The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited January 2015

    XD awesome and aww your sister and batman that's the best choice :)

    Right now it's a picture of my sister and Batman at comic con but before it was this:

  • What the fuck?

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • yes same I felt it related as the screensaver was clem and that meme means pride intensifies or something in that case it's Clem who loved it XD

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    omg, it was supposed to look like this? xD

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    What's your computer screensaver? mine used to be the Joker then a christmas batman thing but I changed it today

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    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • hueniggahue

    TWDFan86 posted: »


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    Imagine going out with a girl like that :'O

    What the fuck?

  • Right? Makes me think of a peaceful night walk through the park.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Peaceful so cool I love this :'D

  • hue hue hue hue hue huehuehue


    huehuehhue hue hue hueeeeee huehue

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • That's pretty cool actually

    Belan posted: »

    ^ From TWAU.

  • And this is why I'm staying single.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Imagine going out with a girl like that :'O

  • Here's mine:

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    What's your computer screensaver? mine used to be the Joker then a christmas batman thing but I changed it today

  • If I ever rise to mod ranks, I know who I will be contacting..>:3

    I'm pretty sure there is evidence deep in the forum archives from long ago of my dark side, where I would knowingly provoke people on purpose, but I like to think I was just being jocular heheh.

    Can mods even get banned?? lol

    Markd4547 posted: »

    :O Holy shit I could couldn't I? I could do whatever I want and no one could stop me.. Here's my card ^ WE could I'll be your contac

  • hue :3


  • huehue ^-^

    hue hue hue hue hue huehuehue huehue huehuehhue hue hue hueeeeee huehue

  • Yeah.

    I made that in VCD last year.

    This is my wallpaper:

  • Can mods even get banned?? lol

    I've always wondering that......I've assumed that

    A. They can't be banned.

    B. Other mods have to vote to remove them

    C. Telltale Staff or some Website Management would have to do it

    So many theories......

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    Tinni posted: »

    If I ever rise to mod ranks, I know who I will be contacting..>:3 I'm pretty sure there is evidence deep in the forum archives from lo

  • huehuehuehuehue



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    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • fuk off

    huehuehuehuehue huehuehuehuehue huehuehuehuehuehuehue

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    The governor is my favorite character in TWD and this image is something I always debated to make my scene saver so awesome :'D

    Here's mine:

  • If you could be any Superhero who would it be and why?

    I debated Batman because I would love the challenge of becoming a complete badass without the need for powers and the villains he faces I would love to face the Joker but from watching the Dark Knight trilogy his life is depressing and everyone he loves dies so nah

    Superman is invincible but to predictable to pick no one pick him be creative :P

    I'll go for Spiderman as I loved the Spiderman cartoons as a kid and saw all the movies his life seems like fun swinging around the cities and all, out of all the heroes his life seems the most fun and he has kickass powers

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    If you could be any Superhero who would it be and why?

  • Thanks :3

    I'm pretty sure there is evidence deep in the forum archives from long ago of my dark side, where I would knowingly provoke people on purpose, but I like to think I was just being jocular heheh.

    XD REALLY? That sounds like an average day for me even though I don't mean to it comes naturally for me :/

    Just shows how nice you are that you would have to search the forum deep archives to find you being evil :P

    Can mods even get banned??

    And No users are the peasants who they ban they have all the power the mods rule these lands

    Tinni posted: »

    If I ever rise to mod ranks, I know who I will be contacting..>:3 I'm pretty sure there is evidence deep in the forum archives from lo

  • That's what you get for using an iPhone.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Ah, Texting fails

  • Elaine, pls.

    Have you finished Parasyte?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Lol, yeah. Sleep on the ground, you dirty slob.

  • lol, I don't think you purposely start arguments, not from what I've seen at least!:)

    I think it also has to do with 90% of my posts(as of late at least, once we're further into GOT and TFTB series i will have essays having to do with those most likely lol) being essays regarding a rather serious and controversial subject, and since I wish to get my point across in the most respectful way, I feel it would be unwise to add humor or snark.Though a bit always ends up sneaking in.XD

    mods seem to be untouchable beings..

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thanks I'm pretty sure there is evidence deep in the forum archives from long ago of my dark side, where I would knowingly provoke pe

  • Composite Superman, he's fucking half Batman half Superman.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    If you could be any Superhero who would it be and why? I debated Batman because I would love the challenge of becoming a complete badass

  • edited January 2015

    oh sorry i was scrolling and misread ur name XD ill brb i gotta go laugh

    Markd4547 posted: »

    YOU MISSED UR MOMENT you had it right there use the quote to late now ^ I'm not golden

  • Top gif:

    Cat #1: Okay, I'm gonna go downstairs now, alright?

    Cat #2: Okay.

    Cat #1: Don't push me this time!

    Cat #2: Don't worry man, I got u

    Cat #1: Okay here I go --- YOU ASSHOLE!

    Cat #2: hUEHUEHUE

    Markd4547 posted: »

    dogs4life cats are mean :'/

  • If you really did do this then I must say great job.

    Yeah. I made that in VCD last year.

  • gais pls

    There's no way in hell Gustac is 6'2"

  • Maybe Spider Man (Kewl Powers) or Iron Man (Kewl Thangs)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    If you could be any Superhero who would it be and why? I debated Batman because I would love the challenge of becoming a complete badass

  • edited January 2015

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.............Previously: Return of the Jedi Today: Non Stop

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  • 5'11 here. I'm taller than all of ya! >:3

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    I'm taller than ALL u motherlovers

  • I'm not good at romantic relationships. I've never been in one. I once had a crush in little kids' school, I had a crush on this girl and when I fessed up she... well laughed about it. It hurt a lot. Then in junior high there was another crush I had, I tried to confront but all I really seemed to be able to do was give out gifts. Didn't get anywhere on that too. When I was still in school I remember getting asked out by 12 girls in the one year, I turned them all down though. I didn't want to get too attached to girls at first because I feared of possible consequences. Such as being unable to see each other once we move, as an example. I'm just waiting for the right time. I'll probably be 30 by the time I finally get into a relationship. lol

    Well... just be patient. Wait for the right time and make sure you got the right one that loves you for everything that you are. One they call a soul mate.

    Wow, I was chatting with my friend about this crush I have and find out he likes her too...He is going to ask her out tomorrow. I'm going

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