How an alternate reality could be established for Season 2


A crystal ball.

Now before somebody points out a crystal ball could be used by anyone at any time in the FABLES universe (Bigby even sees a broken one on display inside the Lucky Pawn), let's suppose for a moment that a ball can only see so far into the future before the image begins to turn to static, like a television set. Twenty-four hours could be seen with perfect clarity, a week could become a little foggy, a month with some difficulty, a year you can only make out blurred silhouettes, a decade...well, you get the picture.

But what if the antagonist of season 2 found a way to "boost the signal?" Maybe using TJ as a sacrifice, or something similarly cold-blooded? He/she would foresee a time several years down the line when the Adversary would be overthrown, or some other major event in Willingham's comics, and decide to turn that knowledge to his/her advantage by changing a few details around in the present. This would only be discovered by Bigby halfway through episode 2 or 3, when he breaks into a sealed-off chamber and discovers the crystal ball. continuity exclusive to the video game, and the writers don't have to worry about being "boxed in" by future developments in Willingham's stories.

Just an idea.

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  • When you take on an established universe you have to understand you are using someone else's creation and have to stick to canon out of respect for the creator. Part of the good thing about the series is that it is all the same universe.

    The restrictions are only what the writers limit themselves too, I think they overstepped the mark with the story they started with which is why the season was a bit mismatched. The walking dead does pretty good.

  • edited January 2015

    I like the idea. I had a similar idea just that it would start in the alternate universe but Bigby would need to reverse it or whatever but things like that cause problems

  • When you take on an established universe you have to understand you are using someone else's creation and have to stick to canon out of respect for the creator.

    That depends on how much respect the creator is willing to afford other writers. I don't exactly know what happened with the SMOKE & MIRRORS delay, but I do know the ominous term "creative differences" cropped up more than once. From what I've heard, the original plot Telltale had in store for season 1 was FAR more exciting than what we ended up with.

    Look, all I'm doing is offering Telltale a concept for how they could pursue a new continuity that could run parallel to Willingham's, without always having to take into account what happens to (insert name here) after episode 5.

    When you take on an established universe you have to understand you are using someone else's creation and have to stick to canon out of resp

  • edited January 2015

    The 'original' plot of Ep. 1 went against the canon of the comics in multiple ways:

    • The Mundy cops would discover the existence of Fabletown. It's revealed in the comics that the last time a Mundy discovered Fabletown was back in the 1940's
    • Brannigan would follow Bigby around. Again she would discover his existence as a Fable and go against comic canon
    • Snow would remain dead until the last episode. Really goes against comic canon in a way...
    • The killer would kill Mundies and Fables alike; and Bigby would be framed as the murderer. Comic writers didn't like the idea.
    • The Boy Who Cried Wolf (or Cryer, the ginger haired guy) would become Bigby's Deputy and help him. Kinda goes against canon as Bigby never has a Deputy and he admits to another Fable that he never wants a Deputy or a Partner.

    So yeah, those 'creative differences' that you are on about include going against the main comic canon as well as difference of opinion...

    When you take on an established universe you have to understand you are using someone else's creation and have to stick to canon out of resp

  • Dude...I know you're a big fan of the comics and all, but I'd really appreciate it if you found something else to do besides shoot down every single suggestion and concept I post on this forum. You've been doing this more often than you think.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The 'original' plot of Ep. 1 went against the canon of the comics in multiple ways: * The Mundy cops would discover the existence of Fa

  • I don't exactly know what happened with the SMOKE & MIRRORS delay, but I do know the ominous term "creative differences" cropped up more than once.

    I was answering that part of your comment...

    Also I didn't realise I had been that bad about your suggestions and concepts; but you should know that I do this with every concept/suggestion that goes against the comics. I'm not singling you out, I just point out why...

    But if it is that bad for you, then I will cease fire.

    Dude...I know you're a big fan of the comics and all, but I'd really appreciate it if you found something else to do besides shoot down every single suggestion and concept I post on this forum. You've been doing this more often than you think.

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