Hottest Female Fables Characters Round 1 (POLL CLOSED!)
Hey everyone; HazzatheMan here with a Hottest Female Characters poll for Fables ONLY! I hope this works without fail.... I posted up the thread whilst @Shubbalubbadingdong made the polls and I helped him with the pairings.
Vote away!!! XD - Rose Red vs Snow White - Briar Rose vs Cinderella - Red Riding Hood vs Lumi the Snow Queen - Bellflower vs Mrs. Dark - Goldilocks vs Hilary Page
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I'll start us off:
There we go, vote away
Polls are love polls are life
, is there a male one aswell?
We haven't started it yet :P Shubba finished the polls last night and I made it into this this morning
I had to remove Robin Page vs Priscilla Page AND Beauty vs Morgan Le Fay though... The reason is because there are 0 images of Robin or Priscilla by themselves, and 0 images of Morgan from Fables ANYWHERE on the Internet!!
I'll have to think of an opponent for Beauty... Can u think of any??
Well, lake, and Therese are the only ones I can think of. Maybe adult Bliss
Glad to see these finally come true
Here are my votes :
Here it is
Not very many matchups though xD
Yeah it's difficult to find images of the comic characters by themselves :P
I'll suggest Beauty vs Lake to Shubba
Glad to see there is one for the FABLES characters.
Well, here Pie goes:
Surprised you didn't vote for Briar Rose. :P I agree with the others, though.
Glad to see everyone is enjoying it
. PM me some suggestions for the Males one so I can get started on that as well :P
There's a small problem... I happen to be one of those heretics who haven't read the comics yet. Can I still vote? :P
That's what you get, Hazza.
I heard that you were a Rose Red fan
You're voting for who you think is the hottest as opposed to who is your favourite... so yeah you can vote bro :P
I regret nothing!
I'm the only one who voted for her too.
Aw, sweet!
Here we go then:
Cindy was a favorite of mine early on. Briar IS a beautiful woman, though.
Mrs Dark used to be known as Nurse Spratt; she was heavily obese and was horrible to everyone under her care, but expected kindness in return.
When Snow gives Spratt a harsh talk about how being beautiful gives you the right to be horrible (it wasn't a very nice thing to stay, but it sorta got the message across; it's because most Fable woman are lovely looking and therefore they can act however they want to whilst fat people must be nice to be noticed) After the talk, Spratt joins with Mr Dark and he makes her slim and gorgeous through magic.
She is a villain because she steals a shard of glass from Bigby's shattered body and uses it to control him and make him kill Mundies and Fables alike, she wants revenge on 'all the pretty ones in Fabletown'
So you like her? :P
Cindy is drawn super hot in the spin-offs; but Briar has her moments in the main series
Well, I totally expected something like this to be her background, lol. Dude, that motherfucker you're speaking to has a love affair with a mirror demon murdering children for entertainment - I suppose I have a thing for badass women, that don't take crap from anybody and can kick my ass. The point is, namely being badass greatly boosts their sexuality in my eyes... There's something completely wrong with me, now for sure.
Spratt isn't badass... She's just a bitch who thinks she badass; she's already dead and didn't even get to fight off her killer :P
Wasn't there more female characters in the comics? (Also snow isn't fables only :P)
I had Beauty vs Morgan Le Fay made by Shubba; but I couldn't find a single image of Morgan on the web so i had to abandon it, same goes for Robin Page vs Priscilla Page :P
Btw are we still making a Favourite Male/Female characters poll??
Okay, whatever. She still looks pretty hot to me tho. :P
Yeah I just need help with all the characters in the comics. I don't know every character that's in the comics, if you could give me a list I may be able to make it.
lol fair enough :P
I'll PM you now.
Interesting polls and i didn't realize all the hot characters lol.
Rose Red: freaking hard choice, but i have a thing for redheads and Rose is hot. Though I freaking hate her character.
Cindy: Not really into blondes, but i find badass women sexy
Snow Queen: Really Hot or uhh...cold? Anyways Jack was a lucky guy
Mrs. Dark: Mainly because I have a thing for girls with shorter hair and are evil.
Hilary Page: though that pic doesn't do her justice lol.
That pic is the ONLY one I could find of Hilary by herself; most of the best images of the Page sisters are inappropriate though :P
Yeah you're right. I googled it and this was the best I found, but it had Jack in it lol.
I found two images of all 3 sisters, but that's not really what you want when you're voting for one :P
Cool choices; though I don't see why u spoiler tagged it
Because I stated Ride goes to Haven. And that's something you don't find out until you read the comics. I should have mentioned the particular volume she goes to Haven with Fly, but I got lazy and put various....
I just noticed that :P
Fair enough, btw did u see the 148 preview I posted?? It seems the issue WILL focus on Snow/Rose's Mother's story... at least the beginning of the issue will.
I haven't seen the preview. #148 will be released in about 2 days, so I think I'll just wait.
I just hope they would stop with the filler issues and get on with the main story.....
Looks like they will with this one :P