldier was great. Legend of Boggy Creek was my movie of the day today, It's part documentary, part horror, it's what inspir

  • Well a good documentary I've seen is Dinosaur 13, It's about Sue the most complete Tyrannosaurus Discovered and all the Government crap that went down.

    And Spielberg is one of my favorites, Call me cliche but he's made so many movies I like (Indy, JP, Jaws)

    I'm not really a big fan of documentaries TBH. The only documentary I like is Indie Game: The Movie. Mostly because ya know.... video games.

  • I think Spielberg is cool too. I mean, he directed Schindler's List. My history teacher had us watch it in class. Damn did that movie have me at a whole other level of sad. And dat ending. He had a poster of it in class, and I thought it was some stupid sob story or something. I had no idea it was about the Holocaust. :'(

    Call me crazy, but I haven't seen Jaws yet. I've only seen clips of it. That's one of my main movies on my radar right now.

    What would u say is the absolute worse movie you've ever seen?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well a good documentary I've seen is Dinosaur 13, It's about Sue the most complete Tyrannosaurus Discovered and all the Government crap that

  • I DON'T






  • I created a game called "Kill That Foreigner!" It recieved critical acclaim. "Learn English, You Foreigner!" recieved 10/10's across the board.

    I think that's all the info you need.

    I'm thinking about getting Game Dev Tycoon on Steam. @Gustav_Kenny or anyone else recommend it?

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