Who would you like to see next?
If there is a season 2 to the fantastic Wolf Among Us, Whom would you like to see (from the source material) make an appearance? I'd love to see more of Flycatcher as we only caught a few short scenes with him. (From the Tweedles office and at the very end where Toad and TJ are heading to the farm.) I may have to play it again to catch anything I missed. Prince Charming is strangely missing although there is a slight nod to him when Snow brings it up.
This can include any character/s from Fables.
Off we go!
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Prince Charming's appearance would go against canon as he is still in Europe; he returns to Fabletown just before issue 1 of Fables...
I would like to see:
That's all I can think off :P
I was hoping to see King Cole or Boy Blue at least when Crane ran away, so as to help Snow in her new duties like you said.
I think Bluebeard might be her new assistant (at least for now) hence his appearance at the end of Ep. 5... Obviously he either leaves or gets fired for one reason or another and Blue takes over
Cole wasn't in Fabletown during the events of TWAU. Snow's Book of Fables entry from Ep. 5 also states that he isn't in Fabletown at that moment in time
Aww man, I hope Season 2 could show his arrival or Charming coming back from Europe
Does the Headless Horseman reside in the mundy world or is he still in the old world? I'm currently on Volume 4 of Fables, but I am hoping to see him make an apprence in some way.
Headless Horseman has never made an appearance in Fables... So I guess it's possible for TWAU :P
Charming remainns in Europe until issue 1 of Fables, there is no way he can appear in TWAU without breaking canon...
Boy Blue and Cindy
Cindy would make an interesting protaganist for Season 2 tbh.
I would still want Bigby as the playable character, but Cindy would be great for a DLC!
Or a two player protagonist like they are doing with Tales from the Borderlands. Bigby and CIndy are the playable PC's while investigating the death of her step-sisters would be amazing
Didn't know that :P
I haven't yet played TFTB, but I do have it
I would recommend playing it, its really good so far. You have Game of Thrones as well? It's really good as well so far :P
Yep, I have GOT as well... still haven't played it :P
I'm gonna wait until all episodes of both TFTB and GOT are released. Did the same for TWD (s1 & s2) and TWAU, so I don't mind waiting.
Santa Claus. ESPECIALLY if S2 is set during the winter. Seeing how he's one of the most powerful Fables alive, having him turn up would be something of a mini-event.
Rose Red and Boy Blue, definitely those two for sure!
Also Briar Rose, Reynard, King Cole, and Cindy as well.
Maybe it doesn't need to take place in fabletown
Rose Red, more Jack and Colin, Cindy, and Beowulf just so I see Gren's reaction XD.
Red Riding Hood & the wolf.Also, Goldilocks & the three bears.
Damn CoolGuyJ, I don't get how you can survive that. I enjoy the waits between episodes because even though they are frustrating as hell its really nice to talk with other people and guess whats gonna happen :P
Well, I consider myself a very patient person. And I generally like to play the whole game in one playthrough.
Adding to that, when I was waiting for TWD, I was watching the TWD TV series, and while I was waiting for TWAU, I was still reading the main comic series. I've already caught up in all the GOT TV series (I'm a huge fan of HBO series), but that is okay, I always have plenty of other things to keep me company (other TV shows, movies etc) while I'm waiting.
And I can always talk about the game with other people when I've finished playing.
Red Riding Hood and Glodilocks cant be in Season 2
Goldilocks COULD be in a Farm DLC though...
Though that would mean no Bigby for DLC.......Who would be an appropriate MC for a farm DLC? It could be Snow, but I don't want it to be the retread of the comic's storyline - and since it is the Farm, it would mean almost no human characters (except maybe Weyland Smith).
Would it still be compelling enough to have an entire storyline interacting just with animals (personally, I like mix-up in interaction, interacting with both humans and animals)?
Based on the first five issues, which is all I have to go on currently, I would like to see Rose Red and also Prince Charming, but mostly because I would want the chance to go to town on him in a QTE fight scene, though I have no idea how or why that would happen.
It won't happen, Charming is still in Europe during the events of TWAU and they mention in issue 1 that he has only just come back from his time away. I would like to hit Charming as well, but sadly it's not to be unless the game goes non-canon :P
Well I was on the fence with the concept of a Farm DLC involving Snow (I can't remember the name of the user who suggested it but they REALLY wanted a Farm DLC) I want a Cinderella DLC, maybe one of her missions or her training with Bigby.
Perhaps a Bigby DLC during the Civil War, WW1 or WW2??
Or maybe a villains DLC with Bloody Mary
I'd love to see Pinocchio, Flycatcher and Blue on-screen together!
I can already imagine their conversations being downright outrageous already. XD
It could take place at the farm. Like some kind of uprising that happened as the place was just getting started. I haven't read too far into the comics so I don't know if that could happen or not.
Volume 2 deals with an uprising at the Farm... so no it can't happen.
It can still be canon, if they choose to do 2 protagonists (Bigby & Cindy). Remember issue 22?
Bluebeard can't be Snow's assistant based on the Cinderella comics. 6 month or 1.5 years till Snow is in Switzerland with Cindy, in which Boy Blue (already Snow's assistant) already would be able to deal with everything in the Business Office. And also remembering the main comics when Beauty became deputy mayor.