How well do you know TWAU? (Quiz)
I created this quiz because the other day there was a quiz posted in TWD forum (what TWD character are you), and I played it, and below it appeared another one called "How well do you know TWD?" And I thought why not do one for TWAU? Some of the questions are fairly easy and others not as much (although most people in here will probably know the answers to them). This was made for fun, and for you to see if you do know TWAU well, and the details of it. Maybe you could give some feedback too (too easy, too difficult, not accurate). Anyway, here it is:
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Well I got 88%...
Some of the questions are really specific like how many people or items are present in a scene.
Most of them are obvious enough, but like I said above, some of them are REALLY difficult.
It's a good quiz
Me too, I couldn't remember who's determinant, Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum :P
I got 91%
Dum is determinant
I got 66%. I guess I'm not that knowledgable about the game. Then again, I only played through it once just under a month ago, and I only went through one specific sequence of events, so I just had to guess on some of the route specific questions.
I got 88%. What is the answer to question 31? I thought Bigby roars to everyone to make them quiet.
If you tell everyone to 'Shut the fuck up' Beauty will respond with "Or what?" and Bigby will turn around and growl at her...
Maybe that's the answer?
Beauty is the one that irritates him and makes him roar. Although it makes everyone quiet, it is directed towards Beauty.
It is a lot harder with only one playthrough, 4 playthroughs are the recommended for a good score.
78% thanks that was fun!
got 13, 15, 22, 28, 30, 31 & 32 wrong
Oh okay. I never picked that option before.
I find the 'Growl' option better though... :P
Bigby just growls at Beauty and she shits herself as Beast says "Bigby!"
But with the other option Bigby roars at everyone and only Snow tells him to stop XD
Yeah. Plus, it has a notice like (?)The crowd is afraid of you which makes it even more better.
I SOOO wanted to rage quit Bigby's job and tell Snow to go fuck herself! (or something along those lines :P)
The closest thing to doing that is choosing to leave the trial.
That 'walking out' was poor though; Bigby should've wolfed out and told everyone to fuck themselves... THEN he should've left!
I got 94%
I dont know which one I got wrong though ;-;
Eh... ain't bad.
Wow, I've got 97% (only got #31 wrong, since I never killed him at the foundry). Beating this game 8 times finally paid off x)
But to be honest, I found a couple of questions misleading, like who do you find at the Trip Trap. You should mention which episode do you mean, but it was fun anyway.
Good to know, that's the only thing I didn't know about
Wow, I didn't expect anyone to get that score! Also thanks for the constructive criticism.
94% I got 30 and 31 wrong
I got 94% too! High five!
Dude! I got 88% XD
88%. Gotta give myself a "B", I guess.
Lol, great minds think alike.
Got 94%
Good job with some of the questions too, had to think on a few of 'em.
75 % надо еще раз пройти игру