The Most Hated TWAU Characters (Round 4-Semifinals) (CLOSED)
Welcome once again, guys and girls. Welcome to the 4th round of The Most Hated TWAU Characters. We're already at the semifinals, and we have 4 characters, competing to be the most despised in our little forum community. Which you hate more - the choice is yours
Reminder of rules: vote for the character you hate/dislike more. The ones with more votes are considered more hated and advance to the next round.
Thanks to @HazzatheMan for helping me make the matchups
Georgie Porgie vs Tweedle Dee
Ichabod Crane vs Cryer
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I wonder who'll go to the finals.
Is it really Crane vs Cryer?
Okay, mine go like this:
Cryer would drop out anyway, doesn't matter who he's up against, and Crane seems to be the guy most likely to win, atleast at the moment. What's the point of making 2 predictable matchups instead of one ?
Have you been waiting for the new round ? xD
LOL yes and honetly, everyone has been pretty cool about the choices other members have been making. Nice to see everyone is respectful about this.
I've noticed that aswell - good to see that
Edit: I put The one I didn't vote for most hated, my bad
Tweedle Dee
Glad I could help as always armis
Ok so:
There we have it
Okay, so here are mine:
Dee the Dolt
Crane the Creeper
The fat f**k and the guy Bigby wants to rip apart. You know who I'm talking about.
Dee and Crane
Fat No Neck chump and the big nosed f***. lol
like the analysis for Dee and Crane
2.Ichabod Crane
How could cryer even get here!?
Tweedle Dee
This one was pretty easy.:)
Georgie and Crane.
This one has a pretty obvious ending, so I'm going to end this in a few hours, vote while you can
and thanks
This poll is now closed, thanks for voting
Any votes from now on won't be counted.
Dee vs Crane it is XD